Dragon Age Keep


Fevereiro 9, 2011
Bem a um certo tempo atrás me inscrevi para o Beta do Dragon Age Keep e hoje recebi o e-mail para realizar a confirmação no site. Ainda não dá pra acessar o DAK, mas vou colocar abaixo algumas infos que já está disponibilizado no fórum:

Using the DA Keep: Tech Specs

Are there any browser requirements for the Keep?

No, the Keep will work for all modern browsers. However, if you’re currently in the beta we do recommend visiting the site using Chrome on your desktop computer for the time being, as it seems to work best there. We are working on squishing bugs in other browsers in the meant

Is there a way to access the Keep offline?

Unfortunately not. However, you don’t have to be online for very long to create your World State and upload it to Dragon Age: Inquisition. Once that’s complete, you can disconnect from the internet and start playing the game.

Will the Keep work on tablet or mobile devices?
Yes! You can take the Keep with you on the go for instant world state creation and changes.

Saves and World States

Will we be able to direct import saves into the Keep?
Unfortunately we won’t be able to directly import saves. However, over 300 choices are accounted for in the Keep, so you’ll be able to recreate your Dragon Age universe down to the details.

What about if I played all Dragon Age games/DLCs on the same platform?
It still won’t direct import. But, if you played different Dragon Age games or DLCs on different platforms then the intention is for the Keep to recognize that regardless of how/where/what/when you played. However, you do not need to have played DLCs to set any choices on Keep related to them.

How will Dragon Age: Inquisition know what choices I have made in the Keep?
There is a World State Manager in the Keep that allows you to mark a World State for import into Inquisition with the click of a button. When you start a new game in Dragon Age: Inquisition you will then have an option to import from Keep. It’s that easy!

Can I have more than one world state?
Yes, you can create and save up to 5 world states in the Keep. So for example, if you want to create a Darkest Timeline where everyone dies, you can.

Are there explanations/context for choices?
Yes, there will be some context and backstory available to help newcomers or to jog your memory when making a choice in the Keep.
Your Heroes

Is there a character creator?
Sadly not. The Keep will attempt to recognize your Wardens and Hawkes from previous playthroughs so they can be reflected as part of your history, but you won’t be able to edit appearances or customize new characters.

Wait, so I’ll be able to see my Wardens and Hawkes in the Keep?
Yes, but it’s only a 2D image that is uploaded to the site to act as an avatar for your hero. No other character data is imported into the Keep.

Will the Keep take classes/specializations into account for my hero?

Classes, race, gender and origin story are taken into account for your hero, yes. However, specializations are not. As the Keep continues to grow and evolve, it may be something added in the future, but currently its focus is on hero data that impacts the world choices.

In Regards to Dragon Age: Inquisition

Do I need to use the Keep before playing Dragon Age: Inquisition?

No, visiting the Keep is not mandatory before playing Inquisition. There is a default World State in the game that will load if you haven’t exported one from the Keep. But if you would like Inquisition to reflect your existing Dragon Age universe, it is recommended you visit the Keep first.

Does every choice in the Keep impact Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Not every choice will impact your playthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition, however this means we can accommodate importing for future Dragon Age titles.There is also something to be said for faithfully capturing what you did in previous games for the record, regardless of whether that is reflected in a future title.

Will your Dragon Age: Inquisition playthrough decisions be directly imported into the Keep, or will you have to go back and select them again?
If you are online while playing Dragon Age: Inquisition (or the next time you go online), your story choices will be sent to the Keep

Keep Beta and Beyond

I applied for the beta a long time ago, why am I not in the Keep yet?

It doesn’t matter when you signed up, we’re not trying to exclude anyone! It’s just that we have a mountain of over 120,000 applications to sift through, and we’re trying to get everyone in to the Keep before it launches in mid-October. Check our twitter (@DragonAgeKeep) for announcements when we’re letting more people in and/or sending out more invites.

When is the Keep being released?

The Keep will be live and open to everyone about a month before the launch of Dragon Age: Inquisition. So likely mid-late October. The exact date is still to be determined, based on the results of the beta feedback.

Do I have to pay to use the Keep?

The Keep is online only and is free for everyone. All you need is an Origin ID to log in.

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Duro lembrar de tudo que eu fiz no Origins. Mais de 100 horas de jogo.
Pois é. O tesão cósmico seria se eles lançassem uma atualização ou uma app para as plataformas aonde o Origins e o 2 saíram que permitiria fazermos um upload dos saves para o Keep. E, a partir daí, importar estes saves em qualquer outra plataforma.

Refazer as decisões de um jogo com trocentas horas é dose, mas é melhor que nada. Se bem que, como as coisas que são afetadas pelas decisões nos jogos recentes da Bioware são tão insignificantes, já penso em começar o Inquisition zerado mesmo. Que se dane...

Flávio Neves

Outubro 13, 2014
Oba, ainda bem! Sei que para a maioria refazer as decisões é algo ruim, mas para mim é ótimo. No Origins eu não consegui por a Leliana no grupo (Não fui na maldita taverna). Quando ela aparece no final do 2, fiquei até doido heehehe

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