[LOADOUT] - Novo game pintando para o PS4! (F2P, FPS, fanfaroots)


Setembro 13, 2007
.lock if old.Buenas galera, eu pelo menos nao tinha nem noção da existencia desse jogo antes desse anuncio para o PS4!Parece uma mistura maluca de TF2 com Borderlands!Sem delongas, segue anuncio oficial e o primeiro trailer divulgado.
Greetings, PlayStation folks! My name is Mark Nau, and I’m the Creative Director at Edge of Reality. We’re the folks who made Loadout, a game about resolving your differences by blasting, burning, and/or exploding anybody who disagrees with you. I know you PS4 fans are a pretty tight-knit community, but let’s face it – once in a while, you’re going to feel the need to shoot somebody’s legs off, and I’m proud to announce that we’re giving you billions of ways to do that. In case you haven’t already guessed from the blog title or that introduction, we’re bringing Loadout as a console exclusive to PlayStation 4!Loadout is a game that lets you concoct the weapon of your dreams and/or nightmares from hundreds of component parts, and share their payloads with your friends in fast-paced matches, with violently comedic results. Giant death beam? We’ve got it covered. Bouncy Tesla balls? Sure. Laser-guided cluster-bomb rockets? Hey, we’re not here to judge. Loadout has literally billions of different weapon combinations, and you can wield every last one of them once we launch on PS4. We’re going to be adjusting all the scopes and balancing the barrels so your weapons of choice feel right at home on DualShock 4.Putting a visually unique game like Loadout on PS4 is a treat for us. The sprawling levels and bombastic characters look as glorious and murderable as ever! When you shoot someone in Loadout, you know it and they know it: limbs and heads sever, gaping holes display the delightfully shiny organs within, and flesh burns to a well-done crisp. The lavish animation and art will be right at home on PS4.All this, and the game is free-to-play. All the shooting, all the running away from the people who are shooting, all the shooting the people before they can shoot you, you get it all – along with all of the mangled corpses, burnt landscapes, and slightly damaged friendships that come with it.
Source: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/...bos/#sf3187418
Pelo menos a primeira impressao, me parece um game bem divertido!Sem contar que ele esta elevando ao infinito o 'teabag' hahahaha...Eu gostei da proposta pelo menos.E se nao for nakele molde classico de -f2p, mas pay 2 win- ja tem pelo menos o meu interesse real em dar uma testada, qndo o mesmo for lancado!So nao consegui saber o 'tamanho' do jogo, no sentido de qual o limite de jogadores em uma partida! Tomara que seja uma galera! =DAbrass!!--------------------------------------BONUS


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
Bah, e o Fluster Cluck, viu o anúncio? Adorei o nome. Vi no Dual Shockers.



Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
On topic agora, esse Loadout parece aqueles jogos que a gente dá umas boas risadas.


Setembro 13, 2007
leoharth;n542022 disse:
Os reviews no PC indicam um jogo razoável: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/loadout/critic-reviewsComo não curto PvP, não testei. Mas a arte do jogo sempre me chamou a atenção.
Ta mto legal mesmo essa arte! Os 'dolls' estao mto bem feitos e animados!Cenario ja é bem ok dai, nada de novo/relevante!Eu tb nao sou fa de carteirinha desse tipo de jogo mano velho, dificilmente COMPRARIA um game focado em PvP.Mas de graça, já sao outros 500! =DE buenas, pelo o que eu to vendo nos reviews que estao disponives no metacritic, a galera nao reclama das microtransacoes, o que era o meu maior medo!As resenhas das 2 piores notas que o game recebeu na sua versao para o PC: (um 6 e um 5,5)
As a shooter, Loadout has a lot to recommend it. It’s fast, fluid, gratifying, varied, slick, and largely unsullied by its free-to-play business model. In other words, no, this isn’t Team Fortress. And, frankly, it doesn’t need to be.
Ultimately, great controls and some occasional laughs aren’t enough to stop Loadout from being an average game and one that doesn’t deserve your time. However, it does have one positive effect and that is, it makes you want to play UT2K4 again and that my friends, is never a bad thing.
E as 2 melhores: ( 2 notas 8)
Loadout is one of the titles that can overcome the widespread skepticism towards the Free to play games: funny, hilarious and with a deep customization system of equipment, it can be enjoyed without spending money.
Loadout is the type of game that you honestly can’t believe you’re getting for free. The amount of fun you’ll have, the amount of customisable options and features on offer, will leave you with an experience that most wouldn’t mind paying for at all.
Enfim, pelo menos me parece que esta no caminho certo para ele se tornar um jogo bem digno dentro da biblioteca atual do PS4!Essa nova politica de 'liberar geral' os F2P para o PS4 foi um dos maiores golaços que a sony fez nos ultimos tempos....E que venha agora o PlanetSide 2! =D


Março 25, 2010
Esses F2P são bem interessantes mesmo, estou pra começar a Warframe no PS4 depois de ter testado um tempo no PC.

Com certeza vou testar esse.


Abril 13, 2009
São Paulo
Já joguei o Loadout no Steam e é bem divertido. Realmente dá pra se virar bem e aproveitar o jogo sem gastar dinheiro.
Tem sim uma semelhança com Team Fortress 2 no estilo visual, mas a jogabilidade é bem diferente; terceira pessoa, não é baseado em classes e é bem movimentado.
Será uma boa adição à biblioteca do PS4...

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