[REVIEWS] What Remains of Edith Finch - 88


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Pra quem não conhece, What Remains of Edith Finch é um daqueles walking simulator, desenvolvido pela Giant Sparrow - estúdio que fez The Unfinished Swan. Jogo será lançado amanhã, pra PS4 e PC/Steam.

Tem poucos reviews, mas os que tem falam bem por enquanto.

GameSpot - 90
Giant Sparrow's follow-up to The Unfinished Swan is a beautifully melancholy collection of parables.

Destructoid - 90
Edith is the last living Finch and that's meaningful because the Finches have one hell of a tough time staying alive. By my count, there are 37 tombstones in the cemetery -- 12 for the humans and 25 for the pets. I probably missed some.

Polygon - 90
In Edith Finch, death is a certainty and life is the surprise. Its stories are enchanting, despite their unhappy ends. I was sad I never had the chance to know the Finches while they were alive, but thankful for the opportunity, however brief, to learn a bit about them. The final farewell left me crying, but What Remains of Edith Finch is, without doubt, love.

Game Informer - 88
Juggling multiple perspectives and thoughtful reflections, What Remains of Edith Finch is an excellent example of what makes games unique as a storytelling medium.

Post Arcade - 85
Giant Sparrow's study of a deeply eccentric family stands proudly alongside narrative adventures like Gone Home, Dear Esther, and Firewatch

Eurogamer - Recomendado
An elegiac, memorable and affecting tale of the misfortunes suffered by the members of a deeply eccentric family.

Rock Paper Shotgun
What elevates it from a fascinating and gorgeous experiment in presentation to an immediate contender for my game of the year is the way that the broader narrative informs the stories it contains, just as the house is home to its many rooms. Without casting judgement or becoming didactic, Edith Finch explores both the good and the harm that stories can do, and how folktale, imagination and superstition can lift us up and dash us down.

Metacritic/Opencritic atual tá em 88.
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Reações: User 1422


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Eu perdi um pouco minha paciência pra esse tipo de jogo.

Mas se a história for boa em promoção eu compro.

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