Tópico Oficial Battlefield 2042 - Hora do retorno, soldado!


I've been waiting for this
PXB Gold
Outubro 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro
Segundo a Eurogamer os trailers vazados são trailers internos e não o que vai ser mostrado ao público


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PXB Gold
Julho 21, 2017
Game Code name: KINGSTON

"Welcome to A World Transformed"

"U.S.A. and Russia stand at the brink of war. Proxy wars have waged for decades, generating experienced but displaced combat veterans. These Specialists use their skills to shape the future — a future worth fighting for."

"Battlefield 2042 introduces 7 vast maps for up to 128* players. From Seoul’s cities to Egypt’s deserts, every map offers a unique experience based on the natural environment."

"Customize weapons, gadgets and vehicles in-battle to tip the scales in your favor. Summon a robotic dog built for battle, employ a grappling hook or don your very own wingsuit."

"Choose your role on the battlefield and form hand-tailored squads through the new Specialist system. Based on Battlefield’s four Classes, Specialists have one unique Specialty and Trait – but the rest of the loadout is fully customizable."

UPD1: new descriptions

"Members can deploy early with Access to the Open Beta, Full Ultimate Edition Game Access on October 15, Monthly Rewards and more"

Release date: October 15


"Open Beta early access, Baku ACB-90 melee takedown knife, “Mr. Chompy” Epic Weapon Charm, \"Landfall\" Player Card Background, \"Old Guard\" Tag"

"4 New Specialists (1 per Season of the Year 1 Pass), 4 Battle Passes (1 per Season of the Year 1 Pass), 3 Epic Skin Bundles (”Blistered Earth”, ”Tempest”, and ”Cold Blood”)"

"\"Shadow Stalker\" Legendary Outfit, \"Obsidian\" Legendary Weapon Skin, \"Onyx\" Legendary Vehicle Skin"

"Official Digital Artbook and Exclusive Digital Soundtrack"

r/Battlefield6 - A LOT of leaks from origin

r/Battlefield6 - A LOT of leaks from origin

r/Battlefield6 - A LOT of leaks from origin

r/Battlefield6 - A LOT of leaks from origin

r/Battlefield6 - A LOT of leaks from origin

r/Battlefield6 - A LOT of leaks from origin
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Reações: Tauguro


I've been waiting for this
PXB Gold
Outubro 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro
Game Code name: KINGSTON

"Welcome to A World Transformed"

"U.S.A. and Russia stand at the brink of war. Proxy wars have waged for decades, generating experienced but displaced combat veterans. These Specialists use their skills to shape the future — a future worth fighting for."

"Battlefield 2042 introduces 7 vast maps for up to 128* players. From Seoul’s cities to Egypt’s deserts, every map offers a unique experience based on the natural environment."

"Customize weapons, gadgets and vehicles in-battle to tip the scales in your favor. Summon a robotic dog built for battle, employ a grappling hook or don your very own wingsuit."

"Choose your role on the battlefield and form hand-tailored squads through the new Specialist system. Based on Battlefield’s four Classes, Specialists have one unique Specialty and Trait – but the rest of the loadout is fully customizable."

UPD1: new descriptions

"Members can deploy early with Access to the Open Beta, Full Ultimate Edition Game Access on October 15, Monthly Rewards and more"

Release date: October 15


"Open Beta early access, Baku ACB-90 melee takedown knife, “Mr. Chompy” Epic Weapon Charm, \"Landfall\" Player Card Background, \"Old Guard\" Tag"

"4 New Specialists (1 per Season of the Year 1 Pass), 4 Battle Passes (1 per Season of the Year 1 Pass), 3 Epic Skin Bundles (”Blistered Earth”, ”Tempest”, and ”Cold Blood”)"

"\"Shadow Stalker\" Legendary Outfit, \"Obsidian\" Legendary Weapon Skin, \"Onyx\" Legendary Vehicle Skin"

"Official Digital Artbook and Exclusive Digital Soundtrack"

r/Battlefield6 - A LOT of leaks from origin

r/Battlefield6 - A LOT of leaks from origin

r/Battlefield6 - A LOT of leaks from origin

r/Battlefield6 - A LOT of leaks from origin

r/Battlefield6 - A LOT of leaks from origin

r/Battlefield6 - A LOT of leaks from origin

128 jogadores damnnn

A quantidade de mapas inicias tá baixa
  • Curtir
Reações: DarkChornS

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