Review Perception


15 anos de Xbox e PXB
PXB Gold
Outubro 31, 2014
Campo Grande - MS
Dos mesmos criadores de Bioshock...


Em Perception, você controla Cassie, uma mulher cega que sonhava sempre com uma mansão abandonada. Em busca de resolver esse mistério, ela vai até o local e acaba tendo que confrontar uma "presença" ameaçadora.

PC, XBOX One, PS4 e Switch
30 de Maio de 2017


Game Informer 83
Perception is a memorable horror experience that thrives because of its unique setup and gameplay. Although more unsettling than downright terrifying, Perception managed to keep me on the edge of my seat, forcing me to solve a compelling mystery by facing what lurked in the dark.

Attack of the Fanboy 80
Perception is a truly unique game, putting players into the shoes of a blind girl and using that as a means of storytelling and gameplay. It develops a world that you want to explore, but also keeps you on the edge of your seat with fear and trepidation.

GameStar 73
It would have been more exciting for me to accompany Cassie in her daily life as a blind person, so she could get her everyday fears, worries and conflicts without eyesight, and how she finally mastered them. 70

PolygonMay 65
Perception is full of interesting ideas, both mechanically and narratively, but it never fully commits. It’s a game about being blind that allows you to see. It’s a game about things that go bump in the night, but those horrors rarely show up to threaten you. There are some strong moments peppered throughout Perception, and some great, chilling histories to uncover in this virtual haunted house, but it plays at much bigger ideas than its surface-level exploration can handle.

IGN 48
Perception is as much a disappointment for the clever and inherently frightening idea it wastes as it is for the mistakes it makes. At its heart, there’s the promise of playing something genuinely new, from a perspective that could help teach and thrill simultaneously. It’s unfortunate that, like its echolocation mechanic, the more I saw of Perception, the more there was to worry about.

Destructoid 30
It isn't fun, it isn't scary, it isn't insightful, and the narrative is mediocre at best if not disconnected and a bit offensive.


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Reações: xJohnKennedy

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