Dreams | Dream anything, play everything!


Janeiro 12, 2016
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Novembro 11, 2006
O problema desses jogos criativos da MM é a que eles não funcionam bem sem uma interface mais livre como teclado e mouse. Dá preguiça criar qualquer coisa no LBP, por exemplo, usando apenas gamepad. Sem falar que é um público bem de nicho aquele que está interessado em criar conteúdo em um jogo.

User 1422

Março 19, 2009

  • Multiplayer online planejado para mais tarde (assim você poderá fazer jogos multiplayer, como Battle Royale, por exemplo)
  • Você pode criar 100 níveis em 1 mapa, e você pode colocar 4 mapas em um (isso é um monte de níveis)
  • Compatível com o PSVR no lançamento
  • Suporte a teclado mas não a mouse
  • Dreams é 60fps desbloqueado, então quanto mais coisas você tiver na tela, menos fps você terá
  • Multiplayer será de 4 jogadores, talvez 8 (sem janela de lançamento de quando será lançado)
  • Você pode subir de nível em Dreams
  • Beta ainda planejado para este ano
* chupinhado do resetera


PXB Gold
Julho 6, 2017
Americana, SP
Tenho muito interesse, sou fã da Media Molecule.

Nunca tive paciência de criar nada nos LBPs, mas sempre me diverti jogando a história. Tearaway também gostei muito.

Os jogos deles são ótimos para jogar com as crianças assistindo.

Enviado do meu iPad usando Tapatalk


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Dois dias depois do State of Play, Media Molecule divulgou que early access começa em 16 de abril, a princípio nos Estados Unidos, Canadá e Europa, por £24.99/€29.99/$29.99/CAD$39.99.

Hello, CoMmunity! There’s one big piece of information we need to share with you about Early Access and of course, that’s when it’s happening! So, without further ado, we’re thrilled to announce:

Dreams Early Access Starts April 16, 2019!

We can’t wait to welcome you in to get creating and be able to have a game jam with all of you! We’ve been working on Dreams for a long time now and the core of Dreams — the creation bit — is ready. There is so much we want to do with and add to Dreams — but to start, we want players to be able to see their creations on their own TV screen and be able to have all the tools they need to make games or stories or art or music accessible from their couch.

The future for Dreams is exciting. We hope that Early Access gives us the feedback we need to make Dreams an amazing space for creators and players alike for years to come. We know you may still have questions. We’ve highlighted some key points below to help you navigate Early Access and beyond!

What is included in Early Access?
Early Access is exactly that. Early entry into Dreams, designed for creators to get hands on with the tools. It won’t feature everything that the full release will have (our story mode being a big piece of that) but you’ll get our full tool set for creating, our interactive tutorials and arcade games, templates and additional content created by Media Molecule and access to what you, the CoMmunity, made during our Dreams Creator Beta. You’ll also be getting the first hands-on with new features and content as we add them.

When is Dreams Early Access launching?
Dreams Early Access will be launching April 16!

How much will Dreams Early Access cost?
Dreams Early Access will cost $29.99 MSRP (+applicable tax) in the US and $39.99 MSRP (+applicable tax) in Canada.

Which territories will Dreams Early Access be available for?
Initially, Dreams Early Access will be available in the US and Canada.

What languages will be supported by Dreams Early Access?
At launch, Dreams Early Access will be in English and French in North America.

How do I participate in Dreams Early Access?
That’s an easy one! You’ll be able to purchase Dreams Early Access from PlayStation Store on April 16, 2019.

Can I pre-order Early Access?
No, but you can sign up for updates here.

If I buy Dreams Early Access, does that mean I get access to the full version of the game when it’s released, without paying any extra / twice?
Early Access is intended for Creators who will participate and contribute to Dreams Early Access, and in return, will have the full version of Dreams upon release.

….and when would that be? ;)
Ooo, cheeky! We don’t have a release date for the full version of Dreams to share right now. But when we do, you’ll know about it! And then we’ll keep telling you. And then probably tell you another 5,672 times.

Will my Early Access / Beta creations carry over to the full game?
Yes. Early Access is the launch of the creation tools of Dreams and this will then roll into the full version of the game.

Will Early Access include VR?
Dreams VR is not included in the initial Early Access offering. It’s still planned for Dreams and we’re super excited for it. We’ll be sure to share more details about it as soon as we’re ready.

Is there any NDA for Early Access?
No! You can stream, share and create to your heart’s content.

How can I stay up-to-date on everything Dreams?
We’ll update you on all things Dreams as and when new things happen! We’ll detail new features through blogs, streams and on our social channels, as well as on our feedback forums on indreams.me.

Is there a cap to Early Access? Is there a chance I won’t get in?
Dreams Early Access is limited yes, but it’s a big limit. That being said, to avoid disappointment, we do recommend you purchase as soon as you can to enjoy all of the creator tools available.
  • Curtir
Reações: Johannes


Novembro 11, 2006
Antes que o pessoal caia matando por ser early access por 30 USD, é bom lembrar que esse Dreams é mais uma ferramenta do que um jogo. E tendo early access aumentam as chances de ter muito conteúdo já pronto pra baixar quando lançar oficialmente para o grande público.

Estou muito interessado em ver o que vem por aí com o pessoal usando o Dreams.

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