Fable Xbox One reveal incoming?

Mr Barreto

Julho 23, 2011
Uma das franquias que me prendem a MS.

Riddle me this: why on Earth would a developer like Lionhead suddenly decide to relaunch the Fable forum, a little over a week prior to a reportedly game-stuffed Microsoft E3 conference? How very curious. It's almost as though the developer wants to build a little momentum ahead of an announcement of some hue.
"Have you been longing for a place to hang out with like-minded Fable fans?" reads an introductory blog. "A place to share your knowledge and passion for the series? A place where those in pursuit of poultry are never frowned upon and a realm where a bout of flatulence won't draw disapproving glares?"

"Join fans from across the globe to discuss all things Fable," it continues. "From the latest news & announcements to guides, walkthroughs and fan content. Wherever your interests lie, you're bound to find the perfect bunch of people to discuss them with."
Are you planning to join the forum? Here's a topic to broach while you're there: why oh why is Lionhead presently in need of Unreal Engine experts with experience "reimagining" franchises? You might also ask why the company needs a boss who cut his teeth on free-to-play MMOs, or what exactly creative director Gary Carr meant when he told OXM last year that "we are building something more ambitious than ever before".
Alternatively, skip the investigative journamalism racket and make irate demands instead. Here's one: how about a functional in-game monarchy system?

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