Rumor Central de Rumores Xbox: "Eu aumento, mas não invento"

Jogos exclusivos serão multiplataforma, o que você vai fazer?

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Abril 8, 2017
Vila Velha - ES
Não acredito em aquisição, seria algo muito caro, tem a segasammy na história, não seria algo tão simples como só jogar dinheiro.
Porém algo entre Sega e MS parece que vem rolando tem um tempinho, vários jogos entrando no GP, anúncio do Yakuza. Lançamento de PEO2.

Ele cita tecnologia, Japão tem muita força no mobile. Com a vontade da MS de dominar no streaming e serviço, uma parceria com a Sega pro xcloud/GP seria uma boa.
Última edição:

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Acho que se conseguisse total paridade de plataforma dos jogos da SEGA já seria uma vitoria de respeito.
Yakuza parece que já está no caminho. Persona seria o caminho natural agora nessa empreitada.
Janeiro 6, 2013
Rio de Janeiro - NI
Sei lá viu , comprar a Sega seria comprar IPs que a um bom tempo não fazem grande sucesso. Sendo que o próprio Xbox possui um catálogo enorme de boas IPs na geladeira.

Olhando bem tem algumas coisas interessantes e atuais sim :
Alien Isolation
Company of heroes
Além de Sonic
Depende do valor até vai
E vc tá esquecendo que, adquirindo a Sega, seria um duro golpe na Sony, pq a Atlus pertence a Sega, e junto, viria Persona exclusivo nos consoles da MS. A Sega tem Ops enormes nas mãos.


Setembro 11, 2017
Santa Catarina
Algo que ainda não rolou pra gamepass foi parcerias com thirds em lançar todo o catálogo e jogos day one no serviço.
Como falado aqui, isso deve ser mais barato doq comprar as franquias.
Hoje sem dúvidas a Sega é a empresa mais íntima da MS lá no oriente e tudo me diz que algo bom vem dessa amizade.


PXB Gold
Agosto 22, 2018
Ribeirão Preto
Creio que ainda chegaremos em algo próximo a isso com as assinaturas. Num futuro com as assinaturas chegando em mais lugares poderá ocorrer a exclusividade no serviço de assinatura, mas podendo se jogado em 'qlq' lugar.
Nesse caso menos mal. O complicado é o cara tem como hobby vídeo games no Brasil ter que comprar três e ter um PC para poder jogar todos os jogos. Bloodborne, Zelda breath of the Wild, Ori, Half life: Alyx etc... Mereciam ser jogados por mais pessoas, mas a barreira do Hardware é alta demais.
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Reações: Edu Barros


Xbox Gamepass , vê se me dá um tempo....
PXB Gold
Fevereiro 9, 2019
Juiz de fora
Algo que ainda não rolou pra gamepass foi parcerias com thirds em lançar todo o catálogo e jogos day one no serviço.
Como falado aqui, isso deve ser mais barato doq comprar as franquias.
Hoje sem dúvidas a Sega é a empresa mais íntima da MS lá no oriente e tudo me diz que algo bom vem dessa amizade.
Todo o catálogo eu acho difícil , nem mesmo o Xbox liberou tudo que tem. Mas lançamentos temos vários casos como o próprio Yakuza e série FF


Te baniram sem você merecer, volte lá e mereça!
PXB Gold
Outubro 19, 2016
Nesse caso menos mal. O complicado é o cara tem como hobby vídeo games no Brasil ter que comprar três e ter um PC para poder jogar todos os jogos. Bloodborne, Zelda breath of the Wild, Ori, Half life: Alyx etc... Mereciam ser jogados por mais pessoas, mas a barreira do Hardware é alta demais.
Enquanto o hardware for grande fonte de receita, teremos exclusivos para manter o interesse.
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Reações: EvFall


I've been waiting for this
PXB Gold
Outubro 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro
EA indo muito bem também obrigado

$1,5B em licenças é insano, tudo bem q ela ganha isso com o FIFA mas mesmo assim

Pra quem curte o Madden, vai ter q ficar agarrado com a EA por algum tempo ainda
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Reações: Maxximu


Abril 8, 2017
Vila Velha - ES
Dontnod crescendo. Abrindo estúdio em Montreal.

A strategic location for a new original creation project

Paris, May 29th 2020. DONTNOD Entertainment, an independent French video game creation and development studio, is proud to announce a strengthening of its production capacity with the creation in June 2020 of a subsidiary in Montreal, Canada.

Creator of successful franchises like Life Is Strange and Vampyr, DONTNOD currently employs nearly 250 people in France. The opening of an office in one of the most dynamic cities in the world, which also offers a favorable ecosystem to video game companies, will attract new talent and thus strengthen the studio's development and innovation capacity. These will enrich the skills of the current teams with the aim of accelerating the rise of the studio by offering players new gaming experiences, always more innovative, immersive and engaging.

This location in Montreal, the nerve center of the video game industry in Canada, will also allow DONTNOD to strengthen its international influence. This long-term investment strategy is motivated by a desire to get closer to the North American territory which today represents the number 1 market for DONTNOD games.

The anchoring in the Quebec metropolis will materialize by the launch of a new original IP. Ultimately, the team should be composed of around fifty experts, partly from the Group's Parisian teams and new profiles from the pool of local talents among the richest in the world, in order to support the ramp-up of development of new games.

Oskar Guilbert, President and CEO of DONTNOD: “We are extremely pleased with the creation of our subsidiary in Montreal. The opening of this entity will allow us to add a new production chain in addition to our teams based in France and already recognized internationally for the quality of their achievements. With its dynamism and a very large pool of qualified talent, Montreal is the ideal place to accelerate our development with a new project and to tell new captivating stories to our players."



Xbox Gamepass , vê se me dá um tempo....
PXB Gold
Fevereiro 9, 2019
Juiz de fora
Dontnod crescendo. Abrindo estúdio em Montreal.

A strategic location for a new original creation project

Paris, May 29th 2020. DONTNOD Entertainment, an independent French video game creation and development studio, is proud to announce a strengthening of its production capacity with the creation in June 2020 of a subsidiary in Montreal, Canada.

Creator of successful franchises like Life Is Strange and Vampyr, DONTNOD currently employs nearly 250 people in France. The opening of an office in one of the most dynamic cities in the world, which also offers a favorable ecosystem to video game companies, will attract new talent and thus strengthen the studio's development and innovation capacity. These will enrich the skills of the current teams with the aim of accelerating the rise of the studio by offering players new gaming experiences, always more innovative, immersive and engaging.

This location in Montreal, the nerve center of the video game industry in Canada, will also allow DONTNOD to strengthen its international influence. This long-term investment strategy is motivated by a desire to get closer to the North American territory which today represents the number 1 market for DONTNOD games.

The anchoring in the Quebec metropolis will materialize by the launch of a new original IP. Ultimately, the team should be composed of around fifty experts, partly from the Group's Parisian teams and new profiles from the pool of local talents among the richest in the world, in order to support the ramp-up of development of new games.

Oskar Guilbert, President and CEO of DONTNOD: “We are extremely pleased with the creation of our subsidiary in Montreal. The opening of this entity will allow us to add a new production chain in addition to our teams based in France and already recognized internationally for the quality of their achievements. With its dynamism and a very large pool of qualified talent, Montreal is the ideal place to accelerate our development with a new project and to tell new captivating stories to our players."

Seria uma adição interessante á XGS , sabem fazer histórias imersivas e variadas
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Reações: Pegazuswarri0R


Novembro 1, 2015
Dontnod crescendo. Abrindo estúdio em Montreal.

A strategic location for a new original creation project

Paris, May 29th 2020. DONTNOD Entertainment, an independent French video game creation and development studio, is proud to announce a strengthening of its production capacity with the creation in June 2020 of a subsidiary in Montreal, Canada.

Creator of successful franchises like Life Is Strange and Vampyr, DONTNOD currently employs nearly 250 people in France. The opening of an office in one of the most dynamic cities in the world, which also offers a favorable ecosystem to video game companies, will attract new talent and thus strengthen the studio's development and innovation capacity. These will enrich the skills of the current teams with the aim of accelerating the rise of the studio by offering players new gaming experiences, always more innovative, immersive and engaging.

This location in Montreal, the nerve center of the video game industry in Canada, will also allow DONTNOD to strengthen its international influence. This long-term investment strategy is motivated by a desire to get closer to the North American territory which today represents the number 1 market for DONTNOD games.

The anchoring in the Quebec metropolis will materialize by the launch of a new original IP. Ultimately, the team should be composed of around fifty experts, partly from the Group's Parisian teams and new profiles from the pool of local talents among the richest in the world, in order to support the ramp-up of development of new games.

Oskar Guilbert, President and CEO of DONTNOD: “We are extremely pleased with the creation of our subsidiary in Montreal. The opening of this entity will allow us to add a new production chain in addition to our teams based in France and already recognized internationally for the quality of their achievements. With its dynamism and a very large pool of qualified talent, Montreal is the ideal place to accelerate our development with a new project and to tell new captivating stories to our players."

Esses projetos pra 2021 + é que dão uma fraquejada na esperança da DONTNOD se juntar a XGS.
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Reações: User 1422

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