Halo 5 chega dia 27 de outubro

Janeiro 6, 2013
Rio de Janeiro - NI
Fiquei aqui pensando depois de assistir aos dois comercias que talvez no Halo 5 tenha duas campanhas separadas uma com o Lock e outra com o Chief. E que esta cena possa ser a hora em que as duas campanhas se cruzam. Outra coisa que tbm pensei é que talvez pela primeira vez o jogo tenha algum sistema de escolhas podendo da alguma opções diferentes ao final, ia ser muito foda alguns finals diferentes mais que tbm não fossem contra ao que esta sendo feito com o destino do Chief agora.
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Reações: LOCATELLi


Outubro 12, 2014

aqui vai td o dialogo feito nesse audio.

There's a story you tell yourself when the world blows up in your face. There's no way you could have seen it coming. No one could have, so there was no way to stop it. This is what lets you sleep at night. But go back in your mind to before it all happened. Replay it in your head. Except this time, maybe you'll see it. Something small, out of place. Maybe it's just a single thread. But it's the truth.

Nobody saw it coming when they arrive. An alien race known as the Covenant. Before 2552, there was no way anything like that could ever happen on Earth. On one of those distant planets in the Outer Colonies, maybe. But an attack on Earth? Couldn't happen. Until it did. It's called glassing. Covenant warships rain plasma down on a planet until everything and everyone on the surface melts. Usually it's complete world destruction. Earth only got a taste. The prolonged orbital bombardment destroyed east Africa, killing millions before it ended. None of us were safe anymore. But something else happened that day too. Or some one. You've heard the eye witness accounts., every skeptic has seen the footage. I was there, and yet still to this day it's unbelievable. A massive man in green armor appeared seemingly out of nowhere in New Mombasa, performed super human feats to single-handedly repel a global invasion and then disappeared? This was the Master Chief. The unified Earth government's military body, the UNSC, eventually released a statement. Who he is, where he came from, and that he's continuing to keep us safe. And that was that. But who IS the Master Chief? Where DID he come from? IS he continuing to keep us safe?

I'm Benjamin Giraud, and this is Hunt The Truth.

For all us cosmopolitan Earth types who don't venture in the far reaches of space, there's a planet way out in the Outer Colonies called Eridanus II. If you're thinking of visiting, don't bother. It was catastrophically glassed in a Covenant attack in 2530. But 19 years before it got wiped out, our hero, Master Chief Petty Officer John 117, then known as John, was born in a metropolis called Elysium City. That's where I started.

Deon Govender (teacher)

Do I remember him? Oh yeah, you don't forget a kid like that.


That's Deon Govender. He chatted with me from his home in the Outer Colonies. Deon's retired now, but years ago he taught John at Elysium City Primary Education Facility #119. Apparently schools in the Outer Colonies don't have the catchiest names.


John was something else. He was sharp and quick, always evaluating the situation. Other kids just gravitated to him, you know?


Deon seemed most excited to talk about John's athletic ability. The kids used to play King of the Hill after school. You know, the old game where you wrestle and push each other to try to be the last man standing.


I would, I would walk by sometimes, see 'em playing after school, you know? And w-w-without fail, I swear, it was always John standing alone at the top of that hill (laughs) (Ben: Right). Every single day. Matter of fact, I think the other kids ended up fighting for who got to be king of half way up the hill cause nobody was messing with John.

Ellie Bloom:

I definitely remember John. You're going way back with that question.


That's Ellie Bloom, another life-long resident of the Outer Colonies. When she was young, she and John lived on the same street, just a few houses down.


Well he was a little younger than me, but I tell you, that boy did not look like a kindergartner. He was a big kid. My friend Katrina and I used to meet him in this vacant lot in the neighborhood. The three of us would build these obstacle courses out of random junk and then race! You know, just kids stuff.


As Ellie talked about her early years in Elysium, it wasn't long before she was getting nostalgic.


On warm nights, sometimes our parents would let us go out to the green space and lie in the grass. And we'd just... lie there. Stare up at the stars. It was a nice place to grow up.


Finding Ellie was a huge win for me. When a planet's been glassed, tracking down former residents can be damn near impossible. Any records kept locally: paper, hardened data storage, even human memories. After a full scale glassing? They're just gone. Thankfully though, the Office of Naval Intelligence, or ONI, had furnished me with a list of interviewees. That's how I'd gotten Deon. But I wanted to go the extra mile with this story. So I'd hit up some of my old connections in the Outer Colonies looking for more sources. Ellie was my only hit so far.

Ben: Did you- did you keep in touch with John?

Ellie: No. I wasn't allowed to use Waypoint much when I was little. But I did keep in touch with Katrina. We still talk actually. You know, she probably remembers John. I'm gonna tell her I talked to you. Wait, ahh what was this for again? It's a military thing?

Ben: Oh (Laughs) No, no. John ahh... John is.. ahh the Master Chief.


What? He's..


Yeah, yeah John became the Master Chief.


Like, THE Master Chief?




Oh my God! No.. no way. Are you serious?


I'm not kidding you.


Oh my God. That's crazy!


Ellie lost her mind for a few minutes. I guess it's not every day you find out that your childhood playmate saved the galaxy.


Oh my god, now I'm definitely telling Katrina! I mean, she is gonna freak out!


Alright, so maybe Ellie wasn't gonna be much help. I needed more of the young warrior angle. Here's Deon again.


Did I tell you the boxer story?


No, no-no, what's that?


Ok, Ok. So..


Not yet.


I taught the primary kids you know, right? But I also ran this-this boxing league at the high school.


Uh huh.


Second week, second week we're doing drills in the gym, John walks in. Now mind you, John is in 6th grade at the time. I say, "hey John, what's up?" He says, "I want to sign up for boxing." (Ben laughs) And I say, "John, you're twelve!" (laughing) You know! What are you talking about?


But John was adamant.


But I look at him and he-he ain't leaving.




So I said, ok, what the hell. Figure let it be a formative lesson for the kid. I don't know what it.. so... I put him in the ring with the, with the smaller guys. John pummeled this boy! (Ben laughs) It was over in about 15 seconds. Ok? So I, well alright, well I put him in with this bruiser. Now a real good fighter.




Ok? Good fighter! Two punches! John laid him out! Twelve years old! Never seen anything like it.


I liked talking to Deon. He was warm and funny in that grandfatherly, mermory lane kind of way. I realized I'd gotten lost in it all when the narrative took a dark turn.


But then one week, John just didn't show up.


It was 2524, John was 13. That's when the nightmare of the Insurrection that had been plaguing the Outer Colonies finally landed on John's community. Under pressure from UNSC troops, the rebels were on their last leg, desperately seizing territory in the region and launching paranoid inquisitions to find spies. Civilian abductions and interrogations became common place.

Thomas Woo

They would just... you know um... question you. Just... these... meaningless question for hours and hours.


Thomas Woo was living on a neighboring colony when the rebels showed up and hit hard, sweeping up Thomas and thousands of others in raids. What followed was months of horribly overcrowded detainment, neglect, and often constant questioning.


You know, "did you know this guy? Wha- what are the encryption codes for this system? That system?" You know. And you have no idea... what they're even asking you.


In the final couple months, Thomas says his captors started coming unhinged. And then toward the end... they just disappeared. Leaving Thomas and hundreds of others locked up, starving. I don't want to play this part of the interview, but I'll tell you. It got bad. He talks about being packed in like sardines. Warm bodies. Cold bodies. People dying in the dark. The smell. He doesn't know how long it lasted. Maybe weeks. But Thomas and many others survived. They made it out.


Well you know, we... we... we helped each other. You know, we looked out for each other. You know, and I mean, that's, that, that's the only way. We... we made it through to the liberation. And then we left. You know, we-we-we never looked back.


When I asked him where the survivors relocated to, Thomas began to list off which cities were safe for refugees at the time. Decades later he can still recite them all from memory. I asked about John's home town.

Wha-what about Elysium City?


No. Insurrectionist cesspool. Yeah, no. They got it bad back there.


Deon Govender confirms this.


In Elysium City, people just disappeared back then. Just happened. Once the Insurrectionists took over, whole neighborhoods just got scooped up.


This went on for months. He talks about watching his community get torn apart slowly. Every day. I asked him about John.


Yeah. Hmm hm. Him and his parents. John missed the first practice. And the last one. Back then it seemed like everybody had... (Deon chokes up) I'm sorry. (Deon clears his throat).


No, no-no it's fine. Take your time.

It was hard watching Deon break down like this. He just looked defeated. These kinds of interviews are brutal. I wanted to comfort him, but it just felt condescending. Like I have any idea what it was like for him. So we were quiet for a bit. Before we ended though, he said this.


I think that if anything good can be said to have come from all of this, it's that everyone who went through it can know that their struggle wasn't for nothing. When you have a young man who can rise up from something like this... and do what John has done, he honors all of us.


Deon believed in John the way the rest of us believe in the Master Chief. He made it seem like this tragedy that shaped him was almost necessary. I certainly felt like I had the proper beginnings to a hero's origin story. The story made sense, it felt right. Sometimes you have to go back though. Look again, because maybe you'll see something, something small. Out of place. That single thread.

Later that evening, after my interview with Deon, I was pretty drained. So I spent some time sifting through a bunch of file boxes. I'd paid this scavenger in the Outer Colonies to dig around and send over any Elysium City documents she could find. The only local government records left were hard copies, but I took them anyway. I was sorting through a messy box of local census registries when I stumbled across John's name. One line of basic information printed out in black and white. That's when I saw it. A single letter next to his name. D. I was staring at an official document that said quite plainly that in 2517 John died at 6 years old. Please join me for the next episode of Hunt The Truth.


Apenas passando
Setembro 7, 2014
E o hype? PQP! Estou terminando o Halo 2 e partindo para o 3 no MCC e estou apaixonado pelo universo do jogo. Como não joguei antes?
Idem. Me pergunto o mesmo. Sempre que lançavam u eu ignorava, achando que seria alguma ficção mal feita. Por um lado foi bom, a coleção MCC e o material abundante produzido hoje me deram uma noção do quão incrível e complexo é o universo que eles criaram. Militarismo, uso extensivo de IA, expansão territorial, dominação pela crença, evolução da Humanidade, e ao mesmo tempo temas mais psicológicos, como o limite entre homem e máquina, ética, honra, e por aí vai. Isso acaba sendo suficiente para deixarmos de lado uma falha ou outra (como a Cortana guardada em um pen drive).
Pedi o livro Fall of Reach para entener o início de tudo. Fiquei também muito curioso na linha de tempo dos Forerunnners e sua ligação com a espécie humana.
Dá para eles escreverem décadas sobre esse universo (roteiro de jogos e de séries, HQs e livros), se conseguirem manter a coerência e a qualidade do material produzido. A MS só precisa engatar uma série padrão HBO/Netflix para garantir longevidade à franquia com qualidade.
Bom jogo. Se precisar passar em alguma fase no coop é só me add e mandar msg pela Live.
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Reações: leopetro


Outubro 6, 2010
Minha humilde opinião como fã de Halo, que acompanha a saga desde a versão PC de Halo1, Halo2 e que só comprou o Xbox porque o maldito Halo3 não saiu pra pc.. ahiuahiahai

Atenção! Spoilers!!
Em Halo4 Chief é salvo por uma Cortana que já não andava bem das pernas por causa da "rampacy". Em várias ocasiões discutiram isso durante o jogo e chegaram a conclusão que apenas a Dra. Helsey poderia reverter a "irreversível" decadência da I.A.
No fim da campanha de Halo 4, Cortana se sacrifica se desconectando de Chief, para invadir a rede neural Forerunner e salvar Chief - e em 2o lugar - segundo ela mesma - a raça humana. Como resultado Chief e Cortana não são mais uma unidade.
Além disso, no final de Halo 4 e das "aventuras alucinantes" do Majestic Team, Dra. Helsey muda para o lado de uma fação divergente Elite que procura a tecnologia Forerunner para se vingar da Humanidade.

Ok, esse é o cenário:
Chief sem Cortana, Dra. Helsey traidora da raça humana, Chief precisa recuperar Cortana e precisa de Helsey pra "reabilitar" Cortana.
Junto a isso o primeiro (acho) trailer da continuação que mostra Chief vagando em um deserto rochoso com o SDCard (kkk) onde ficava cortana, encontrando uma nave de tecnologia visivelmente Forerunner:

Agora a minha teoria:
Chief sai em uma missão não autorizada para encontrar Cortana, mas encontrar ela é apenas a primeira parte da tarefa, ele precisa de Helsey para restaurar a I.A. Para isso deverá procurar um acordo com a facção Elite que se aliou à traidora Helsey.
Chief passa a ser tratado como traidor, assim como Helsey, e a ONI envia o Agente Locke (agora um Spartan) atrás dele. Isso fica claro em outro trailer onde Locke conversa com Arbiter sobre sua relação com Chief:

Notem que entre 0:25 e 0:35, Arbiter fica próximo a uma projeção holográfica que lembra muito a instalação Forerunner que Chief encontra no deserto.
No vídeo acima, fica claro que Locke foi enviado para "caçar" Chief, e para isso procura a ajuda da facção Elite que segue Arbiter para chegar aos Elites dissidentes que procuram a guerra e que tem Helsey em seu poder.
Algumas versões desse trailer, mostra Locke e Arbiter lado a lado em frente a uma escotilha que se abre e eles partem para um combate (não indica contra quem). Eu suponho que o holograma da nave Forerunner deixa uma pista de que eles estavam indo de encontro à mesma para atacar quem a controla. Na minha opinião é a facção Elite: esta deve ser a missão de Arbiter. E provavelmente nesta nave já se encontra Chief: A missão de Locke. Ou pode ser Helsey quem Locke procure nesta missão, como forma de atrair Chief para alguma armadilha.

Fato é que uma hora Locke e Chief irão se enfrentar, por termos dois cenários quase identicos nos teasers, porém com os papeis invertidos, acredito que o jogo deve se basear nas escolhas do jogador. Embora no fim das contas, não importa qual seja a escolha e o final, Chief e Locke sobrevivem, porque acredito que Chief já venceu tudo: Covenants, Forerunners, etc. Agora mandaram um Spartan Badass pra "cuidar" dele. Halo precisa manter a tensão crescente, criando novos e mais perigosos inimigos. E também, porque não: Escolhas morais (só rezo para que não vire um Mass Effect da vida).

O que poderia vir a seguir:
Cortana seria recuperada? Vai adquirir forma humana? (ja vimos em Halo4 que isso é possível, pois a própria raça humana havia sido "digitalizada" e mantida nas Arks para sobreviver ao efeito Halo e depois seriam reutilizados para repovoar os planetas).

Talvez isso aconteça no final de Halo5, deixando Cortana ainda separada de Chief, mas mantendo nele a esperança de encontrá-la. Talvez ela até seria feita refém de um dos dois lados (humanos ou Elites rebeldes) para estudos ou para manter Chief subalterno. Ninguém sabe.

Desculpem se escrevi alguma asneira, digam o que acham, nem que seja "this is bullshit!" kkkkkkkkkk

Última edição:

Luiz Trindade

Junho 9, 2008
Minha humilde opinião como fã de Halo, que acompanha a saga desde a versão PC de Halo1, Halo2 e que só comprou o Xbox porque o maldito Halo3 não saiu pra pc.. ahiuahiahai

Cara...tudo muito coerente, aliás, foi a teoria mais coerente que li até agora. Só tenho uma observação a fazer: Mass Effect é uma jogo excelente. :p, mas fora isso, concordo 100% com vc.


Code +1
Outubro 25, 2007


Code +1
Outubro 25, 2007
E a cabeça da estátua foi destruída na foto com o Chief em pé. Ou seja, o Chief voltou na estátua depois da cena com o Locke e alguma guerrra ocorreu alí.


Novembro 25, 2009
Caraaaaaaalho, que foda viu galera... esse aí é compra no lançamento, não pelo multi mas sim pelo modo história que vai ser toooopp..... mas não haviam falado que o beta ia ser lança 1 ano antes, não esperava este lançamento tão cedo... :)


Outubro 12, 2014
E a cabeça da estátua foi destruída na foto com o Chief em pé. Ou seja, o Chief voltou na estátua depois da cena com o Locke e alguma guerrra ocorreu alí.
Eu li uma tese de que o video 2 é o verdadeiro o chief derrotando o locke, enquanto o video 2 é o que o locke contou ao seus superiores, chief conseguiu convence-lo de que ele estava certo ai o locke mentiu falando que conseguiu matar o chief

Ale Rangel

Bon Vivant desde 2007
PXB Gold
Março 14, 2007
São Paulo
Que isso , pelo amor :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Voltei a me animar com Halo depois das palhaçadas do MCC ( MP ) , mas esse Halo 5 vai ser um espetáculo pqp !
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Reações: RAYMON


Outubro 29, 2005
São Paulo
O Xbox One vai ter entre os consoles o 1º AAA (exclusivo) em 2015 que vende consoles, isso se Tomb Raider não sair antes.
pela data de lançamento em outubro, novembro certamente vai ficar guardado pra algo importante. Ou Tomb, ou Quantum Break ou mesmo a coletania fantasma do Gears...
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Reações: Jotabe


Desde o Portal Xbox.
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
O canal do @DarthMaulBR no youtube (youtube.com/jogaetv) está com os dois trailers legendados, só não postei eles aqui pois estou navegando pelo One.
Mas fica ai à dica para quem quiser assistir em português ;).
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Reações: SevanisBR

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