Flagra! Uma rápida prévia da integração dos novos avatares!


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
A partir de amanhã a noite o update com os novos avatars (avatars? avatares? os bonequinho!) será liberado pros Insiders categoria Alpha e Alpha Apressadinhos.


Get a Head Start on Customizing Your New Avatar
First unveiled last year, a major update to Avatars is arriving today for Xbox Insiders. Avatars will be a unique representation of your desired style, personality, creativity, and mood as you play on Xbox One. As an Xbox Insider, you’re among the first to get your hands on the new Avatars. With this release, you can get a head start on creating a new Xbox Avatar within the beta Xbox Avatar Editor app. We’re starting things off with a selection of customizable appearance and closet items in each category. Additional accessories, props, moods, clothing, and appearance categories will be unlocked in the near future, and more content will regularly become available after launch. Right now, we’re only turning on the Avatar Editor itself, but Xbox dashboard integration will be coming soon to Insiders.

Our team is busy applying the final touches for our first preview of the Xbox Avatar Editor app. The flight will officially begin tomorrow, June 19, and members of Alpha and Alpha – Skip Ahead will be able to access the beta Xbox Avatar Editor via the Xbox Insider Hub’s Insider content tab by noon PDT.


New Categories
The new Xbox Avatars are built from the ground up in to enable an unprecedented amount of inclusive customization options, and we will continue to grow these selections over time. A wide range of body types and gender-neutral clothing enable you to uniquely tailor your avatar however you see fit. If you see something you like, you can use it. Xbox Avatars now feature entirely new categories of appearance items and accessories, including fingernails, makeup, limbs, nose rings, and moods.

Countless Color Combinations
Thanks to the powerful new Avatar Editor app, virtually every aspect of your avatar can be personalized on-the-fly. Each feature, including skin tone, hair, wearables, and props, can support over 16 million color options. Most closet items also support multiple custom colors, so the number of possible color combinations for a single item can go from trillions all the way up to almost eighty octillion– that’s an eight followed by 28 zeroes! With so many color options, it could be easy to lose track of that exact hue that you just used on an item. But don’t worry! Your recently used colors will be available in the “my colors” section of the color selection menu.


Smile for the Camera
Once you’ve created your new Avatar, you’re going to want to show it off! The Photobooth feature in the Avatar Editor enables you to capture a great photo of your Avatar to use as your Gamerpic. Pose your Avatar using a multitude of different emotes, each of which can be paused and advanced frame-by-frame with far more control than ever before. Rotate and zoom controls help you capture the exact pose that you’re looking for, and a wide variety of background colors enable you to set the scene.


Express Yourself
Self-expression is an important tenant of Xbox Avatars, and we know that some of you have become attached to your Xbox Original Avatar since we first introduced them almost ten years ago. We’re giving you the freedom to choose how you represent yourself to Friends on Xbox Live, whether that’s with the all-new Avatars, a custom Gamerpic, or your Xbox Original Avatar. We love the new Xbox Avatars, and we hope you do too.

Fonte: https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2018/06/18/new-avatar-editor-debuts-to-xbox-insiders


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
Não vai ser obrigatório migrar para os novos avatares.
Quem quiser manter o antigo, ou só usar a gamerpic mesmo, vai ter as opções.
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Reações: Pegazuswarri0R


Get Ready
Outubro 31, 2011
Rio Grande do Sul
Nada ainda, a att não chegou. Creio que hoje a noite venha para os insiders alpha, já que é sempre pelas 23h que as novas atualizações chegam.
Última edição:


? Espinho do PXB ?
Janeiro 29, 2014
Passarei horas fazendo o meu "novo avatar" , mas na hora de botar ele, vou sentir falta do antigo.... então... .fico na duvida.


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Vi um post de um cara no Reddit reclamando dos visuais dos novos bonecos, lá direcionaram o cidadão pra outro lugar e achei legal dar um aviso similar aqui também.

O novo aplicativo está em fase de testes, então, quem for usar e encontrar erros, achar que a customização é ruim, ou que tem menos recursos, ou qualquer coisa que seja ("tá lento!", "demora!", "achei pior!"), lembre-se que é pra isso que os Insiders (nós) existem e direcione essas críticas direto pra equipe capaz de resolver, seja através de reports no console ou também em posts direto no fórum de Insiders, que agora é no Reddit também.

Link > https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxinsiders/
Última edição:


Agosto 24, 2007
Nova Iguaçu
Achei que os avarares, mesmo os masculinos ficaram com jeito de femininos.
Apesar das grandes possibilidades, por terem sepultado o Kinect ele aqui, seria excelente pra criar o rosto do avatar, como foi em Kinect Soorts Rivals, ainda mais agora com essa história de IA na nuvem e o escambau.
Achei que os avatares masculinos não tem cara de homens. Parecem ou mulheres vestidos de homem ou crianças de barba.
Os outros, apesar de antigos, conseguiam dar a impressão de uma coisa mais séria.
Resumindo, ta muito gay.

Enviado do meu XT1635-02 usando o app mobile do PXB!
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Reações: gluccafaedo

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