Forza 6 vai ter mods!!! [mas não é o que você pensou]

M Akira W

Maio 16, 2015
Patos de Minas - MG
Basicamente são perks que aumentam as recompensas, além de aumentar ou diminuir o desafio no modo carreira ou jogo livre. Adicionam um fator a mais pra se pensar antes de fazer a corrida. Agora o nome é pegadinha do malandro:rolleyes:. Será que não tinha um nome melhor? Ou foi sem querer que deram um nome que tem outro significado no mercado de jogos?o_O


Mods are a new feature in Forza Motorsport 6, one that has been designed to bring a new layer of depth, challenge and fun to the career and free play races where Mods will be available to use. In essence, Mods give the player the chance to affect the race, whether through adding additional challenges, changing the handling of the car, or offering additional bonuses at the end of a race. In many ways, Mods give the player the chance to dare themselves to do better in a race, and reap the rewards if they are successful. We believe that players get more out of Forza, when they start turning the assists off and master their collection of cars. Therefore, Mods also create an additional “risk for reward” system to encourage experimentation with higher difficulty assist settings. Here we’ll explain what Mods are, how they work, and how you can make them work for you in your Forza 6 career

First, Mods are game modifiers, similar to perks in Forza Horizon 2 or Skulls in Halo 4, that you can unlock as you play in Forza Motorsport 6. Mods can only be used in either Career or in Free Play modes – players cannot use Mods in multiplayer or Leagues races or in Rivals events. Mod packs can be won as part of the Prize spinner (described above) or purchased for in-game credits. Different Mods affect your race in different ways. Mods come in three main categories:


Dare Mods challenge the player to get out of their comfort zone and perform with specific driving requirements that will test their skills. Players will earn credits bonuses if they succeed in a race with a Dare mod added. All Dare Mods can be used as many times as the player likes, but only one dare can be used at a time. Higher level Dare Mods include more difficult challenges and much greater rewards. Also, because many dares lock the player into harder difficulty settings, the player gets double rewards for using them: first, the dare Mod rewards the player directly. And second, the locked assist setting continue to provide scalars as well – i.e. if the Mod give +15% cr for driving without STM and turning off STM provides +10% by itself, the player receives both scalars.

Some examples of Dare mods include:

· Severe Power Decrease – Power decreased by 8%. Hit the objective to earn +20% credits.

· Manual With Clutch – Manual transmission with clutch. Hit the objective to earn +20% credits.

· Back of the Pack – Start in 24th Grid Position. Hit the objective to earn +30% credits.


Crew Mods give the player a specific performance advantage during a race, depending on the Crew Mod used. Crew Mods don’t offer specific bonus rewards but can give players an advantage in a race, especially when going up against more skilled Drivatars or trying to optimize your car’s performance on a given track. These are like an extra level of tuning or upgrades. The player has to use strategy, knowledge of the track and knowledge of the car in order to get the most out of these Mods.

Some examples of Crew mods include:

· Chassis Expert — -7% weight, +3% grip

· Braking Engineer — +20% braking, +5% power


Boost Mods give the players a specific advantage during a race or a bonus for performing well in a race. Boost Mods might increase the total amount of credits you can earn after a race, or give you a bonus to XP or credits for performing certain in-game feats. Boost Mods can only be used once – after they are used in a race, they will be automatically discarded from your Mod inventory.

Some examples of Boost mods include:

· Pristine Drafting – Earn 3,000 credits for Perfect Drafts up to 18,000 credits.

· Ghost – Your car has no collisions for the first lap of this race.

· Superior Payout – Earn +60% credits for a single race

Rarity and Slots

All Mods have rarity ratings – the more rare the Mod, the more powerful effects it can have on your race or on the post-race bonus you receive. When obtaining Mod packs, you’ll be able to tell which packs have a better chance of offering rare cards, though you won’t be able to see which Mods are in a pack until you’ve opened it.

Once you have some Mods, you can use them in a race by adding them to one of three Mods slots available to the player before each race. Players can mix and match Mods across all three categories (Boosts, Dares, and Crew) though there are some limitations to how may Mods you can engage at once. You can only use a maximum of one Dare Mod per race, and/or one Crew Mod per race. Players can play up to three Boost Mods in a race. So, for example, you could choose to run three Boost Mods, two Boost Mods and either a Crew or Dare mod, or one of each type of Mod before the race begins. As you can see, the ability to mix and match cards means that you can create some powerful combinations of cards that can offer significant bonuses at the end of a race.

There’s an element of strategy to Mods usage that is sure to add some depth to your pre-race preparation. For example, you might not want to enable a Dare mod that handicaps your power on a wide-open track like Daytona, but a Boost mod that rewards you for Perfect Drafts? That’s just the kind of Mod that you can take advantage of on Daytona’s massive oval.

As mentioned above, Mods offer a new way to think about pre-race prep, and it’s important to note that Mods can only be used in Career or Free Play modes in Forza Motorsport 6. Mods cannot be used in multiplayer, Leagues, or Rivals events; in fact, Career lap times that feature Mods will be classified as “dirty” when appearing on that event’s Rivals leaderboard.


Junho 5, 2006
Bota no título do tópico que vai ter Caveiras de Halo e todo mundo vai entender.

Só não gostei de não ter elas disponíveis no Online, aparentemente nem em lobbys privados. Seria legal trollar os desavisados com o cambio com embreagem e sem HUD.


Setembro 15, 2010
Bota no título do tópico que vai ter Caveiras de Halo e todo mundo vai entender.

Só não gostei de não ter elas disponíveis no Online, aparentemente nem em lobbys privados. Seria legal trollar os desavisados com o cambio com embreagem e sem HUD.

Quanta maldade nesse coração...:eek:

Seria maneiro mesmo hein...kkkk:D:p

Isso serve para dar mais tempo de jogatina, gostei da ideia, quem sabe depois não liberam no on line, pelo menos no lobby!!!:rolleyes:


Junho 15, 2010
Quando saiu a lista de conqusitas já tinha ficado claro o que seria, bom saber agora qual beneficio de cada.
Acho que será extremamente divertido e um desafio a mais para os aficionados.


Março 27, 2008
Embu das Artes - SP
  • Curtir
Reações: AkRaJ3 e SouzaRJ


Junho 15, 2010
O melhor do anúncio foi a tabela de carros organizada por data. Acabou a agonia de ver aquela lista sem pé nem cabeça. O TOC agradece:D
Galera do reddit com TOC já tinha organizado, ta até no tópico do Paulão. Kkkkkkk

Enviado de meu Nexus 4 usando Tapatalk

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