[Aí sim!!!] Thief (4) confirmado para PC e consoles Next-Gen


Outubro 31, 2009
O pai do Stealth está de volta!!!


Sound the news-horn! Sound it from the highest mountains! Ready your loins! Thief is back.

Unconfirmed leak, yada yada, you know the drill. But, yes, this very much appears to be screenshots of Square-Enix’s rebooted Thief series and OHMIGOD THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING.

Update: now confirmed as real, called ‘Thief’, out on PC and next-gen consoleboxes in 2014.

It looks a lot like Dishonored, dunnit? But then Dishonored looked a lot like Thief, eh? This comes, lest we forget, from the team who did a pretty darn-tootin’ good job of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and now they now get a swing at another PC gaming classic, hopefully with the benefit of experience and hindsight. The godfather of stealth has returned at last: what stories will he tell?

The full, original, batch of screenshots are on [link=[url="http://vk.com/gamesmaniac?z=album-49981920_170847341"]http://vk.com/gamesmaniac?z=album-49981920_170847341[/url]]GamesManiac[/link] (discovered, inevitably, by [link=http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=519240]NeoGAF[/link]), but I’ve put a few here for your assessment until someone tells me not to. Click on ‘em for much larger versions, if you like.


Well! What about that then? If I’m honest I might have liked something a little more stylised, but it’s certainly moody, and I suppose that’s what we want from Garrett’s dark, grubby cityscapes. These images are tagged with stuff about ‘next-gen’ consoles, which is obviously all kinds of vague and unconfirmed, but if true hopefully means we’re in for a very pretty PC game rather than one that has to play nice with the last-generation of under-telly boxes.

But wait, there’s more!


Just ‘Thief’ then, do we think? I quite like that. Clean. To the point. Deadly.

Update! Aha! The industry’s default beneficiary of game reveal exclusives, GameStop’s in-store magazine Game Informer, has just gone live with news on its next cover, which is a game indeed called “Thief.” The game’s confirmed as for PC and PS4 so far, with the inveitable Xbox 720 or whatever it’s called likely in there too. They also give this summary:

Series hero Garrett returns to the Gothic, industrial metropolis known simply as the City to steal any and everything that will make him richer. Unfortunately, the City is broiling with social tension as it is ravaged by a plague and lorded over by a political tyrant known as the Baron. In order to survive his adventures, Garrett will have to pay attention to his environment and make use of the may possible paths through each of the game’s levels.

Fonte: Rock Paper Shotgun!

Cortesia do Player1BR:



Agosto 26, 2007
Feito pela mesma equipe de Deus Human: HR???
Compra mais que certa!!

Parece que o início da next-gen terão jogos imperdíveis e que já valem o investimento inicial.


Agosto 18, 2007

Joguei só o Thief 3 mas nunca cheguei a terminar não lembro pq. Mas se não virar ação como aconteceu com todos os outros games stealth, to dentro.


Outubro 31, 2009
Mais detalhes:

[blockquote]A next-gen Thief reboot was revealed by GameInformer’s latest cover today, and as usual, NeoGAF has managed to harvest details from the magazine’s coverage.

True to the franchise’s roots, the report notes that Thief protagonist Garrett can’t handle fights with groups of guards. Guards will actively search hiding places if alerted, and different kinds of enemies use different search methods.

The player is guided by navigation beacons, but are free to explore at will, so each area has multiple entrances and exits. Using an ability called Focus allows the player to spot interactive objects like climbable pipes and extinguishable light sources. The ability can be upgraded to increase its area of effect. Focus highlights attack points on enemies, and selecting the right one results in a shove which unbalances them, allowing the player a little longer to escape. Stringing attack points together buys even more time.

Focus can also slow time, allowing Garrett more chances to pickpocket. every drawer in the game can be opened and raided; fingerprints show which ones are most likely to hold loot. Money is spent to upgrade supplies and equipment at mission end. Garrett can also steal artefacts, which have no gameplay value but can decorate his den.

Garrett is equipped with a blackjack for knocking guards out; a bow which has many tactical uses; special arrows like dry-ice to snuff candles and smoke to provide cover; and a grappling hook which can only be used on certain objects.

Game director Nicolas Cantin designed Garrett’s new look; his scar indicates the effects of his past. Eidos Montreal is hoping to stay faithful to the franchise’s history and lore, and spent a long time working in the conceptual phase with a small team. During development, it tried a number of ideas like going third-person or introducing parkour. It has most of the gameplay mechanics in place now, but is still working on combat, trying to make it risky but enjoyable for players who want to pursue that path.

Story wise, Eidos Montreal is toning down the supernatural side of things. Garrett returns to the city after a long time away to find it ruled by a tyrannical Baron. Keeping the plebs in order via military might, the Baron ensures only the elite prosper, while a plague ravages the city. It sounds a bit like Dishonored so far, but notably our hero isn’t out to get revenge or save the day, though; he sees the political climate as a chance to get rich.

The game begins with Garrett finding his way to the Stonemarket district by hiding in the back of a covered wagon, and overhears a conversation about Theodore Eastwick, the city’s foremost architect and a very wealthy man. The gossiping guards say Eastwick is off to an elite brothel called the House of Blossoms.

In the gameplay demo GameInformer saw, the player made Garrett crouch behind crates, which triggers a darkening of the screen to indicate successful stealth. The player threw a bottle to distract the guards, then climbed a pipe to a roof; he traversed rooftops, ran over merchant stalls, slinked under wagon and jumped through a window on his journey to follow Eastwick into the House of Blossoms.

Inside the brothel, Garrett loses sight of Eastwick among the crowds, but overhears a character minding the entrance say that security is tight and valuables must be left in the office strongbox. Garrett can then find out where Eastwick is headed by checking the office logbook, but stops to rob the strongbox. The lock must be picked via a mini-game, but Garrett is interrupted.

Rolling into a dark corner, the player escaped detection, and took the contents of the safe. Unable to leave via the door, the player found a hidden passageway, and escaped into the House of Blossoms to track down Eastwick. After stealing an amulet from the architect, Garrett entered “Focus”, allowing the player to see that Eastwick is examining a wall with a symbol matching the amulet. This triggers a puzzle sequence across four rooms, which when solved, activates the medallion somehow – but soon after, Eastwick notices the amulet is gone and a search is ordered.

Sneaking through back passages, Garrett overhears staff talking about an incident involving opium in the ventilation system. Using this idea, he puts everyone in the building to sleep, and escapes by holding his breath and sprinting through. Confronted by guards outside, the players used a bow to make a statue fall, crushing two guards. When grabbed by a surviving enemy, the player used Focus to slow time, then fought the guard, grappled to a nearby vent, and escaped into the sewers.

As noted previously, NeoGAF also dug up a handful of screenshots which are likely to remain GameInformer exclusives for some time.

Thief is due on PC, PlayStation 4 and another platform which will almost certainly turn out to be Microsoft’s next console in 2014.

Thanks, Gematsu.[/blockquote]


Outubro 13, 2008
Muito bacana o texto Shock.

Tanto no gameplay, quanto na conceitualização do jogo, tem muitos aspectos que lembram o Dishonored, interessante. Junto com o MGS: Ground Zeroes, são os dois títulos stealth que eu mais aguardo.


Abril 20, 2010
Esse jogo seria o "pai do stealth", mesmo com Metal gear Solid tendo sido lançado antes? Ainda assim, já tinha visto elementos de stealth em jogos muito antes disso...

Desprezar Metal gear Solid, que ser visto era praticamente game over, como pai do Stealth é brincadeira...rsrs

Kim Queiroz

Fevereiro 24, 2012
Uau parece bem bonito e realmente lembra Dishonored.
Não cheguei a jogar nenhum da franquia, mas vou procurar por vídeos, porque a temática stealth me interessa bastante.


Outubro 13, 2008
Esse jogo seria o "pai do stealth", mesmo com Metal gear Solid tendo sido lançado antes? Ainda assim, já tinha visto elementos de stealth em jogos muito antes disso...

Desprezar Metal gear Solid, que ser visto era praticamente game over, como pai do Stealth é brincadeira...rsrs


Os dois sairam no mesmo ano, e mesmo tendo algumas mecânicas stealth no MGS, o Thief é "mais" stealth do que MGS. Todo enredo do jogo, o fato de você ser um ladrão e seus objetivos serem inerentes a esse fato, dá uma cara mais stealth pro Thief.

Além disso no Thieft, você não luta com um maluco que tem uma mini-gun ou um robô de não sei quantos metros de altura.

Um é o pai, o outro é o tio, pronto. :D

Kim Queiroz

Fevereiro 24, 2012

Um é o pai, o outro é o tio, pronto. :D

Gostei da expressão :D

Samuel DW

PXB Gold
Maio 25, 2008
Esse jogo seria o "pai do stealth", mesmo com Metal gear Solid tendo sido lançado antes? Ainda assim, já tinha visto elementos de stealth em jogos muito antes disso...

Desprezar Metal gear Solid, que ser visto era praticamente game over, como pai do Stealth é brincadeira...rsrs


Os dois sairam no mesmo ano, e mesmo tendo algumas mecânicas stealth no MGS, o Thief é "mais" stealth do que MGS. Todo enredo do jogo, o fato de você ser um ladrão e seus objetivos serem inerentes a esse fato, dá uma cara mais stealth pro Thief.

Além disso no Thieft, você não luta com um maluco que tem uma mini-gun ou um robô de não sei quantos metros de altura.

Um é o pai, o outro é o tio, pronto. :D

Mas o primeiro Thief não foi lançado em 98?

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Metal Gear - 07/87
Metal Gear Solid - 09/98
Thief - 11/98

Nunca joguei Thief, mas já li em outros lugares que ele teria sido o primeiro a trazer uma série de elementos que hoje são básicos em jogos stealth. Não me estranha a alcunha "pai do stealth".


Novembro 11, 2006
Não tem sentido ficar comparando Metal Gear com Thief. MGS sempre foi algo mais espalhafatoso e irreal bem ao estilo japonês. Tem stealth sim, mas às vezes é tão absurdo que você nunca esquece que aquilo é um videogame sem qualquer pretensão de realismo. Já Thief deu origem a uma série de outros jogos que copiaram suas mecânicas realistas. Nem preciso citar, mas jogos como Splinter Cell, Hitman, Syphon Filter, Deus EX, Batman Arkham, etc. Todos devem muito mais a Thief do que a MGS.

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