15 anos de Xbox e PXB
PXB Gold
Outubro 31, 2014
Campo Grande - MS
Pelo menos por aqui sem fazer muita tempestade em copo d'água o jogo vem recebendo boas notas. Infelizmente vou deixar passar, se viesse com legendas até encararia o jogo.

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USgamer 100
If you're a fan of Dragon Quest VIII, you'll find a lot to love about Dragon Quest XI. Its character-driven plot and skill system recall the series' breakout PlayStation 2 installment, though Dragon Quest XI''s lively world and expressive monsters lend it a unique feeling and flavor. Some fans might feel let-down about Dragon Quest XI's lack of job system or other options that let you fine-tune every aspect of your party ... but if you're in the market for a turn-based RPG that feels nostalgic but doesn't force you to deal with old genre mechanics, you won't find a better quest.

Playstation Universe 100
An incredible achievement, and even after 150 hours in we didn't want it to end. From an emotional story, simple yet engaging combat, and gorgeous visuals. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is simply remarkable and shouldn't be missed.

Attack of the Fanboy 100
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age takes everything to love about classic JRPGs and refines them to their utmost. The result? Absolute brilliance. If you had to pick just one JRPG to own on a modern platform, then let this be the one.

Digitally Downloaded 100
Dragon Quest XI is, from end to end, an iconic example of everything that Dragon Quest has stood for since way back in the 80's. It's charming and has a colourful energy that makes it very hard to put down. It's also a proof of just what can be achieved with a highly traditional JRPG when paired with the production values that only a developer/ publisher of the size of Square Enix could achieve.

Twinfinite 100
It's a massive, sprawling JRPG that keeps you invested in its story and characters right up until the end, and then gives you even more. Its gorgeous world is a joy to explore, and the series' trademark sense of quirkiness seeps into every aspect. The game can function as a great JRPG for newcomers, but there's still enough depth to appease longtime fans. Dragon Quest XI is a high new benchmark for the series, and shows how a traditional JRPG can still be appealing for the modern age. 95

Hobby Consolas 95
Dragon Quest XI Echoes of an Elusive Age is as much of an homage to the older Dragon Quest titles as it is a new step forward for the series. With a great story, a superb set of characters and loads of content to discover, Dragon Quest XI is one of the best JRPGs to come out in recent years.

DualShockers 95
If you have been missing the pure, genuine adventuring encouraged by the JRPGs of old, and you have been eager to see what the most traditional incarnation of the genre could achieve when paired with top-notch production values, this is most definitely the game for you.

GameSpace 95
If you’ve been waiting since DQVIII for a Dragon Quest title to hit your PlayStation, you’ll be glad it’s finally here. It may not do a lot to push the genre forward, but like the game’s design so clearly sets out to do, Dragon Quest XI is an homage to the JRPG and its fans. It’s an immense, addictive, and joyful experience from the first moment on. I cannot recommend it enough.

IGN Japan 94
Dragon Quest XI is almost like a NES game developed with modern technology. Turn-based battles and retro sound effects make clear it is proud of being a classic JRPG. Yet at the same time, monster mounts and real-time escape sequences indicate that Dragon Quest XI is also a forward-thinking game. The overworld is full of joy and wonder, its design integral to telling a compelling story.

Vandal 93

IGN Italia 92
Dragon Quest XI is simply the best Dragon Quest of all time. A classic old school RPG, with all the best things taken from over 30 years of JRPG.

GamesBeat 92
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age moved me in ways a Japanese RPG hasn’t done in years. 90

Eurogamer Italy 90

PlayStation LifeStyle 90
I found myself engrossed in the usual grind I’ve come to love over the years, the silly and fantastical creatures from my favorite artist, and the storytelling that met and even rattled my expectations.

Game Revolution 90
This isn’t the game for everyone. Dragon Quest 11 is unabashedly a traditional JRPG. For some, the slower pacing and linear experience aren’t going to be appealing. However, for those who have fallen in love with the genre, and grew up adoring Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and others, this game is the ultimate expression of the traditional JRPG.

God is a Geek 90
Square Enix not only stuck to its roots with this game in Japan by creating a big budget traditional JRPG for home consoles, but also went above and beyond with the additions and enhancements for the English release of the game.

GameSpot 90
Innovation in games is talked about a lot, but it's also great to see traditional gameplay formulas that have been around for decades presented exceptionally well. Dragon Quest XI is one of the best modern examples of this; its beautiful presentation, both visual- and story-wise, combines with a tried-and-true gameplay formula for a journey that’s full of heart and soul. Once you find yourself sucked into the world of Dragon Quest XI, it's going to be hard to put down until you reach the grand finale.

GameSpew 90
In an age where countless games are trying to imitate the past, there’s nothing like having Dragon Quest back where it belongs.

GamePro Germany 89

Wccftech 89

An incredible example of how to take a classic series and modernize it with updated graphics and voice acting while still keeping what made the original so charming. If the story stayed strong all the way through, it would be my favorite in the series hands-down. Nevertheless, it's still in the top three Dragon Quests that I've ever played.

IGN 88
Dragon Quest XI excels when it emphasizes fighting bad guys, exploring dungeons, and finding treasure. It’s a visual feast populated by a cast of colorful monsters more engrossing than its main characters. Uneven story beats and some icky bits sometimes slow Dragon Quest down, but superb mechanics remain the focus, making Echoes of an Elusive Age a top-tier JRPG for the modern age.

EGM 85
Dragon Quest XI brings the legendary Japanese RPG franchise to consoles (properly) for the first time in 13 years, and it’s a mostly fantastic new chapter of the series. Its story, gameplay, characters, and visuals all work to blend timeless series elements with newer-era genre refinements, and most of the time, the results are great. Unfortunately, there are a few times when honoring tradition is a weakness, not a strength—most specifically in the case of the game’s protagonist.

XGN 85
Dragon Quest XI is not flawless. It suffers from several tropes within the JRPG genre, such as a slow start and a generic overarching story. Despite these flaws however, it's stil a magnificent adventure full of interesting stories and great characters.

Game Informer 83
At times, I was glued to my controller as I discovered the next village, plot revelation, or impressive boss. Dragon Quest has stuck around for a reason: It does what it does well, and the formula still works. However, Dragon Quest XI’s lack of evolution is a hindrance. It’s about time the series took some risks.

SpazioGames 80
Dragon Quest XI is the best-looking in the long running franchise, and its core, while unchanged, remains solid and funny. Still, we would like to see some major changes and improvements in the next installment.

IGN Spain 80
Not a perfect game but it is a perfect Dragon Quest. Full of winks dedicated to its most loyal followers, but also considered for the good grade to new generations.

TheSixthAxis 80
While Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age doesn’t push the boundaries of RPG design in any new way, it is an enjoyable and refined return to the Dragon Quest franchise. Some might decry its lack of ambition, but for fans of the genre and the series, new experiences like this are few and far between.

Destructoid 80
Enix, and by proxy Square, have found myriad ways to repackage the journey of Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age proves that they haven't run out of ideas yet.

We Got This Covered 80
This isn't the end-all, be-all of JRPGs, but it's still a damn fine Dragon Quest game, not to mention a great introduction to the genre for newcomers. Think of it as JRPG comfort food and you'll have no trouble whatsoever.

COGconnected 80
I had a blast playing this game. The Dragon Quest series might evolve a bit slowly for some people, but I'm perfectly satisfied with this pace. Every nostalgic note resonates with gorgeous clarity, be it the monsters, the weapons or the aesthetics. While some attempts at growth fall flat, others expertly hit their mark. The character models and the graphics are the perfect expression of Akira Toriyama’s timeless art style. I wasn't in love with all the writing, but the characters were still flush with charm and personality. Whether you're a lifelong fan or new to the series, Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is an easy recommendation.
Última edição:

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Não fosse o lançamento tão próximo de Spiderman, pegaria agora.
Mas fico muito feliz com essas notas.


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
Hummm, vou deixar esse na wish list.
Não tenho conseguido jogar muito no PC, mas até o fim do ano esse cenário deve mudar.

Edit: R$ 180. É, talvez demore um pouquinho pra eu jogá-lo.
Última edição:


Agosto 21, 2009
nunca joguei de DQ, mas vi alguns gameplays e me chamou a atenção.
Eu vou compra lá pra novembro ou dezembro.

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Acabei pegando após ter terminado Spider-Man.

Conclui agora a noite com 117 horas.
Yuji Horii e seu time realmente manjam da sua arte. Achei o jogo excelente e uma aula de JRPG.
Utilizando uma base extremamente clichê de "herói escolhido" e "ser maligno do passado", conseguem subverter expectativas com plot-twists simples e inteligentes. E os personagens muito bem desenvolvidos, tanto heróis, quanto vilões, quanto NPCs ajudam a entregar a história.
Você se apega e se importa.

Recomendo até pra quem não curte muito o estilo e acho obrigatório para quem curte RPG.
Agosto 26, 2014
Rio de Janeiro
Acabei pegando após ter terminado Spider-Man.

Conclui agora a noite com 117 horas.
Yuji Horii e seu time realmente manjam da sua arte. Achei o jogo excelente e uma aula de JRPG.
Utilizando uma base extremamente clichê de "herói escolhido" e "ser maligno do passado", conseguem subverter expectativas com plot-twists simples e inteligentes. E os personagens muito bem desenvolvidos, tanto heróis, quanto vilões, quanto NPCs ajudam a entregar a história.
Você se apega e se importa.

Recomendo até pra quem não curte muito o estilo e acho obrigatório para quem curte RPG.
Queria muito pegar esse título, mas a não localização do jogo pesou na minha decisão.[emoji848]
Tem o backlog também, mas isso é outro assunto...[emoji28]

Enviado de meu Mi A1 usando o Tapatalk


15 anos de Xbox e PXB
PXB Gold
Outubro 31, 2014
Campo Grande - MS
Dragon Quest 11 acima de 4 milhões de unidades vendidas
Inclui vendas digitais.

Dragon Quest 11: Echoes of an Elusive Age já vendeu mais de 4 milhões de unidades.

A Square Enix anunciou que Dragon Quest 11 já vendeu mais de 4 milhões de unidades - contabilizando as unidades enviadas para as lojas e as unidades digitais vendidas.

No Japão, a versão Nintendo 3DS vendeu mais de 1,804,521 unidades, enquanto a versão PS4 vendeu mais de 1,410,521 unidades.

Isto significa que mais de 3,266,285 unidades foram vendidas aos consumidores no Japão.

A Square Enix não partilhou o número de unidades vendidas no resto do mundo.

Lançado em Julho de 2017 no Japão para a Nintendo 3DS e PlayStation 4, Dragon Quest 11 chegou em Setembro de 2018 ao Ocidente para a PlayStation 4 e PC.

No futuro, Dragon Quest 11 será lançado para a PlayStation 4 em mais territórios na Ásia e em 2019 teremos ainda a versão Nintendo Switch deste aclamado JRPG.


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Se tivesse legendas em Português eu comprava, quem jogou disse que é muito bom.
  • Curtir
Reações: quicknote79


Março 4, 2014
Eu peguei no começo desse mês de novembro e não consigo parar de jogar, estou perto do fim acho, mas estou fazendo todas as side quests, que por sinal, são muito bem feitas e legais de fazer. Fazia tempo que eu não me encontrava com um jrpg tão bem feito, esse jogo trouxe-me de volta àquele velho tempo de jogos de rpg como chrono cross.

Eu recomendo fortemente para os amantes de JPRG ou aqueles que gostam de uma boa aventura clássica, porém, de tirar o fôlego.
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Reações: User 1422

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