Review Extinction - Jogo da Iron Galaxy

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Metacritic: 56
Opencritic: 55

Trailer de Lançamento

Xbox Tavern
Extinction lacks refinement and complexity, that much goes without saying. However, for those that seek a non-stop action-packed hack-and-slash adventure, there’s a lot to look forward to within. It may be repetitive in the long run, but there’s no denying that Extinction offers a decent story, empowering gameplay and enough content to merit a recommendation.

Hardcore Gamer
While there’s joy to be found in decapitating a seemingly-endless army of building-sized beasts that put up an immense fight, Extinction sadly never delivers a true killing blow in any one area, just a bunch of solid strikes with some notable misses.

While not an awful game, this is definitely not something I’m going to be overtly suggesting to my friends. The game is made up of a simple kind of fun and not any sort of deep and meaningful systems or mechanics. Topped off with a generic and negligible story, Extinction only manages to keep its head above water due to how fun chopping up ogres can be.

Extinction shows a lot of promise, and it sometimes delivers, like when it comes to the engaging, acrobatic combat or the sheer scale of the Ravenii. Unfortunately, the repetitive mission types and gameplay and a clichéd fantasy tale make it feel like a shell of a game. Far from feeling like a full retail release, Extinction feels like one good idea run into the ground until you’re checking your watch, waiting for it to end.

Game Informer
One look at Extinction’s artwork may conjure thoughts of Shadow of the Colossus and Attack on Titan. While attaining the scale of these games, it doesn’t succeed in delivering the awe factor of engaging a new giant. They all look the same and you know what you need to do to drop them. Extinction ends up being shallow, repetitive, frustrating, and little more.

Extinction offers an interesting premise, but if feels underdeveloped in all its areas: story, gameplay, level design, graphics. The result is a boring and forgettable action game.

Xbox Achievements
A fine idea at its heart, Extinction ultimately falls flat on its arse thanks to a dearth of interesting objectives and gameplay sorely lacking in variety. Chucking in loads of content clearly isn't the answer when you're doing the same damn thing over and over again.

Trusted Reviews
Some will relish the gruesome spectacle and challenge, but Execution manages to transform giant-slaying into something of a chore.

Extinction is a game that presents serious problems in its gameplay due to the continuous drops in the frame rate, the content is scarce and becomes repetitive.

Extinction shoots itself in the foot time and time again. It's so frustrating to see its good ideas buried under repetitive missions, a forgettable story, and embarrassing production values for its AAA price.
Última edição:


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Eu tava com esperança de ser aquele jogo 70 de Metacritic

Você não compra agora, mas espera bela promoção

Nessa nota ai, nem por 5 dólares.


O nome do jogo foi uma escolha profética porque conseguiu prever o futuro dele, que pena.


Julho 7, 2014
Eu vou comprar,em promoção não pelas notas(kguei pra isso),mas sim por que tenho essa política de comprar jogos apenas em promoção. Quero tirar minhas próprias conclusões.

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