[CONFIRMADO] - M$ abre mao de TODAS as restrições de DRM!


Abril 25, 2008
Vamos esperar se confirmar. Eu aposto que a próxima choradeira será por conta do family share. Aposto 50 mangos que, se para utilizar o family share fr obrigatória a conexão, neguinho vai vir aqui ficar de mimimi....se isso acontecer, já vou me preparando para ser banido do PXB.... "Vou xingar muito no twitter!" rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsr


Em Abstinência ?
PXB Gold
Janeiro 19, 2011
Rio Grande do Sul
Tomara que eles mudem algumas restrições, como não poder trocar jogos fisicos, mas só espero que não desistam do Family Share, que é um diferencial bacana para o console e que faria os usuários economizar bastante nas compras de jogos.


Fevereiro 12, 2007
Outra coisa a se pensar.... o que impediria disso voltar a ativa no meio da geração? já ficou claro que não é dificil mudar (se isso realmente acontecer)


Setembro 13, 2007
Peguei de um site de fora, POR ENQUANTO mantenho como rumor, qndo pintar no XboxWire eu atualizo o post la de cima!Esta CONFIRMADO galera!!
As a result of feedback from the Xbox community, we have changed certain policies for Xbox One reflected in this blog. Some of this information is no longer accurate — please check here for the latest. Q: Does Xbox One require an “always on” Internet connection?A: No, it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet. We’re designing Xbox One to be your all-in-one entertainment system that is connected to the cloud and always ready. We are also designing it so you can play games and watch Blu-ray movies and live TV if you lose your connection. Q: How do consumers benefit by being connected to the cloud?A: The cloud makes every experience better and more accessible. Because Xbox One is powered by the cloud:Your games have more power available to create new gameplay, persistent worlds, and deeper experiences.Your system and games can update automatically, so you shouldn’t have to wait for downloads or updates.Your games and entertainment are stored and saved in the cloud, so you can access them anytime, from any Xbox One.*Start a game, movie, or TV show on one console and finish exactly where you left off on another.You can play multiplayer games with your friends, stream movies or TV shows right away, and enjoy the community and social features of Xbox Live.Xbox One can recognize you, log you in and tailor your home screen just for you. You can discover what your friends are playing, watching and listening to if they choose to share.These are just a few examples of how customers benefit from our platform being connected to the Internet. It brings the future of TV and games to our consumers—and it’s designed for today and the decade ahead. * Subject to content geographical restrictions. Q: When will Xbox One launch and in what markets?A: Xbox One will launch in markets around the world later this year. We’ll have more to share later. Q: Can I use my current gamertag on Xbox One and will my Gamerscore and Achievements transfer?A: Yes. Your current Xbox Live Gamertag will stay with you on Xbox One if you choose to keep it, and your hard-earned Gamerscore and Achievements will indeed carry over from Xbox 360. Q: Will Xbox One be backward compatible with my existing games?A: Xbox One hardware is not compatible with Xbox 360 games. We designed Xbox One to play an entirely new generation of games—games that are architected to take full advantage of state-of-the-art processors and the infinite power of the cloud. We care very much about the investment you have made in Xbox 360 and will continue to support it with a pipeline of new games and new apps well into the future. Q: Will Xbox One allow players to trade in, purchase and play pre-owned games?A: We are designing Xbox One to enable customers to trade in and resell games. We’ll have more details to share later. Q: Will my current Xbox Live Gold membership work with Xbox One or will I have to buy a new one?A: You do not need to buy a new Xbox Live Gold membership. Your current membership will work on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Q: Why require Kinect with every Xbox One?A: The all new Kinect is now an essential and integrated part of the platform. By having it as a consistent part of every Xbox One, game and entertainment creators can build experiences that assume the availability of voice, gesture and natural sensing, leading to unrivaled ease of use, premium experiences and interactivity for you. Q: Do I need to have a specific cable or satellite TV provider to watch live TV on Xbox?A: Our goal is to enable live TV through Xbox One in every way that it is delivered throughout the world, whether that’s television service providers, over the air or over the Internet, or HDMI-in via a set top box (as is the case with many providers in the US). The delivery of TV is complex and we are working through the many technologies and policies around the world to make live TV available where Xbox One is available. Q: Xbox One is a more powerful product compared to Xbox 360, but does it also use more power?A: By providing multiple power states in Xbox One, we’ve balanced energy efficiency with functionality. We’ve taken a completely different approach to how Xbox One consumes power. It only uses the power it needs at that particular moment for the task at hand.​

Bruno Lourenço

Julho 16, 2010
Nota oficial da MS: http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/update
[FONT=wf_SegoeUI]Last week at E3, the excitement, creativity and future of our industry was on display for a global audience.[/FONT][FONT=wf_SegoeUI]For us, the future comes in the form of Xbox One, a system designed to be the best place to play games this year and for many years to come. As is our heritage with Xbox, we designed a system that could take full advantage of advances in technology in order to deliver a breakthrough in game play and entertainment. We imagined a new set of benefits such as easier roaming, family sharing, and new ways to try and buy games. We believe in the benefits of a connected, digital future. [/FONT][FONT=wf_SegoeUI]Since unveiling our plans for Xbox One, my team and I have heard directly from many of you, read your comments and listened to your feedback. I would like to take the opportunity today to thank you for your assistance in helping us to reshape the future of Xbox One. [/FONT][FONT=wf_SegoeUI]You told us how much you loved the flexibility you have today with games delivered on disc. The ability to lend, share, and resell these games at your discretion is of incredible importance to you. Also important to you is the freedom to play offline, for any length of time, anywhere in the world.[/FONT][FONT=wf_SegoeUI]So, today I am announcing the following changes to Xbox One and how you can play, share, lend, and resell your games exactly as you do today on Xbox 360. Here is what that means:[/FONT]
  • An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games– After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360.
  • Trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today – There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.
[FONT=wf_SegoeUI]In addition to buying a disc from a retailer, you can also download games from Xbox Live on day of release. If you choose to download your games, you will be able to play them offline just like you do today. Xbox One games will be playable on any Xbox One console -- there will be no regional restrictions. [/FONT][FONT=wf_SegoeUI]These changes will impact some of the scenarios we previously announced for Xbox One. The sharing of games will work as it does today, you will simply share the disc. Downloaded titles cannot be shared or resold. Also, similar to today, playing disc based games will require that the disc be in the tray. [/FONT][FONT=wf_SegoeUI]We appreciate your passion, support and willingness to challenge the assumptions of digital licensing and connectivity. While we believe that the majority of people will play games online and access the cloud for both games and entertainment, we will give consumers the choice of both physical and digital content. We have listened and we have heard loud and clear from your feedback that you want the best of both worlds.[/FONT][FONT=wf_SegoeUI]Thank you again for your candid feedback. Our team remains committed to listening, taking feedback and delivering a great product for you later this year.[/FONT]
Confirmaram a retiradas de todas as tão questionadas restrições: nada de check-in online à cada 24h, liberação de jogos usados (exatamente como é hoje em dia), etc.


Julho 4, 2006
Mais do que confirmado. O site voltou ao ar: http://news.xbox.com/2013/05/qa

Ainda não sei o que dizer pois a surpresa é muito grande. Frente a arrogância que todos nós conhecemos por parte da Microsoft ver ela voltar atrás nessa decisão é algo quase inimaginável.
Certamente o Family Share e outras coisas irão mudar. Mas quem se importa? Afinal de contas o que todos os consumidores queriam foi feito: teremos uma nova geração DRM free, resta saber se isso foi realmente sepultado ou se vai voltar no futuro.

[]'s Dw.

Thyago Rezier

Junho 22, 2012
Rapaz, na hora que eu li isso a seleção estava fazendo o último gol nesta partida contra o México, comecei a comemorar aqui e quando falei na comemoração "Isso aí Xbox!" o pessoal ao lado ficou "Xbox? Ahn? Cuma? Xbox? Que jogador?"... kkkk

Mas voltando ao tópico, fiquei muito feliz com este recuo da Microsoft, não necessariamente por mim, já que estas restrições não me afetam e vou comprar os dois consoles do mesmo jeito, mas por conta da competição saudável do mercado. É muito ruim ter qualquer tipo de monopólio em qualquer seguimento comercial.


Setembro 13, 2007
Eu to dandoF5 insano aki no twitter do Cliff B.
Hahaha quero ver o que o paladino do DRM vai falar!


Novembro 7, 2007
Com toda a repercussão negativa eles tinham que fazer algo.
Não achei que fosse acontecer tão rápido.

Maicrosofiti BR

Novembro 9, 2006
Mas que merda. Voltou a ser tudo como era antes. Agora é necessário o disco na bandeja, sem compartilhamento, sem possibilidade de vender um conteúdo digital....

ZeroCool BR

Setembro 16, 2008
Confirmado, e pelo que Li "We imagined a new set of benefits such as easier roaming, family sharing" acho que o Family Sharing vai sofrer alguma mudança com a nova politica.
Janeiro 14, 2010
So, today I am announcing the following changes to Xbox One and how you can play, share, lend, and resell your games exactly as you do today on Xbox 360. Here is what that means: An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games – After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360. Trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today – There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.



Dezembro 7, 2011
Não li tudo ainda mas a notícia é péssima!!

Downloaded titles cannot be shared or resold.

O family shared que era um recurso revolucionário não vai existir? PÉSSIMO.. o recurso era tão bacana que a própria steam vai "copiar" a idéia!
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