Citadel - Trailer Gameplay Online


Outubro 12, 2014
Skyrim + Harry potter + MMO?

Tame Legendary Beasts: Tame or ward off Savage Orcs, Horses, Direwolves, Dragons and more.

Form Alliances and an Empire: Build your house, create a flag and establish a hierarchy as you prepare for war against other houses!

Explore a Massive Fantasy World: Visit Sweeping plains, dense forests, craggy mountains, festering swamps, a frozen tundra and more...

Study the Arcane Arts: Learn and master a wide range of powerful spells!

Want to Fly?: Use your Wizardly prowess to take to the skies using a broomstick, a dragon, an eagle or alchemy!

Build and Bash Epic Castles: Construct the castle of your dreams, use magic to enhance your fortress or take advantage of the dynamic destruction system and crush an opposing house.

Character Customization: Dress your Mage the way you want, with a limitless variety of clothing and weapon options!
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