Jump Force reúne Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece e Death Note


Outubro 29, 2005
São Paulo
A Microsoft revelou oficialmente Jump-Force, novo game de luta da Bandai Namco que reúne personagens de Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece e Death Note.

The Enemy Hands on

O título da Bandai Namco era de longe o mais procurado no lounge de jogos montado no mesmo palco em que a conferência aconteceu. Na demo, pudemos experimentar seis personagens: Zoro e Luffy de One Piece; Narutoe Sasuke de Naruto; e Son Goku e Frieza de Dragon Ball.

Para quem estava esperando a precisão competitivas de Dragon Ball FighterZ, porém, uma decepção. O game com movimentação em 3D lembra uma versão atualizada do jogo de 2014 J-Stars Victory Vs., que celebrou os 45 anos da revista Shonen Jump.

Times de três personagens - que podem ser trocados a qualquer momento - se enfrentam em arenas amplas, onde cabem muito bem as explosões de poder de cada um deles. Habilidades especiais devastadoras - Genki Damas, Bijuu Damas e a Gear Fourth de Luffy, por exemplo - são liberadas quando uma barrinha de energia fica cheia com um simples pressionar do RT e de um dos botões de golpes.

Os personagens lutam conjurando efeitos especiais conhecidos dos amigos - e todos são muito tranquilos de controlar nessa demo. Há grande fluidez de movimentos, e pirotecnias inundam a tela linda e exageradamente, do jeito que os fãs gostam.

Outra mecânica clássica dos jogos de luta, a barra de superforça, também ressurge aqui sob o nome Awakening Gauge. Antes de cada embate, herói e vilões trocam tradicionais farpas nas suas vozes originais nos EUA.

Com versões para PlayStation 4 e Xbox One, Jump Force sai em 2019.
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Reações: OLD-MAN


Maio 12, 2016
Não to colocando muita fé nesse jogo.
Talvez se fosse 2D como o DBFZ. Esse trem de jogo 3D de luta com com esse modelo de cenário não fica legal.
Talvez se fizessem uma especia de smash bros, como o J-STARS ANTIGOS


Outubro 29, 2005
São Paulo
Metacritic 62

GameSpot - 7/10
Jump Force is a worthy celebration of the legacy of Shonen Jump manga, but it honors its source material a little too well with how filler-heavy the middle of its story arc is. However, even if the game rarely provides a clear motivation for stopping evil other than good must always oppose it, the act of stomping out villains in Jump Force's frantic bouts of tag-team arena combat is an enjoyable test of strategy. And with over 40 characters to master, there's ample opportunity to develop new strategies and reach greater feats of combat prowess in online multiplayer.

Shack News - 7/10
What this game is really about is fan service and I must admit that it succeeds in offering folks up a hefty chunk in that department. Jump Force knows that it’s really for the Shonen Jump fans and if you are a fan there’s plenty to like here. One would probably be better off focusing on the core fighting game aspects though.

IGN - 6.3/10
If you’ve got like-minded anime fans who are down to smash some buttons and watch the sparks fly, Jump Force’s fighting system allows for at least a few hours of shallow fun before it gets stale and repetitive. The bland story feels half-baked and never does anything interesting with its impressive roster of beloved characters who’ve rarely or never had the chance to meet before, making this celebration of 50 years of Weekly Shonen Jump a disappointment overall.

Destructoid - 6/10
Like the Dissidia series, Jump Force is something I'm going to be coming back to for random bits of fun throughout the years. The core is good, it's just let down by some odd design choices and an average campaign. This is an older brawler in an HD skin: if you want something more than that, look elsewhere.

Wccftech - 6/10
Jump Force has major problems, but it can actually be really fun. It feels tedious when playing missions, and repetitive at times in combat. But using your favourite characters' abilities in battle remains fun throughout. It's going to be an acquired taste, but anime fans will actually find a lot to enjoy here. Just stick to the online play, where you can remain blissfully ignorant of the awful cutscenes and animation.

Screen Rant - 6/10
Because that's what Jump Force is all about. It's the Smash Bros. of manga, a collection of favorites and newcomers alike that finally get to face one another in battle. So even with the concessional misstep or missed opportunity, enjoyment is guaranteed.

CGMagazine - 5.5/10
I didn’t expect much from Jump Force and yet, I still can’t help but feel disappointed. Its core gameplay makes for an enjoyable time, something I haven’t been able to say for an anime arena fighter in a long time. Failing in nearly every other aspect though, I find it extremely to wade through Jump Force’s aggressive shortcomings, so much so that I almost wish the fighting mechanics were bad so I could ignore this title completely. In a world where titles like Dragon Ball FighterZ exist, its hard to swallow the pill that is Jump Force.

The Sixth Axis - 3/10
Crossover games are nothing new to Bandai Namco or Shonen Jump, so it surprises and disappoints me to see that none of the good aspects or successful mechanics of these previous games made their way into Jump Force at all. Jump Force is a visual mess, It lacks the fun and charm that a wild crossover like this should embrace, and It's just a technical mess from top to bottom. Jump Force is a huge celebration of some of the most iconic manga in history, but it fails to do any of them justice.

Windows Central - 2.5/5
None of these issues are enough to bring a fighting game down on their own, but together they make for an excruciating exercise in patience, and I might have been able to find that patience if the game at large had more to offer. Its hyper-focus on gameplay does it no favors in that regard. Wait for a sharp discount if you must have it.

ComicBook.com - 2/5
No matter which way you slice it, Jump Force isn’t the game fans dreamed it would be upon its announcement, but it will excite anime fans who’ve got a thing for 3D fighters. If you can see past its abysmal story mode and questionable animation, Jump Force clearly put its focus on fighting. The battles can be crisp, dynamic, and challenging enough to keep those invested coming back. However, as soon as a victor is crowned, Jump Force goes back to being a shonen spectacle with a shocking lack of substance.
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Reações: Drfroti


Setembro 17, 2008
Quando ate WindowsCentral detona a coisa ta feia, mas todo mundo com pe no chao ja esperava estas notas.

Crackdown 3 so foi lancado mesmo por questao de honra e para não matar a franquia.

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