Lizardcube, Guard Crush Games and DotEmu anunciam Streets of Rage 4


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul

Galera das antigas já deve estar soltando um sorrisão de alegria. Não, você não está lendo errado. A trinca Lizardcube, Guard Crush Games and DotEmu acabou de anunciar que está trabalhando em Streets of Rage 4, novo título da consagrada franquia de porradaria que fez um sucesso tremendo nos anos 90. Pra quem não conhece, a Lizardcube foi responsável pelo recente - e elogiado - remake de Wonder Boy.

As plataformas ainda não foram anunciadas, mas é de se esperar que o jogo chegue ao Xbox One, né?
De qualquer forma, tá bonito isso aí.





A cult classic
Streets of Rage, known as Bare Knuckle (ベア・ナックル Bea Nakkuru) in Japan, is a trilogy of beat 'em up games developed and published by SEGA in the 1990s.

Famously known for its non stop action and electronic dance influenced music - scored by Yuzo Koshiro and Motohiro Kawashima - the series has gained the status of cult classic throughout the years. It is considered one of the best beat 'em up series of all time. After many years, Axel and Blaze are finally picking up the fight where they left.

Featuring hand-drawn visuals from the team behind 2017’s gorgeous Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap remake, Streets of Rage 4 builds upon the classic trilogy’s gameplay with new mechanics, a fresh story and a gauntlet of dangerous stages with a serious crime problem. Streets of Rage 4 recalls classic gameplay but it stands as an entirely original arcade-style romp thanks to the expertise of Guard Crush Games and Dotemu.

Whether players gang up with a friend or clean up the city solo, Streets of Rage 4 is a skull-bashing, chicken-chomping delight all set to a thumping soundtrack sure to get your blood pumping.

  • The comeback of the legendary Streets of Rage series.
  • Beautiful graphics fully hand-drawn animated by the studio behind Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap.
  • Classic gameplay enhanced with brand new mechanics.
  • Braised chicken served on a pristine plate.

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PXB Gold
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
Que delícia de vídeo cara!

Muito bom saber que o chutador de bundas do Final Fight está voltando hehehe.

Tomara que tenha uma soundtrack tão marcante quantos os anteriores.

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Melhor notícia do dia. Nostalgia a mil!
Adoro o universo de Street Fighter, mas Streets of Rage > Final Fight.

Espero que tenham mais personagens, além do Axel e da Blaze.

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