Review DiRT 4


15 anos de Xbox e PXB
PXB Gold
Outubro 31, 2014
Campo Grande - MS

PC, PS4 e Xbox One

A melhor série de corrida off-road do mundo está de volta! Em DiRT 4, você pilotará as máquinas mais potentes já feitas nas estradas e pistas mais hostis do planeta em provas de rali, rallycross e landrush.
• MAIS DE 50 DOS CARROS OFF-ROAD MAIS INCRÍVEIS JÁ FEITOS – Com Ford Fiesta R5, Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI, Subaru WRX STI NR4 e o Audi Sport quattro S1 E2

• 5 LOCAIS DE RALI INCRÍVEIS COM MILHÕES DE ROTAS – Austrália, Espanha, Michigan, Suécia e País de Gales • O JOGO OFICIAL DO FIA WORLD RALLYCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP – Corra em Montalegre, Lohéac Bretagne, Hell, Holjes e Lydden Hill em várias séries diferentes

• LANDRUSH – Corrida em pista curtas de terra em Buggies Pro, Picapes Pro-2, Picapes Pro-4 e veículos Crosskart na Califórnia, em Nevada e no México

• À TODA PROVA - Desafios de tempo de volta, desafios smash, área de jogo livre e envio de desafios para amigos

• ACADEMIA DiRT – Acontece na DirtFish Rali School em Washington, EUA: aprenda as habilidades, técnicas e treine para se tornar o melhor!

• MODO CARREIRA – crie seu piloto, compita em várias disciplinas, ganhe patrocínios e crie sua equipe para cumprir metas e ganhar prêmios

• JOGABILIDADE COMPETITIVA – Desafios diários, semanais e mensais contra outros jogadores de todo o mundo

• PRÓXIMA GERAÇÃO DA RACENET – Ranking em tempo real, ligas e torneios, placares de líderes entre plataformas, sistema aprimorado de telemetria CREST

• AJUSTE – Modifique sua configuração com base no veículo, na pista e nas condições climáticas de acordo com seu estilo de pilotagem

• DANO E REPAROS – O desgaste é recriado fielmente com um modelo de dano aprimorado e realista. Para consertar o veículo, contrate engenheiros para trabalhar na Área de Manutenção de sua equipe entre as fases por tempo limitado.

Xbox Live R$ 249,00

  1. IGN 92
    Accessible yet tough and grimy yet gorgeous, Dirt 4 sets a new standard in rally racing – and its well-considered career mode and endless stages inject it with tremendous stamina. Absolutely stonking brilliant.
  2. Hobby Consolas 92
    The first Colin McRae Rally was released almost twenty years ago, but DiRT 4 shows that Codemasters is still the best company in the genre of rally games.
  3. God is a Geek 90
    From the comprehensive career mode to the fun of Rallycross and Joyride, Dirt 4 is one of Codemasters’ best. And it’s the best rally game by quite some distance.
  4. Playstation Universe 90
    The latest in arguably Codemasters cornerstone racing franchise; rally racing on PS4 just doesn’t get better than Dirt 4. It simply doesn’t.
  5. GameSpot 90
    If Dirt Rally's punishing difficulty alienated longtime series fans in any way, this commitment to accessibility should help to bring them back, and the near-infinite possibilities of Your Stage should keep them playing. Dirt 4 is a shining example of Codemasters at their brilliant best.
  6. LaPS4 86
    Codemasters has managed to offer a game for both newcomers and expert drivers as well, which is a must for DiRT 4 to be really enjoyable. The learning curve is easy to handle, the game offers enough content in several styles and even though the most exigent will always want more realism, it's completely on par with the expectations.
  7. Vandal 85
    DiRT 4 works no matter whether you’re looking a hard, realistic experience, or if you just want to enjoy a good racing game. Codemasters has options for both types of players, and this game becomes a must-have for racing fans.
  8. PlayStation LifeStye 85
    DiRT 4 encompasses all that it means to race. To spend hours tuning your car, taking it out for a ride to test, bringing it back in to the garage to tweak some more, and repeating until everything is perfect. To have the stressors of the day simply fall away the second the red lights turn off and you are given the “GO” light. To have a perfect run and relish in your victories, as well as to have a devastating setback at the last second, but to learn from your mistakes and carry your head high as you give it another go.
  9. 85
    DiRT 4 is a great title, fun and scalable: the right compromise of simulation and accessibility.
  10. COGconnected 84
    DiRT 4 is a highly-polished and well-thought-out title that could truly succeed in pulling more players towards the genre. It looks great and with the new optional arcade-style handling model, the barrier for entry is low. Even with that in mind, hardcore players are served better than ever before with increased options at the top end. If you like your racing fast, filthy, and challenging, there’s no doubt that this ticks all of the boxes.
  11. IGN Spain 83
    A great game although not a risky one. DiRT 4 makes everything right but its offering is not as deep as we were expecting.
  12. IGN Italia 81
    The innovative and tight simulation of the latest DiRT: Rally renews the traditional and relaxed arcade mood of the long-established DiRT series in a game that successfully blends the two approaches. DiRT 4 is no revolution, just an excellent recap.
  13. Trusted Reviews 80
    While many modern racers attempt to deliver a visual showcase, Dirt 4 instead focuses on what’s going on under the bonnet. Every vehicle – except those damn crosskarts – feels incredible, as if you're trying to tame some naughty mechanical beast. Each shunt deforms your car’s body, each lap cakes it in dirt, and you can see your driver’s head wobbling around as you drive over each bump. It’s super-convincing.
  14. Forbes 80
    With its strong gameplay, deep feature set and above-average visuals, the good far outweighs the bad with Dirt 4.
  15. Eurogamer Italy 80
    Dirt 4 it's exactly what many fans of the series were waiting: a solid rally game with tons of options and good graphics.
  16. The Games Machine 80
    DiRT 4 relies heavily on its own procedural editor, and it shows in the long run, when you start to recognize and react to the different building blocks. Nonetheless, it's a pretty fine racing game, one that is extremely fun and addictive.
  17. TheSixthAxis 80
    Dirt Rally was just a glimpse of what was yet to come, with Dirt 4 bringing this long running series back with not just rallying, but more full-on wheel to wheel action alongside it. In going for a more focused style of game and a more demure attitude, it’s lost some of Dirt 3’s hyperactivity and fun, but with a limitless supply of new stages to send you car hurtling along, Dirt 4 is a rallying game for the ages.
  18. Hardcore Gamer 80
    Codemasters has provided enough meaningful upgrades for DiRT 4 while keeping the core simulation racing aspect intact. This should appease the hardcore fans while allowing people with interest in the series to take a drive.
  19. Push Square 80
    DiRT 4 is an impressive package that takes the strong foundation of DiRT Rally and sprinkles on a few friendly updates, such as DiRT Academy and the return of Landrush. The handling, whichever way you lean, is robust and extremely gratifying with cars that are a lot of fun to drive. The career mode gives you plenty to do, and Your Stage means you’ll never be short of new rally challenges to take on. Some very slight graphical gripes aside, this is another success story for a developer that seems to be firing on all cylinders.
  20. Metro GameCentral 70
    A solid rally racer, but also a worryingly indecisive one whose attempts to please everyone leads to an unfocused game that’s lacking in character.
  21. GamesRadar+ 70
    Worth buying for its superb rally sim alone. But the returning racing modes are bland, frustrating and unsatisfying





Última edição:


Desde o Portal Xbox.
PXB Gold
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
Está com uma média bacana, parece que assim como foi com o Rally, a CodeMaster acertou a mão de novo.

Uma curiosidade: esse é o primeiro jogo deles desde que foi feito a contratação em massa de toda a equipe da Evolution Studios (Driveclub, um jogo de corrida muito bom, diga-se de passagem) que ficaram "desempregados" depois que Sony fechou o estúdio.


Lobo Solitário
Maio 5, 2013
Parece ser o jogo de Rally que eu estava esperando. Queria, mas não por R$250. Vou ter que esperar mais... por uma promoção.


Março 31, 2015
Um pouco mais para o Dirt Rally, mas dessa vez tem um modo Arcade e um modo escola de Rally.

Que o jogo é o bom ja da pra perceber mas o problema é justamente a jogabilidade eu gosto mto do modo Rallycross mas nao conseguia ganhar uma final no Rally e acabei vendendo o jogo. A ver.


Outubro 5, 2009
Que o jogo é o bom ja da pra perceber mas o problema é justamente a jogabilidade eu gosto mto do modo Rallycross mas nao conseguia ganhar uma final no Rally e acabei vendendo o jogo. A ver.
Eu não pretendo pegar o Dirt 4, talvez no ano que vem em uma bela promoção, mas Rallycross terá no Project Cars 2, sei que o lançamento do 1 foi um desastre, mas dependendo dos Reviews de lançamento é uma boa alternativa e conta com alguns carros como o Polo, Civic, Focus e Mini.

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