Preview da EDGE de BloodBorne + Trailer lançamento


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Trailer de lançamento:


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Reações: SouzaRJ


Março 11, 2014
Ei! Qual melhor e mais barato lugar pra comprar um play4 no cartão de crédito? |:
Tô vendo que não vou ter como escapar desse jogo )))))))))):


Dezembro 8, 2010
Demons Souls foi o jogo que me fez voltar a jogar videogame novamente, tinha parado em 2011 e voltei final do ano passado pelo saudosismo do Demons Souls. O preço que paguei para jogar Demons Souls + R$ 300,00 comprava um ONE se quisesse, mas Demons Souls é o que queria, bom , falando agora sobre BloodBorne , espero que seja um grande jogo , pois ao comprar um PS4 ou ONE esteja entre os primeiros jogos que quero jogar. Quero jogar o Witcher 3, espero que BloodBorne entre na lista.

Se você tiver intenção de jogar Bloodborne, você vai ter que ir de PS4.
Por enquanto ele é exclusivo.
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Reações: HSR

BR Kr1p7on

Setembro 9, 2009
Pronto. Eu acabei não resistindo e comprei. Kkkkkkkkkkk
Espero não ser afobado. E com certeza vou morrer muito e tomar alguns sustos, porque sou meio cagão. Kkkkkkk
Bom vamos lá. Qualquer dúvida vou perguntar aqui. E espero que os especialistas em Demon/Dark possam me ajudar.
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Reações: HSR

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Pronto. Eu acabei não resistindo e comprei. Kkkkkkkkkkk
Espero não ser afobado. E com certeza vou morrer muito e tomar alguns sustos, porque sou meio cagão. Kkkkkkk
Bom vamos lá. Qualquer dúvida vou perguntar aqui. E espero que os especialistas em Demon/Dark possam me ajudar.
Esquenta não, cara. Sempre rola aquele tópico maroto de dicas, truques e relatos da série aqui no PXB.


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Previews de Impressa:

Eurogamer: Bloodborne's combat convinced me I don't need a sword and shield any more

Old habits are hard to break, especially when they're ones that kept you safe through trying times. When you walked through the Valley in the shadow of Drakes, when you descended into the toxic depths of Blighttown, and when you paced the gleaming ramparts of Anor Londo, the old sword and shield combo was a reliable fallback in Dark Souls. Block, slash, back off, wait. It was a mantra you repeated to yourself over and over, a song whose comforting words saw you through the darkest nights. Block, slash, back off, wait. Dark Souls' creator Hidetaka Miyazaki doesn't want you to get comfortable, which is why his latest title, PS4 exclusive Bloodborne, is taking that fallback away. And as suspected, learning to get by in a From Software game without relying on a sword and shield doesn't come easy - at least at first.

It's at this point that the difference in combat between Bloodborne and From Software's previous titles really becomes apparent. You move much faster, for starters, the dodge button enabling you to weave quickly, though sometimes clumsily, in and out and around several enemies at once. With a sword and shield combo in Souls, the instinct was to remain unmoved, allowing combatants to come to you while keeping your defences up and waiting patiently for the right time to attack. In Bloodborne, enemies come so thick and fast that this approach would be suicide, even before factoring in your lack of defensive equipment. Your foes are faster and smarter, too, and have a wide array of attacks. Some prod you with a pitchfork while their comrades call you an accursed beast and wave fire in your face to scare you off. Some drag their scythes along on the ground behind them as they patrol, filling the air with a horrible scraping sound as they screech across the cobblestones.

Gamespot: Taming the Beasts Lurking in Bloodborne's Chalice Dungeons

My usual reliance on brawn and bulk was the first Souls game inclination I had to unlearn. Flailing mutants and diseased rats needed to be vanquished, but there was no shield to hide behind. Instead, I wielded weapons in both hands, and could easily switch between two right-handed blades with the press of a button. In my left hand was a shotgun, which could do some damage from a moderate distance, but which (of course) provided more offensive power up close. I could also hold a torch aloft in place of my gun, which was a boon when the corridors darkened. (If you are worried that Bloodborne would make torches as pointless as they were in Dark Souls II's original release, you can rest your mind in that regard.) However, it was the blades, in tandem with my firearm, that saw the most onscreen action.

It was a tense and eerie gameplay session, with each new enemy crushing my soul as I gripped the controller. One creature--a looming skeletal arthropod--looked like an ancient fossil come to life, and several of them lobbed balls of fire towards me. It was a phenomenal sight and a challenging area, given that I had to deal with bell-ringers and other adversaries in addition to the fireball-spewing freaks. But once I learned to close the distance and flail away on the skittering things' tails, they weren't long for this world. And so it will go in the full game, I imagine: moving through the darkness and fog, and discovering new ways to destroy whatever gross brute stands in your path. We'll know soon enough--and I am already stocking up on anti-anxiety medicine in anticipation.

Kotaku UK: Where Dark Souls is About Death, Bloodborne is More About Killing

The rhythm and style of the combat is different, you see, even if it might look broadly similar. In Souls you’re usually on the defensive - you walk into a room with your shield up and can take a few hits before reacting. That just does not happen in Bloodborne. You don’t even have a shield. When something hits you, you have to hit back, and quickly, to regain health. My initial instinct was to dodge backwards and regroup after getting hit by some screaming madman with a cleaver, but after a while my mindset changed and I was lunging back aggressively with my own transforming cleaver after every blow I took. It’s exceptionally aggressive and exciting and on-edge. Every single encounter feels like life or death, and it usually is.

I’m not usually a fan of gore, or of horror, which made me nervous about Bloodborne - I’m still not convinced that I’ll be able to get through it mentally unscathed. This isn’t dark fantasy any more. It’s more gruesome than that. But it’s not gross-out - there’s no viscera gushing from wounds, no gore-porn, nothing that made my nose wrinkle in disgust. I’ve been scared and occasionally shocked by the things I’ve seen so far in Bloodborne, but not repulsed. This shouldn’t be surprising, really, as this is a Miyazaki game, and rarely has there been a game creator more devoted to aesthetic beauty - even if that beauty is also gruesome.

Gameplanet: Bloodborne hands-on

Combat is a touch faster than it is in the Souls games, but the basics are the same: lock on to the enemy of your choosing, avoid damage by jumping backwards or rolling to the side, and attack when you see an opening. Stamina management is all-important, and there are overhead smash and charge-up moves alongside the usual medium and heavy swings. Transforming your weapon does allow for extra range, and I imagine skilled players will thread transformations through long combos to keep enemies in reach.

The ways that Bloodborne is similar to any of the Souls titles appear to far outweigh the ways it differs. The setting has changed, but the mechanics and mystique of those towering predecessors loom large. It’s hard to image this being much of a problem. Yet the game feels less mysterious and more accessible, although my death count says otherwise.

Perhaps its the absence of odd, dreamlike atmosphere of the Souls games, which at times felt like the game equivalents of the most extreme funhouse mirrors, but make no mistake – there is foreboding for days here. We just never saw outside the city's walls and gazed in wonder at some bizarre clifftop construction or god-sized enemy.


Desde o Portal Xbox.
PXB Gold
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
Essas previews são muito animadoras, parece que tem realmente um jogão (digno de ser chamado de primo da série Sousl) vindo por ai.
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Reações: HSR


Abril 20, 2010
Esta aí.... Estou resistindo a lançamentos em preço cheio, e tenho compartilhado os poucos que pego com meu irmão, mas este aí ele não gosta, e vai ser difícil segurar :(

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