Topico Oficial God of War | A New Beginning


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Cory foi lá levar uma cópia pro Neil Druckmann. Influência do trabalho dele nesse novo God of War é inegável.

E Sony tá confiante, opiniões, reviews e notas poderão ser publicados a partir de 12 de abril, uma semana antes do lançamento oficial.


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Em Cory News, bicho tá fazendo aquela social com a imprensa, estúdios, galera do meio de jogos. E falando com o pessoal do Kinda Funny, o senhor Barlog comentou que um designer do jogo levou 43 horas para fechar God of War com 100%. Isso inclui a história, side-quests e outras coisas para explorar.

"One of the systems designers just did his full playthrough to get 100 percent. So that's literally doing every single thing in the entire game, and he played 43 hours. 43 hours and he knows what to do," Barlog said. "He [worked on] a lot of the exploration content and the engagement outside of the core story. So he had not seen a lot of the core story stuff, that part was new to him, so that took a little bit. But everything else, that's pretty impressive considering he knew what to do."

"It's definitely larger than I intimated in the beginning of the game. I was like, 'Oh, it's not that big, don't worry about it.' We spent that entire time at the beginning, 'Don't worry, don't worry, don't worry!' [...] I think I just deflected for several years and just pretended. And then I would deflect it in the way of saying, 'I'm so worried, I don't think the game's gonna be that long.' And then we did our first sort of full gameplay test and it took five days, and we were like, 'Oh, man. Alright, what have we done?'"


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Hype subindo!
Dependendo das reviews semana que vem, pode ser que eu faça uma besteira e entre na dança da pre-order. Vamos ver.
Tópico errado, comentei uma coisa aqui achando que estava no do Spider. :joy:

Aproveitando, não pegou um daqueles códigos de 20% no site lá?
Eu tenho 2 e vale até 30/04, se quiser um avisa.
Não vale pra pre-order, mas como lança dia 20 mesmo.
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Reações: Edu Barros

Edu Barros

Fevereiro 16, 2008
Ribeirão Preto
Tópico errado, comentei uma coisa aqui achando que estava no do Spider. :joy:

Aproveitando, não pegou um daqueles códigos de 20% no site lá?
Eu tenho 2 e vale até 30/04, se quiser um avisa.
Não vale pra pre-order, mas como lança dia 20 mesmo.

Pode mandar!!!
Acabei de entrar no portal pra tentar pegar um código, mas a quest acabou dia 27/03.

Edu Barros

Fevereiro 16, 2008
Ribeirão Preto
God of War III Remastered está em 7º lugar no Twitch neste momento, à frente de CS:GO, Overwatch, WoW, R6:S e Sea of Thieves. Provavelmente estão no hype pro novo jogo.


Janeiro 12, 2016
Ribeirão Preto
Santa Mônica revelou os níveis de dificuldades do jogo:

  • Give Me A Story: lets you experience the story without too much of a difficult gameplay challenge. You won’t be taking a gondola to the top of the highest peaks in all the Norse Realms, but you will have a far greater margin for error in enemy encounters.

  • Give Me A Balanced Experience: is the mode we’d recommend most players start with. The name says it all. We’ve tuned it to deliver a balanced, challenging playthrough.

  • Give Me A Challenge: is harder and less forgiving. It is recommended for players who find action games extremely intuitive, and for confident long-time God of War series veterans who’ve beat past games on harder difficulties.

  • Give Me God of War: is the sort of thing reserved for people who wrestle polar bears in their undies. Maybe not quite that, but it’s the most difficult mode in the game. We haven’t just made you weaker or enemies stronger; we’ve looked at enemy behaviors and placements in encounters as well, tweaking everything to make it as threatening as possible. Best of all, you cannot change difficulties once you start a game on this mode, so if you suddenly realize you’re in way over your head, you’ll have to start a new game. Don’t be sorry, be better?
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Reações: Edu Barros

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