Kickstarter: Project Awakened, crie o personagem dos seus sonhos [Unreal Engine 4]


Outubro 31, 2009
"Craft the videogame character of your dreams. Play in a world that reacts to your imagination, with amazing Unreal Engine 4 graphics"



    *LIMITLESS MULTIPLAYER (stretchgoal - ver abaixo)
    *MOD THE GAME TO BE ANYTHING (stretchgoal - ver abaixo)


Project Awakened is a genre-defying game that lets you answer the question: "Who do you want to be?" For the first time in a modern AAA action game, you will have the opportunity to completely define your dream videogame character, from abilities to aesthetics, all while playing in an action-packed world that responds to your personal playstyle.


  • Modular (not class or skilltree) a-la-carte ability system
    *Incredibly customizable character visualization
    *Characters that are as unique as the player who created them


Multiplayer in Project Awakened will open players’ eyes to the creative potential of what videogames can be. The myriad of abilities and weapons available in the game will allow players to craft teams of characters never before seen in multiplayer games and specially suited to countering enemy strategies or achieving objectives. While multiplayer will take inspirations from other competitive team-building and objective based games, the focus will be providing an action-packed online experience that players can customize to their liking.


Protótipo na UE3

Different gameplay scenarios will call for different character makeups. A capture-the-flag game might involve one character with stealth abilities sneaking past the opposing team and grabbing their flag, while another character with freezing powers stops the enemy flag carrier. A point defense map might inspire players to create an entire team of stone-skinned tanks. There will be tradeoffs and counter strategies to every combination of abilities, and only through solid strategy and teamwork, as well as individual player skill, will a team's potential be truly unlocked.



  • Present day world with tomorrow's technology
    *A world that responds to player creations/characters
    *Missions that can be completed from multiple approaches

Project Awakened is like nothing that has been made before. With that comes challenges we are aware of, and have been working on for years.

- This powerful and open ended Character Creation tool allows for vast visual and ability combinations, which will be difficult to balance and implement at the scale which makes this project truly unique. Fortunately, we have been prototyping such systems for over 6 years now, knowing it was a cornerstone of delivering the vision of Project Awakened. Furthermore, we have a veteran team of passionate designers with lots of experience designing games on this scale.

Protótipo na UE3

- Unreal Engine 4 is new and incredibly powerful engine technology. Phosphor Games is in the position of working with Epic Games to help develop UE4, so we are in the best possible place to make such a game, but using a new engine comes with some inherent risk. We will mitigate this by working closely with Epic to use the engine as it has been intended, and unlock its full potential.

- There is a lot of content in this game for us to create. Luckily, we already have a huge backlog of content that we've built for other games, or prototyped for earlier versions of Awakened, that we can use as a starting point. This should allow us to achieve the variety we are shooting for without falling short in terms of scope, as we already have a significant head-start. The majority of our effort will be spent getting things to work well together in a new engine, versus building the actual art and animations.


The potential for Project Awakened to grow and allow even more amazing content and tools is enormous. Any amount we raise over the base goal goes directly into making more for you to make your video game dreams a reality!


Project Awakened has huge potential to foster a robust Mod community. If the Stretch Goal is achieved, Project Awakened will ship with the editor exposed, and the game itself will be built in such a modular fashion that it will be easy to modify any values on any abilities, weapons, maps, etc. to the player’s liking. Craft new weapons, new character outfits, and create entirely new maps and gameplay scenarios using the easy to use editor and our massive art library.


:arrow: PARA DOAR:

:arrow: Também no Steam Greenlight:

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Não curti não. Muitas promessas irreais... personagens como quiser, jogue como quiser, o jogo se adapta... sei. Me parece um TPS com customização de roupas, talvez de armas e uns poderzinhos a lá Infamous. Meh...


Dezembro 31, 2010
Aham kickstarter, senta lá...

Gostei da foto "immersive world", a armadura do player é tão futuristica que a espada dele flutua nas costas :p


Agosto 18, 2007
O conceito é interessante, mas é muito difícil acreditar que pode dar certo.

Ou virá entupido de bugs até o gargalo, ou não vai ser nada disso que tá sendo prometido...

Também não botei muita fé não.

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