gta 5 reiniciando em uma missão.


Dezembro 9, 2013
Sei que esse topico ja deve ter sido tratado aki,mas gostaria de saber se alguem que teve o mesmo problema conseguiu resolver,meu xbox é antigo de 2009 .
Alguem teve o mesmo problema? e como solucionou?


Novembro 1, 2009
Realmente já possui um tópico sobre isso,da uma procurada depois. Mas enfim,eu tive este problema, só que o meu foi mais grave,ele reiniciava dando 2RL. Ai tive que consertar o console e etc
Mas na epoca mandei um e-mail pra Rockstar e ela me retornou varios passos a seguir,espero que ajude:

Thank you for contacting Rockstar Support.
We're sorry to hear that you're having issues with GTA V on Xbox 360. Below you will find some Console Troubleshooting steps which may help resolve the issue.
Before troubleshooting, please check the following:
  • a. Turn the console off and on.
  • b. Unplug all power cords and accessories, and then plug them back in firmly. Make sure all connections are secure.
  • c. Update your console software.
1.) Clearing Game Cache:
To clear the Xbox 360 cache select Settings==>System==> Storage ==> then highlight the HDD, press Y for Device Options… and then simply select “Clear System Cache”. Select Yes when prompted to perform Hard Drive Maintenance.
* = Deleting the cache will remove temporary game files and updates. Saved games, profiles, DLC etc will NOT be removed.

**Please note, if the game freezes during installation, please check the following article:

2.) Clear the Game Cache.
Clearing the Game Cache on the Xbox 360 is a separate function from clearing the System Cache. In order to do so, you must hold the LEFT Bumper, RIGHT Bumper, and the X button all at the same time on the Xbox 360 controller as a game is launching. Once you reach the Main Menu or Title Screen of the game, you can let go of the buttons. There will be no notification to you that this process has completed because it is all done passively.
Clearing the Game Cache resolves many problems in games that rely heavily on the Xbox 360's cached memory. Some of these problems include, but are not limited to NPC issues, random textures, and "hitching", "lagging", or "slow gameplay".

3.) Disconnect your Xbox from the internet.
We have gotten reports that some players have been able to resolve their issues by disconnecting their console from the internet. It is possible that some freezes are related to some recent server outages that should be resolved shortly. If issues persist, disabling all internet connections on your console should prevent the game from attempting to access the servers. Obviously this is not ideal, but testing this should work at least for troubleshooting purposes, and should be resolved quickly.

4.) Clear save files.
Some crashes can be related to corrupted save data, especially crashes at a specific spot, or crashes on launch. The next step would be to isolate the save files, and see if launching without them remedies the issue. There are several ways of doing this:

  • a. Deleting all files in the Games and Apps folder related to GTA V. Select Settings==>System==> Storage ==> then highlight the HDD, press A, then select Games and Apps==>Grand Theft Auto V. Delete all files in this directory. Note: This method will result in permanent loss of data. If the game crashed the first time it launched, no valuable information is stored in here, so they may be deleted freely. If you already played the game for many hours, you may want to consider trying another method.
  • b. Backing up all files in the save directory to an external device before deleting all files as described above.
  • c. Possibly the simplest method, and one that also might isolate other potential issues would be to test the game from a brand new Xbox Live Gamertag. The save files for 360 games are tied to a specific user. Launching from a new user should cause the game to pull from a brand new pool of files.
5.) Install the game to a new section of the Hard Drive.
Another possible troubleshooting step would be to attempt to install the game to a new section of the hard drive. Typically, when installing, and reinstalling games, the system will attempt to reinstall over the same block of space on the HDD. While there is no function to manually force the game to install on a different block of space, there is one possible workaround that might force the game to install on a new section.

Basically, what we are going to do is uninstall the game, clear the cache, and then install some unrelated data to the Hard Drive, which should get installed to the block of space where GTA V was previously installing.
Please try the following:
  • a. Uninstall the game from the Games and Apps folder. Delete everything related to GTA V that is not a save file.
  • b. Clear the system cache, as was described above.
  • c. Install about 7-8GB of unrelated content. If you have Xbox Live Gold, the simplest thing here would be to download a bunch of demos from Xbox Live. The content is unimportant, you never even have to play the demos, the point here is to just eat up some hard drive space, and when you reinstall GTA V, force the console to install the game to a section that was not previously used. If you do not have a Gold account, installing 10-12 music CDs should use up enough space, although more might be needed. The idea here is to try to use up approximately the same amount of space as GTA V's install, which is about 8.5GB.
  • d. Reinstall GTA V, and see if conditions improve.
6.) Test the game on a second console.
This last step is potentially the trickiest step, depending on alternate hardware availability, but probably the most important step for determining the cause of major issues on any console. That step would be to test the disc on a separate console. If you have a friend or family member with an Xbox 360, we strongly recommend installing the game on their console, and see if issues persist.
7.) Test the game when installed on a second hard drive.
Because GTA V is so reliant on install data, and utilizes the hard drive so heavily, it may also be worth attempting to install on a different drive, and see if that helps. If you were previously installing on internal storage, installing to a freshly formatted 16GB Flash drive may help improve performance. More information on installation can be found at the following:

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