Review Observer


15 anos de Xbox e PXB
PXB Gold
Outubro 31, 2014
Campo Grande - MS
O vídeo trailer do jogo foi postado no tópico Jogos pouco conhecidos que estão chegando ao Xbox e chamou a atenção.

O jogo ainda não está disponível na Live Brasil.
Na Live US custa $29,99.
Pelo site Steam consta legendas PT-BR, mas isto nem sempre é regra.

Com 13 críticas está marcando 83 pontos de média no Metacritic .

  1. 91
    A dark, unforgiving descent into one family’s darkest secrets, brilliantly stylized and exquisitely paced and acted. Hauer is in top form as the cynical, tired, end-of-the-road Detective Lazarski and Observer lives to subvert any possible genre expectations you might approach it with.
  2. DarkStation 90
    >observer_ is one of the most immersive games I have had a privilege to play in recent memory. It grabs you by the collar and pulls deep into its twisted cyber mystery. The game progresses with the beat of any good thriller and won’t let you have a dull moment, even with a lack of action as observers come unarmed. It took about 10 hours to solve the case (or did it solve me?), but I would gladly have spent twice the time in the bleak and oppressive neo Krakow. The game is worth jacking back into, though, as it has alternate paths to take and endings to see. >observer_ is like a direct-to-video B movie that never was that you can now play yourself. And it stars Rutger Hauer. Did I tell how awesome that is?
  3. Game Revolution 90
    Its grimy characters, seedy underbelly of futuristic Poland, and uncomfortably bizarre storylines combine to make some of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had in gaming. It may be a little unorthodox, but it’s executed fantastically. If you’re looking to be simultaneously terrified and intrigued, you need to spend a few days with Daniel Lazarski as an Observer.
  4. GameSpot 90
    Cyberpunk is a reflection of where we’re headed as a society, an oddly alluring reality where we've allowed impressive technology into our lives at the cost of our humanity. This is a niche genre that needs new revisions and new pioneers so it can keep evolving as we inch closer to seeing its fictional warnings play out in real life, and Observer adds to the familiar parables in fascinating and unexpected ways. In that respect, and on so many other levels, Observer is a haunting and remarkable achievement.
  5. GameSpew 90
    An audio and visual tour de force, Observer doesn’t pull any punches. It would appear that Layers of Fear was simply foreplay for Bloober Team; a warm up for the full-on fuckfest that Observer is. Combining investigation, exploration, stealth, puzzles, and a near constant barrage of horror, Observer is a meticulously created game that rarely puts a foot wrong. If you think you have the stomach for it, this could be one of the biggest surprises of the year.
  6. New Game Network 80
    Observer features remarkable trips through fictional minds that unsettle and terrify without relying on excessive jump scares. The nightmares contrast wonderfully with an atmospheric and detailed cyberpunk world that is always fascinating to explore.
  7. Eurogamer Italy 80
  8. SpazioGames 80
    Observer is a brilliant commingling of cyberpunk and horror. It demonstrates how interesting the game concept is and how much Bloober Team has grown.
  9. The Games Machine 80
    Observer is a good sci-fi horror adventure, with a strong narrative, blessed by the amazing performance of Rutger Hauer. Some less-convincing elements (notably, recycling of assets and gameplay ideas from Layers of Fear, the previous game from Bloober Team) don't diminish the value of an intriguing experience, full of love for Blade Runner and the sci-fi avantpop.
  10. Wccftech 78
    Observer is a very interesting first person adventure game featuring a well-crafted setting and characters as well as the team's signature transitions, which manage to carry everything forward in spite of the gameplay which gets slightly repetitive over time. While the single elements may not be particularly original, the sum of the parts more than makes up for it, making Observers a worthy purchase for fans of psychological horror and dystopian settings.
  11. 78
    Observer is an interesting experience, which finds its main strength in the spire of a deep and intriguing story, and harmoniously combines sci-fi themes (primarily trans-humanism) with other intimate and familiar topics.
  12. 78
  13. Slant Magazine 60
    Whether or not you suffer from simulator sickness, Observer will make you queasy. For better and worse, that's the point of the game, which uses a cyberpunk detective framework to meditate on augmented reality and consciousness

Aqui é um Gameplay do jogo para ter uma idéia.



Te baniram sem você merecer, volte lá e mereça!
PXB Gold
Outubro 19, 2016
Caso alguém tenha interesse, na Live Turquia está saindo algo em torno de R$59,00 (65.00 TRY)... Está na fila aqui pra ser adquirido em breve (assim que eu consegui ter tempo para jogar :( )
  • Curtir
Reações: OLD-MAN


Desde o Portal Xbox.
PXB Gold
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
Também coloquei ele na minha lista da steam... não fazia nem ideia da sua existência, descobri por causa desse tópico e de umas indicações de uns amigos pelo zap zap.

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