Tópico Oficial Atualizações: Xbox Preview / Xbox Insider Program - NOVA ATUALIZAÇÃO 10/01/2018


Setembro 22, 2014
OS version released: rs1_xbox_rel_1608.160725-1822 (429 MB)
Available: 7/29/2016 (revisado)

New or updated features

Cortana available in the U.S. and UK

  • Talk to Cortana on your Xbox One with your headset or Kinect. To start, just say "Hey Cortana" or launch the Cortana app. If you're not sure what to say, try "Hey Cortana, what can I say?"
  • If you're using Kinect, turn on your console by saying, "Hey Cortana, Xbox on."
Background music

  • Music apps will now be able to play music in the background. In an app that supports background music, just start some music. You'll be able to switch to other apps and games while the music plays.
  • After starting your music: To play, pause, skip, and adjust music volume from anywhere, double-tap the Xbox button to open the guide, choose Multitasking, then select your music controls.
  • The app must support background music. An updated Pandora app in the U.S. is the first app to support background music—and more are coming soon.
My games & apps

  • Your stuff is closer. From Home, move right and select My games & apps.
  • In My games & apps, there are new sorting options.
  • "Ready to Install" has its own area, so you can quickly find the games and apps you've purchased but haven't installed.
  • Game and app updates will show up in their own area, when available.
  • The queue area now tells you what's been recently installed in addition to what's in your queue.
Language & location settings

  • You can now choose your location separately from your system language. To change your language and location, double-tap the Xbox button to open the guide, select Settings > All settings, then choose System > Language & location.
  • All languages aren't available for all locations. When you choose a language that isn't usually associated with your location, most of the system will be in your chosen language, but you may see a mix of languages in areas like Store or online content.
Top PC games on Xbox Live

  • Top PC games now have game hubs on Xbox Live. Whether you're on PC, Xbox, or mobile, you'll see what PC games your friends are playing, share PC game clips and screenshots, and message friends on Xbox Live. On Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs, you can join a party chat with your friends no matter what they're doing.
New Store

  • Xbox Store and the Windows Store have come together, making the shopping experience more streamlined. From Home, move right to Store to start browsing all content.
  • Preorders now get charged closer to game launch instead of at time of purchase. You can also cancel and change your payment option for preorders anytime at account.microsoft.com.
  • Customers in the U.S., Switzerland, Norway, Italy, Germany, and Finland can now use mobile operator billing to make purchases. Customers in China can now use China Union Pay.
Find Facebook friends

  • Find friends from Facebook by linking your Facebook and Xbox Live accounts. In the guide, go to theFriends tab, then choose Friends > Suggestions. Select Find Facebook friends and follow the steps. Your Facebook friends that have done the same will start showing up in your suggestions.
Control automatic sharing

  • You can now choose to automatically share your achievements, screenshots, and game clips to your activity feed. To change your sharing settings, go to Settings > Preferences > Activity feed.
Última edição:


Setembro 22, 2014
Novo app UWP em Preview: Windows Camera

O aplicativo Câmera reprojetado está mais rápido e simples do que nunca. Basta apontar e fotografar para tirar ótimas fotos automaticamente. A mesma experiência excelente de câmera está disponível em computadores, tablets e telefones Windows 10.

Obter Aplicativo

Novo app UWP em Preview: Skype Preview

Obter Aplicativo
Última edição:


Julho 8, 2014
Não sei se já foi comentado mas o aplicativo "Cast" (que eu só encontrei na loja americana) está funcionando sem precisar fixar. O Player fica naquela aba da esquerda. Achei que ficou bem legal, neste exato momento estou jogando e ouvindo o Jogando Papo de hoje. Espero que isso não se limite ao carissimo Grove.
  • Curtir
Reações: GameStrike


Setembro 22, 2014
OS version released: rs1_xbox_rel_1608.160725-1822 (429 MB)
Available: 7/29/2016 (revisado) versão anterior 27/07, atualizei o post original com as mudanças.

Netflix Preview disponivel
Última edição:
  • Curtir
Reações: jairopicanco


Julho 26, 2015
Pelo que li no reddit o App Pandora da live US é o unico que já esta oficialmente oferencendo background music, mas afirmam que outros aplicativos serão adicionados com o tempo.


Setembro 22, 2014
OS version released: rs1_xbox_rel_1608.160729-1700 (429MB)
Available: 8/1/2016

My Games & Apps
Resolved an issue where Skyrock app was unusable after updating.


My Games & Apps
If a universal app version of an app is available, the version which is not currently installed may appear under Ready to Install (causing what appears to be the same app both installed and in Ready to Install).

You may encounter an an installation error (0x800700002) when attempting to install or update universal apps. Workaround: Uninstall and reinstall the app. If you have the app installed on both the internal hard drive and an external hard drive, be sure to uninstall from both.

The following games may appear under Apps instead of Games: Kinect Sports Rivals, Kinect Sports Rivals Hub, Nutjitsu, Threes, Voice Commander.

You may experience a "Do you own this game or app?" error when launching or using Netflix if it was installed by another user on the console. Workaround: While signed in as the primary user, navigate to the Store, search for Netflix and select Free to download and install it.

When selecting "Add new" to add a new profile, the add profile interface may take up to 30 seconds to appear.

If you have pins on your Home to movies, TV shows, or music, they will disappear from Home. The pins for the apps will stay on your Home, easy to get to.

Community Calendar
Links to the Store in Community Calendar event details do not currently function.
It's interesting to see another Xbox One Preview build dropping so soon after the public roll-out of the Xbox One Summer Update. It's still unknown whether this regular pace will continue going forward, with another major Xbox One update scheduled to arrive later this year.


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
É, dessa vez o Preview foi extendido. Quem tava reclamando que não tinha mais convite, tá aí! Todo mundo virou Preview agora.:joy:

Resolveram lançar como estava ao invés de atrasar o lançamento. Como eu sou do Preview "oficial", estou acostumado com o jeitão da coisa, mas o público em geral merecia uma experiência mais polida, sem dúvida.
Se bem que, acredito que para muitos, só de ter essa nova organização dos meus jogos e apps de uma vez já vale o perrengue.


Julho 26, 2015
É, dessa vez o Preview foi extendido. Quem tava reclamando que não tinha mais convite, tá aí! Todo mundo virou Preview agora.:joy:

Resolveram lançar como estava ao invés de atrasar o lançamento. Como eu sou do Preview "oficial", estou acostumado com o jeitão da coisa, mas o público em geral merecia uma experiência mais polida, sem dúvida.
Se bem que, acredito que para muitos, só de ter essa nova organização dos meus jogos e apps de uma vez já vale o perrengue.

Agora a maior diferença fica pelas desenvolvedoras do app, como pandora e groove por exemplo.


Setembro 22, 2014
OS version released: rs1_xbox_rel_1608.160730-2312 (411MB)
Available: 6:00PM PDT 8/1 (1:00 AM GMT 2/8)


Payments & Billing
When adding a new payment method, the "View terms" button should now function correctly.

USB Keyboard
Resolved an issue which caused the Xbox One S to fail to recognize USB keyboards after powering on.

Party Chat
Resolved an issue which could cause party chat to crash when using the Kinect.


My Games & Apps
• If a universal app version of an app is available, the version which is not currently installed may appear under Ready to Install (causing what appears to be the same app both installed and in Ready to Install).
• You may encounter an installation error (0x800700002) when attempting to install or update universal apps.
Workaround: Uninstall and reinstall the app. If you have the app installed on both the internal hard drive and an external hard drive, be sure to uninstall from both.

If you have pins on your Home to movies, TV shows, or music, they will disappear from Home. The pins for the apps will stay on your Home, easy to get to.


Julho 7, 2015
Rio de Janeiro
Pessoal,a vontade de virar preview ta sendo grande,e na experiencia geral,é tranquilo de usar ?...ja que ate as builds finais tem bugs
E tambem to indo por apps lançados previamente,e os que so estao disponiveis no preview...como o miracast

Se alguem puder mandar convite...agradeço


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