Wonderboy: The Dragon’s Trap chega em 18 de Abril

Agosto 26, 2014
Rio de Janeiro
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[EDIT] - English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Brasilian Portuguese
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Agosto 9, 2016
Manaus/AM - Brasil
Admito q n conhecia o game. Falaram q era do Master System, bom, deste console eu só conhecia o Alex Kidd mesmo. Mas legal, curto demais games de plataforma, comprarei c total certeza. Gráficos lindos, muito estranho (no bom sentido), ver q com um botão, vc pode trocar versões e saber q a jogabilidade será a mesma (será q a jogabilidade entre versões mudará?).


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
Gráficos lindos, muito estranho (no bom sentido), ver q com um botão, vc pode trocar versões e saber q a jogabilidade será a mesma (será q a jogabilidade entre versões mudará?).

Nesses casos, e esse recurso não é original, a jogabilidade é a mesma, sim, entre as versões. Não é como se o jogo em 8 bits fosse O MESMO CÓDIGO usado no Master System, mas apenas uma mudança visual e sonora para o mesmo gameplay.
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Reações: JucaTollabur

Senta a pua

Maio 14, 2009
Acho que vou pegar quando chegar em casa!
Eu não tinha o jogo, mas tinha um amigo que tinha e eu ficava impressionado como tinha um jogo com a Mônica! Nunca soube que era esse só mudando o personagem. Hahaha

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User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Média 78

IGN Italia 90
Wonder Boy: The Dragons Trap is a shining example of a remake done right. This is both a love letter to the original and a way to bring in the present an undervalued gem.

Game Over Online 90
An outstanding remake – and one of the best examples of a full-on remake that we’ve seen in quite some time. It’s an early example of an open-ended platformer, and its minor mixture of RPG and platforming works nicely. It’s definitely a game that has aged, and the core game may not have aged as well as something like the original Sonic or Super Mario Bros. games, but it is still very well crafted.

Playstation Universe 85
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Curse is simply wonderful. Not only does it keep the spirit of the original, it proves that you don’t need to overthink and recreate a formula that works just as well in 2017 as it did in 1989. Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Curse is a must buy.

Gameblog.fr 80
Lizardcube did an amazing job, showing so much love and care for this - still enjoyable - classic. The way the french team allows us to play it with lovely and modern visuals and music just makes us hungry for more of this kind of remaster.

GameCritics 80
Yes, The Dragon’s Trap is one of the best-looking 2D sprite-based platformers ever, but beneath that gorgeous exterior is a fundamentally well-built adventure platformer. All the player needs to do to prove the truth of that statement is tap one button and discover just how good gamers had it twenty-eight years ago.

PlayStation LifeStyle 80
As a remake of 1989’s game of the year, Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is a brilliant and beautiful recreation.

USgamer 80
A faithful remaster of a classic that a lot of folks missed. Developer LizardCube has kept the original gameplay completely intact and laid some amazing 2D art and great remastered soundtrack over top of it. It's a faithful preservation of a classic, retaining any of the gameplay pitfalls the original had, but it's surprising how great Wonder Boy III is with some visual and aural polish.

EGM 80
1989’s Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap could have felt way out of its league here in 2017, but the impressive job that LizardCube has done updating it for our modern era has really given it a second life. It’s a great retro-meets-future gaming experience marred occasionally by elements that just don’t work as well all these years later.

LaPS4 78
In a year with several, important revivals such as Crash Bandicoot or Sonic, Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is another delicious, nostalgia-filled remake that allows you to play either with its original or updated visuals, and a great work in sound and artistic aspects, but with its characteristic, challenging difficulty. We want DotEmu to bring back several more games like this one.

COGconnected 73
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is a game for Metroidvania fans. If you’re the kind of fan who still plugs in their Nintendo and likes to see what the origins of modern games look like, then pick this up.

IGN 71
While its antiquated roots cause some minor frustration with unreliable hitboxes and unnecessary grinding, the foundational combat and exploration is still engaging and fun after 30 years. From long-time Wonder Boy fans to platformer enthusiasts who’ve never heard of it until now, you’ll likely be able to find whimsical fun and a neat bit of genre history in this charming adventure.

Digital Chumps 70
The art for the characters and environments are absolutely astounding, but with a dated gameplay style, it’s difficult to say this remake is fully realized. Yes, purists will love that The Dragon’s Trap is a nearly 100% replica of the original with updated art, but I feel as though the love given to the art of the game should have been given to the gameplay as well.

Push Square 70
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a ruthlessly faithful remake of the Master System classic that boasts a dramatic and beautiful audiovisual makeover. The game itself is still very enjoyable with a world map that's fun to work through and a lean Metroidvania structure that introduces new ideas right to the end. The controls are quite loose, which can lead to some frustration, but by and large this is a wonderful recreation that both fans and newcomers will enjoy.

Edu Barros

Fevereiro 16, 2008
Ribeirão Preto
Olha, eu fui jogador de Mega Drive e curtia muito esses jogos, mas preciso fazer uma pergunta inconveniente: Essa nota alta tá muito carregada de saudosismo, não tá não?
Talvez sim, inclusive a IGN reclamou dos hitboxes, e eu lembro que no original alguns inimigos voadores eram bem difíceis de acertar. Mas a arte do jogo tá linda e parece que a parte sonora foi igualmente bem trabalhada. Acho que a média tá justa. Eu vou comprar com certeza.
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Reações: GameStrike


Junho 27, 2015
Olha, eu fui jogador de Mega Drive e curtia muito esses jogos, mas preciso fazer uma pergunta inconveniente: Essa nota alta tá muito carregada de saudosismo, não tá não?
Com certeza, esse +90 é coisa de que é fã total do jogo.
Mas notas à parte, esse é um trabalho bem feitinho, com os visual todo reestilizado em HD, efeitos sonoros retrabalhados, etc.
Digamos que se trata de uma nostalgia caprichada, vale os R$ 39.

Muito melhor que a proposta da Capcom, por exemplo, que pelo visto só embalou os jogos Disney do NES e pronto.

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Olhaí, ganhou pontos. Fico de olho em jogos que meu filho pode jogar, de preferência sem que eu esteja do lado dele dizendo o que precisa ser feito (como quando as coisas estão em inglês).
Skin da Mônica seria galático. Hahaha.

Olha no FAQ deles:

Turma da Mônica?
Our Brazilian friends are often asking about incorporating their famous Turma da Mônica comic character into the game, as she was incorported into the 1993 TecToy release of “Turma da Mônica em: O Resgate” for the Master System. Unfortunately that would require obtaining a license from both Mauricio de Sousa Produções and TecToy, and our project is already such an imbroglio of licensing that it would be too complex for us to do it in time. However we can’t stop modders from trying to do it. ;)
Última edição:


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
Skin da Mônica seria galático. Hahaha.

Olha no FAQ deles:

Turma da Mônica?
Our Brazilian friends are often asking about incorporating their famous Turma da Mônica comic character into the game, as she was incorported into the 1993 TecToy release of “Turma da Mônica em: O Resgate” for the Master System. Unfortunately that would require obtaining a license from both Mauricio de Sousa Produções and TecToy, and our project is already such an imbroglio of licensing that it would be too complex for us to do it in time. However we can’t stop modders from trying to do it. ;)
Pô, bacana eles comentarem.
Imagina lidar com brasileiro sobre isso. Iam querer milhões. Sem condições.

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Reações: User 1422


Desde o Portal Xbox.
PXB Gold
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
Hahaha bacana saber que se não tivessem tantos tramites no caminho para adicionar legalmente essa skin, ela poderia até vir no jogo mesmo.

E mais legal ainda é saber que os modders de plantão não vão decepcionar e adicionarão a skin em questão de dias rs.


PXB Gold
Dezembro 10, 2014
Queria mais jogos assim, clássicos da SEGA, jogos Thirds do SNES, imaginem um Demons Crest, acho que seria de mais para o meu coração.
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Reações: Edu Barros

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