Alien Isolation: Pre-Order e Download disponíveis


Janeiro 7, 2014
Timbó - SC
Alien Isolation is Now Available for Digital Preorder and Download on Xbox One
Content: Alien: Isolation Nostromo Edition
Check pre-order price and availability in your Xbox LIVE region

Game Description: XBOX ONE GAME EXPECTED TO RELEASE ON 10/7/2014. YOU MAY DOWNLOAD THE GAME FROM XBOX LIVE BEFORE THEN, BUT IT WILL NOT BE PLAYABLE UNTIL 12:01 AM EDT ON THE RELEASE DATE. Once purchase is complete, download this game by selecting the “Manage” button on the product details page on your console.

Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger. Fifteen years after the events of Alien, Ellen Ripley’s daughter, Amanda enters a desperate battle for survival, on a mission to unravel the truth behind her mother’s disappearance. As Amanda, you will navigate through an increasingly volatile world as you find yourself confronted on all sides by a panicked, desperate population and an unpredictable, ruthless Alien. Underpowered and underprepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive.

The Nostromo Edition includes the full game of Alien: Isolation and the bonus content “Crew Expendable”. The downloadable version of this game supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Turkish.



Novembro 24, 2013
Só fiquem de olho na data de lançamento pois lá, costuma ser um pouco depois da daqui.
Shadow of modor lança somente dia 03/10 na india e HK...
Eu mesmo comprei e estou esperando.

jackzsul EX

Março 10, 2014
esse jogo eu tenho muita vontade de jogar, mas não compraria. Não vejo um fator replay bom no game e nem me refiro a ter multiplayer.
devo alugar a versão PS4 já que não acho aluguel de contas para o xbox.

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