Xbox History Walk - A "Calçada da Fama" na Xbox Plaza


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul

A Microsoft vem mostrando, há algumas semanas, que não vai poupar esforços para fazer desta a sua maior presença de todos os tempos durante a E3. Renomeando a Microsoft Square para Xbox Plaza, utilizando o Microsoft Theater, instalando o Mixer Dome, realizando sua Fanfest, quem for até Los Angeles vai poder conferir um monte de coisas legais. Uma dessas coisas legais foi o que vi no Reddit há alguns minutos: a Microsoft criou a sua própria "Calçada da Fama", batizada de Xbox History Walk.

Essa foto acima é do Reddit, inclusive, e mostra como é o local ao vivo - tentei procurar outras e não encontrei, mas devem começar a pipocar nos Twitters e Instagrams da vida nos próximos dias. O espaço conta com uma timeline de acontecimentos importantes para a marca Xbox, que também pode ser acompanhada de maneira virtual no site lá embaixo:
  • DIRECTX – 1995 | DirectX technology drove a multimedia and 3D graphics revolution on the PC. By 1999, it would inspire Microsoft’s first console, code named “DirectXbox.”
  • XBOX – 2001 | The first console designed for a broadband world combined a powerful processor, hard drive, and built-in Ethernet port. Its introduction thrilled developers and gamers alike and would change the direction of the industry.
  • HALO: COMBAT EVOLVED – 2001 | Halo's combination of first-person mechanics, storytelling, and cutting-edge graphics revolutionized a new style of gameplay and became a cultural touchstone for console games to come.
  • XBOX LIVE – 2002 | Xbox Live was the first online console gaming service that combined matchmaking, voice, high-speed downloads, and friends lists across all games under the vision that “within five years every important game will be online.”
  • GAMERTAG – 2002 | Launched in 2002, the Gamertag is your alter ego in the Xbox world. It's made from an alias, an optional avatar or picture (called a gamerpic), and a bit of info to represent you when you're playing games and sharing with other people in the Xbox community.
  • HALO 2 – 2004 | Halo 2’s online matchmaking and Xbox Live integration made it the most popular online game on the original Xbox, setting the foundation for modern multiplayer gaming.
  • XBOX LIVE ARCADE – 2004 | Xbox Live Arcade made it possible to buy new console games as downloads, without a trip to the store. Today, digital downloads are the most popular method for distributing games.
  • FORZA MOTORSPORT – 2005 | Forza invited everyone to push the world’s greatest cars to their limits. With Xbox One, it would become the best-selling racing franchise and a leader in automotive entertainment.
  • XBOX 360 – 2005 | The Xbox 360 combined the connectivity of Live with the industry's first-ever HD graphics. The 360-theme abounded with circular design cues throughout the hardware and interface – an invitation to “Jump in.”
  • GEARS OF WAR – 2006 | Designed specifically for the Xbox 360, Gears of War ushered in the era of HD gaming and became the fastest-selling exclusive Xbox game ever.
  • MINECRAFT – 2009 | Thanks to its global community, Minecraft has become one of the most popular games in history. Every day, millions of players come together to create, explore, and survive.
  • KINECT – 2010 | For the first time, this hands-free gaming device allowed games to be played using only body movements, gestures and voice – with no controller required.
  • XBOX ONE – 2013 | Xbox Game Pass, console-to-PC streaming and back-compatibility were all introduced on Xbox One, allowing the choice to play the games you want, with the people you want, on the devices you want.
  • 1M GAMERSCORE – 2014 | The first person in gaming history to reach this milestone goes to ‘Stallion83’. Xbox pioneered this achievement-based system in 2007. Since then the development of the Gamerscore system has created a new niche in the internet economy.
  • XBOX GAME PASS – 2017 | This service features unlimited access to over 100 titles to download and play. It now includes backward-compatible games and first-party titles arriving day-and-date with the retail release of the game.
  • XBOX ONE X – 2017 | Introduced as the world’s most powerful console, the Xbox One X takes full advantage of ultra-high definition TVs, featuring high dynamic range and true 4K visuals.
  • XBOX ADAPTIVE CONTROLLER – 2018 | The first-of-its-kind controller was created to accommodate gamers with limited mobility and was recognized as one of the year's “best inventions” by Time Magazine.
Fontes: Reddit, Xbox


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Microsoft US também erra.
1M GAMERSCORE – 2014 | The first person in gaming history to reach this milestone goes to ‘Stallion83’. Xbox pioneered this achievement-based system in 2007. Since then the development of the Gamerscore system has created a new niche in the internet economy.

O sistema de achievements foi implementado em 2005, com o lançamento do Xbox 360.
Em 2007, a Microsoft expandiu os achievements para o finado Games for Windows Live.
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Reações: Linho

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