Primeiros reviews de Alien: Colonial Marines


Fevereiro 1, 2010
[quote1360716895=Ventrue BR]
[quote1360698092=Ventrue BR]
Na verdade, o melhor da Gearbox é o primeiro Brother in Arms, o melhor jogo da WW2 DE TODOS OS TEMPOS. !thumbsup

Só se for em história e drama, pois, mostra alguns trechos reais da Guerra, inclusive derrotas do exército... Hells Highway se não me engano, é uma das passagens de Band of Brothers..

Tecnicamente eles são relativamente fracos...

Então, os gráficos realmente eram fracos. Mas a ação tática, a necessidade de supressive fire, as ordens ao esquadrão, e a história fenomenal (que, realmente, eram reais), pra mim, colocam o jogo no primeiro lugar no pódium dos fps ww2 !lol
Brothers in Arms, mais um jogo que a gearbox zuou...(Me referindo ao furious Four)

Kim Queiroz

Fevereiro 24, 2012
Não sei porque ainda assim vocês querem comprar, esperando promoção ou não ...

Certeza que existem jogos melhores e divertidos na prateleira de vocês ou até a venda, comprar esse vai ser só mais um jogo não terminado na biblioteca e jogos e mais dinheiro dado de graça a empresa que fez um lixo jogável.

Mas o dinheiro não é meu, façam o que quiser.

Luck Costa

PXB Gold
Janeiro 17, 2008
Pode até ser que a Sega não tenha feito o jogo em si, mas ela é a principal responsável.
Pô, os caras já estão queimados há algum tempo, e ainda permitem o lançamento de mais um jogo meia boca com o seu nome?
Haja incompetência!


Fevereiro 18, 2008
[quote1360763349=Luck Costa]
Pode até ser que a Sega não tenha feito o jogo em si, mas ela é a principal responsável.

Não, trabalho de publisher normalmente é cuidar da manufatura e marketing do produto e obviamente prover dinheiro para a produção do mesmo. Obviamente que ela pode meter o dedo aqui acola mas se você acompanhou o desenvolvimento (Via videos) do jogo vai ver que a GearBox teve total controle sobre o projeto

Alias se a Sega cometou um erro como publisher foi permitir que a Gearbox enrolasse esse projeto por 6 anos. Artigo interessante para entender melhor relação Publisher/Developer

De qualquer maneira o único valor desse jogo possivelmente vai ser gerar videos e gifs engraçados


Kim Queiroz

Fevereiro 24, 2012
Até agora não entendo ... 6 anos pra um jogo que vai concorrer a pior do ano ?
Nem o trailer do The Last Guardian faz tanto tempo quanto a demora desse jogo ...

Nunca joguei Borderlands, mas tenho vontade de testar o co-op do 2 algum dia, mas no resto ... A Gearbox tá bem fraca nas suas franquias, colocam sua marca estampada no jogo e quando o navio afunda eles jogam a culpa numas empresas pequenas ?

É melhor eles focarem em fazer BL3 pra next-gen, pra ver se trazem alguma alegria aos gamers.


Novembro 14, 2006
O jogo ficou horrivel vi a primeira meia hora do Zangado e pra mim foi o suficiente muitos bugs, grafico horrivel, e não parece divertir nem de longe


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Sega falou sobre essa questão do outsourcing

[blockquote]A Sega producer has reportedly dismissed claims that Gearbox Software outsourced primary development of Aliens: Colonial Marines to Section 8 developer TimeGate Studios.

According to DSOG, Matthew J. Powers, a senior producer at Sega of America, has told press that the game was "absolutely not" outsourced, and that outside developers simple helped Gearbox with production

"Absolutely not, the game has been developed by Gearbox Software. Other studios [like Timegate] helped Gearbox on the production of single and multiplayer," Powers is quoted as saying.

If accurate, this debunks a claim made by an alleged former Gearbox developer in a May 2012 forum post, who says that Gearbox focused it efforts on the game's multiplayer mode while "primary development" was outsourced to TimeGate Studios.

Aliens: Colonial Marines reviews went live this morning and although they're largely negative, most reserve praise for the game's online offering.


Luck Costa

PXB Gold
Janeiro 17, 2008
[quote1360763349=Luck Costa]
Pode até ser que a Sega não tenha feito o jogo em si, mas ela é a principal responsável.

Não, trabalho de publisher normalmente é cuidar da manufatura e marketing do produto e obviamente prover dinheiro para a produção do mesmo. Obviamente que ela pode meter o dedo aqui acola mas se você acompanhou o desenvolvimento (Via videos) do jogo vai ver que a GearBox teve total controle sobre o projeto

Alias se a Sega cometou um erro como publisher foi permitir que a Gearbox enrolasse esse projeto por 6 anos. Artigo interessante para entender melhor relação Publisher/Developer

De qualquer maneira o único valor desse jogo possivelmente vai ser gerar videos e gifs engraçados


Schwarzz, até entendo o que vc está dizendo.
Mas eu é que não relaciono o nome da minha empresa a um produto de baixa qualidade. Nem a pau! Queima o filme total. Muita coisa foi mal feita no meio do caminho do desenvolvimento do jogo, e quem bota o dinheiro ali deveria ter notado isso.
Acho que a Sega continua errando em só lançar jogos ruins, e logo logo vai estar fora do mercado de games por completo.


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Funciona da seguinte maneira. Imagine que você fosse a Sega, você tem essa mega licensa Alien, puta sci fi adorado por uma geração. Você quer fazer um o jogo, você chega e contrata a GearBox, os caras tem certa experiencia, trabalharam com a Valve e etc. Você entrega um orçamento e uma data.

Mas ai da merda e você tem 6 anos de atraso e problemas, chega um ponto que tu liga o foda-se e só quer lançar pra tentar reaver um pouco do dinheiro que tu investiu esses anos todos. Se tu não lançar tu perdeu 6 anos de orçamento, se tu adiar ainda mais(era para o jogo ter saido ano passado) vai perder mais tubos de dinheiro.

É um beco sem saída pro publisher.


Abril 20, 2010
Se eu achar um usado barato, ou sair na PSN por 10 Euros, ou 15 dólares eu compro, só por ser Alien... Duke Nukem Forever está de graça por aí... Por um preço bem baixo, da pra jogar...

Alien é a inspiração de quase todo jogo shooter com alienígenas da história, desde DOOM 1... Só por nostalgia mesmo... Joguei até a bosta do Black Ops Declassified do Vita que ficou com média 4... Pra quem gosta de FPS, uma hora, você acaba jogando...

Luck Costa

PXB Gold
Janeiro 17, 2008
Funciona da seguinte maneira. Imagine que você fosse a Sega, você tem essa mega licensa Alien, puta sci fi adorado por uma geração. Você quer fazer um o jogo, você chega e contrata a GearBox, os caras tem certa experiencia, trabalharam com a Valve e etc. Você entrega um orçamento e uma data.

Mas ai da merda e você tem 6 anos de atraso e problemas, chega um ponto que tu liga o foda-se e só quer lançar pra tentar reaver um pouco do dinheiro que tu investiu esses anos todos. Se tu não lançar tu perdeu 6 anos de orçamento, se tu adiar ainda mais(era para o jogo ter saido ano passado) vai perder mais tubos de dinheiro.

É um beco sem saída pro publisher.

Entendo, entendo. Com certeza os caras querem reaver o que investiram. Existe pressão de acionista e o escambau.
Mas esse beco ao meu ver está ficando cada vez mais sem saída para a Sega. Eles não conseguem emplacar nenhum lançamento de qualidade faz tempo. E isso vai minando a confiança dos gamers, pois todos já passam a ver a Sega com desconfiança. Eu era hiper fã do Mega Drive, mas hoje não compro nada mais da Sega.
É uma merda mesmo. hehehe

Kim Queiroz

Fevereiro 24, 2012
Parece que, como em Borderlands 2, o pessoal da Gearbox se empenha pelo menos pra fazer easter eggs.
Só que dessa vez o easter egg é ridiculamente feio, o vídeo só serve pra mostrar como nem uma rosquinha gigante tem boas texturas nesse jogo:



Fevereiro 18, 2008
Sendo bem sincero, essa confusão sobre o jogo de fulano culpado ciclano é bem melhor do que o jogo :) Resuminho de tudo de interessante que apareceu nas últimas 24 sobre essa bagaça


A rundown of all the known (and not-so-known) events so far

Aliens: Colonial Marines has turned out to be more than just a bad game. It's a confusing story of allegations, outsourcing, and potential deception on a considerable level. The biggest mystery to come out of this debacle is the question of who actually made the game. Nobody's entirely sure.

It was rumored Gearbox outsourced development of at least the campaign to TimeGate Studios, a claim SEGA itself denied. However, with TimeGate, Demiurge, and Nerve Software all credited as having a hand in the project, this situation is as clear as a cracked window covered in black paint.

Then there's a Reddit post by an anonymous writer who claims to be an ex-Gearbox developer, and a followup post from a self-titled TimeGate employee. These two posts really throw a wrench in the works.

Here's a rundown of everything that's happened so far!

Anonymous Allegations from Gearbox developer

In 2012, an anonymous writer claiming to be a former Gearbox worker posted on message board to reveal the Colonial Marines campaign had been outsourced to TimeGate. According to the early allegation, dug up recently by Superannuation, Gearbox had refocused itself toward multiplayer a long time ago.

Hate to say it, but I wouldn't get your hopes up too high for Colonial Marines. I used to work at Gearbox, and the development of that game has been a total train wreck, going on what, 6 years now? Gearbox isn't even making the game, except for the multiplayer. Primary development was outsourced to TimeGate Studios, which has a less than stellar past.

I hope it proves me wrong, as I still have alot of friends still working at Gearbox, but I am expecting it to be average at best.

While the comment went unnoticed at the time, its resurfacing seemed to explain a lot.

SEGA denies Colonial Marines was outsourced

Dark Side of Gaming ran a story in which a SEGA rep was quoted as denying the outsourcing of Colonial Marines. According to Matthew J. Powers, the other studios involved in production merely "helped" Gearbox as it worked on both the solo and multiplayer portions.

Absolutely not, the game has been developed by Gearbox Software. Other studios [like Timegate] helped Gearbox on the production of single and multiplayer.

Of course, as the story developed, it became wholly likely that not even SEGA knows who did what.

Randy Pitchford tells IGN TimeGate made up to 25% of A:CM

A recently published IGN interview with Randy Pitchford, put out just before the controversy began, had the Gearbox CEO claim TimeGate helped with maybe a quarter of Colonial Marines. He said the studio was just as much a collaborator on the project if you took all of Gearbox's preproduction work out of the equation.

Houston-based TimeGate Studios, meanwhile, worked on “probably about 20 or 25 percent of the total time,” with Pitchford noting that “if you take preproduction out of it, their effort’s probably equivalent to ours. Now, it’s not fair to take preproduction out of it, but that says a lot about how much horsepower those guys put into it.”

The interview also broke down the contributions from other studios. According to Pitchford, Demiurge helped Gearbox with networking and multiplayer options, while Nerve designed the multiplayer maps. Pitchford presented all this as Gearbox wanting to give customers more for their money, packing in more content rather than selling it as DLC.

Colonial Marines has a DLC season pass costing $29.99.

Anonymous 'ex-Gearbox' dev spills the beans on Reddit

Things got really interesting once an alleged developer took to Reddit and revealed some shocking, if true, details about A:CM's development. It's a story that involves Gearbox dicking SEGA around, pushing off its campaign to TimeGate, favoring Borderlands 2 over Aliens, and rushing at the last minute to fix an utterly broken, serviceable game. It's juicy stuff.

First off, due to me breaking NDA, I can't provide any proof that I'm not just talking out of my ass. But I figure you'd be interested in hearing what I have to say regardless. I've been on the project for around a year and a half, so some of the following are things I've heard from more senior guys.

Pecan (the internal codename for ACM) has a pretty long history. SEGA, GBX and 20th Century FOX came to an agreement to produce an Aliens game around 6 years ago, after which SEGA almost immediately announced it, long before Pecan had even started production. The game has been in active development in the past, only to be shelved in favor of another project (Borderlands, Duke, etc), and each time it was resumed it would undergo a major content overhaul.

SEGA, naturally, wasn't super pleased about the delays, but GBX got away with it for a long time and the contract between SEGA and GBX kept getting augmented to push the projected release further and further back. The last time it was resumed, GBX outsourced a good portion of the game to outside companies. Initially, the plan was for TimeGate to take the majority of campaign, GBX would take MP, Demiurge and Nerve would handle DLC and various other focused tasks. This decision was made mostly so that most of the developers at GBX could continue working on Borderlands 2, while a small group of LDs, coders and designers dealt with Pecan.

Somehow the schedules for Pecan and Borderlands 2 managed to line up and GBX realized that there was no fucking way they could cert and ship two titles at the same time. Additionally, campaign (which was being developed by TimeGate) was extremely far behind, even as Pecan's Beta deadline got closer and closer. In April or May (can't remember which), Pecan was supposed to hit beta, but GBX instead came to an agreement with SEGA that they would push the release date back one more time, buying GBX around 9 mos extension.

About 5 of those 9 months went to shipping BL2. In that time, TimeGate managed to scrap together 85% of the campaign, but once Borderlands 2 shipped and GBX turned its attention to Pecan, it became pretty apparent that what had been made was in a pretty horrid state. Campaign didn't make much sense, the boss fights weren't implemented, PS3 was way over memory, etcetcetc. GBX was pretty unhappy with TG's work, and some of Campaign maps were just completely redesigned from scratch. There were some last minute feature requests, most notably female marines, and the general consensus among GBX devs was that there was no way this game was going to be good by ship. There just wasn't enough time.

Considering that SEGA was pretty close to taking legal action against GBX, asking for an extension wasn't an option, and so Pecan crash-landed through certification and shipping. Features that were planned were oversimplified, or shoved in (a good example of this are challenges, which are in an incredibly illogical order). Issues that didn't cause 100% blockers were generally ignored, with the exception of absolutely horrible problems. This isn't because GBX didn't care, mind you. At a certain point, they couldn't risk changing ANYTHING that might cause them to fail certification or break some other system. And so, the product you see is what you get.

Beyond gameplay, the story has been raised as an issue several times. I can't really comment without feeling bad beyond saying that the script was approved by 20th Century FOX, and that the rush to throw a playable product together came at the cost of the story. Campaign does a pretty bad job of explaining a lot of the questions raised at the start of the game, and so hopefully there will be DLC to flesh that out a bit better.

I'll answer some questions, but I have to run soon, so it may take a while for responses.

Alleged TimeGate developer throws Gearbox under the bus

The original Reddit poster would later be responded to by a different anonymous user, this one claiming to be in the employ of TimeGate. Defending his studio against implications of laziness, the poster said Colonial Marines' campaign turned out so badly thanks to terrible supervision from Gearbox.

Just to clarify, Everything Timegate did was under clear and explicit direction from Gearbox. Gearbox had creative control of everything that occurred at TG. In addition, Gearbox was responsible for firing some of the most talented people (and internationally recognized as such) TG had employed, all of which were snatched up immediately by competitors. It was Gearbox's shitty oversight of the project that led to the product you all now have before you. I wouldn't expect you to understand, considering you're probably some QA who has no idea what goes on outside of his department. But TG had absolutely no control of what was produced, they did exactly what they were asked to. You should be furious with Gearbox for assigning such shit quality creative directors to the project.

According to another anonymous poster, the game's ever-changing story didn't help TimeGate either.

The script was rewritten too many times.

Demiurge working on Wii U version, now rumored to be indefinitely delayed

The final chapter in the story so far places Demiurge as the studio behind the Wii U version of the game, with Kotaku alleging an indefinite delay on the upcoming release. Writer Jason Schierer made the claim, though notes it's not confirmed.

We heard from a tipster about a month ago that the Wii U version had been "postponed indefinitely." We reached out to Sega, and they denied it. I'll let you guys fill in the blanks there. :)

And that's us up to speed on the Aliens: Colonial Marines story so far. Personal feelings on the game aside, it's one hell of a story, and I think that, when/if the truth finally outs, it'll make for some fascinating reading. It's already quite engrossing with just what we have!


Mais recente a Time Gate falou que o jogo foi desenvolvido horizontalmente.

[blockquote]After the last couple days of dispute between anonymous Gearbox and TimeGate employees on Reddit, we have a quote that settles the capacity that the two companies worked under on Aliens: Colonial Marines.

"Whereas in a traditional co-dev situations, everyone gets a specific thing to work on; TimeGate and Gearbox do everything horizontally," Robert Siwiak, TimeGate’s VP of business operations said at a Houston IGDA event on August 22.

Horizontal development means each section was created through back-and-forth development with Gearbox. They were not outsourced to develop a particular part of the game, as several Gearbox employees claim.

I can also confirm, through my source, that the Reddit comments are coming from actual TimeGate employees.

This information comes from Houston reporter John-Henry Perera who interviewed Siwiak and tweeted the above quote.


Kim Queiroz

Fevereiro 24, 2012
O jogo é a vergonha do ano ... e olha que ainda estamos em fevereiro.
Lembro que quando eu vi uns vídeos eu achei super bonitos os gráficos, num cenário bem escuro com aliens aparecendo de onde menos se espera e coisas do tipo ...

Mas o próprio Joe disse que o jogo é totalmente Call of dutyzado, e que a melhor parte é o multiplayer.
Ele disse que a quantidade de batalhas com aliens, é a mesma quantidade de batalhas com soldados ...

Ainda não entendi a parada de "6 anos em produção" pra sair essa decepção.

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