[Reviews] - Ori and the Blind Forest


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Falta pouco pra esse jogo lindaço ser lançado, mas já começaram a aparecer os primeiros reviews.
Cliquem no nome do site para ler o review completo.

Bigger and tougher than it looks, Ori and the Blind Forest is a beautifully realized, brilliantly designed, and at times brutally difficult sylvan Metroidvania-style platformer with enough charm to leave a lasting impression. It's often frustrating and sometimes confusing, but its spectacular platforming, memorable world, and engrossing story wash those concerns away.

Ori and the Blind Forest is one of the best games of the year, and should be a no-brainer for anyone looking for an exciting new adventure to dive into. That said, it comes with a warning: Expect to be humbled by its difficulty. Death comes quickly. Over and over, you’re going to watch an adorable little creature perish because you had a moment of indecision or your skills failed you. Again, nothing about this experience feels unfair. Some of the long scripted sequences are enormously challenging – to the point that you’ll likely repeat every swear word that you know.

Superb: a hallmark of excellence. There may be flaws, but they are negligible and won't cause massive damage to what is a supreme title.

Financial Post
The long and the short of it is that Ori and the Blind Forest is just a pleasure to play – and the first Xbox exclusive in some time likely to leave at least a few PlayStation owners green with envy. Download this one with confidence.

Ori and the Blind Forest is a rare realization of fantastic design and production values in a space where I wasn't expecting to find it, displaying a spectacular level of confidence in what it is and what it does. And here's where we come back to wishing I hadn't reviewed it as quickly as I had to. It's a game that provides so much to explore and appreciate, and I would have liked to have taken just a little more time than I was able.

It's important, however, not to mistake Ori and the Blind Forest for being simply beautiful. It certainly is--but it is also unceasingly clever. It consistently surprises you with new tricks: gravitational divergences, new ways to move through its spaces, and carefully designed levels that require you to think quickly and respond. It is not as snappy as, say, a typical Mario platformer, seeking instead a broader gameplay arc stretching across a single, interconnected world. It's a superb and thematically consistent approach that allows Ori and the Blind Forest to build joy on a bed of heartache, adding a new layer of mechanical complexity with each ray of hope.

Ori and the Blind Forest isn't amazing. It's not bad, either. Again, it's just...pleasant. It's an endearing diversion of a video game that's very difficult to say anything negative about. Does that mean you should play it? Sure, by all means. Use it, like I did, as a palate cleanser between the other, bigger games that demand more of your time and energy. Or play it for a few hours of good solid fun in its own right. Just don't expect it to change your life along the way.

A terrific blend of story, gameplay, and graphics, Ori and the Blind Forest is an unforgettable debut for indie developer Moon Studios.

If you can steel yourself for a challenge and come to grips with an unwieldy checkpoint system, Ori and the Blind Forest will mesmerize you with its lush world and incredible artistry.

While there are areas that could be further developed and we’d certainly like to be able to collect the handful of doodads we’ve missed, make no mistake that Ori and the Blind Forest is a satisfying adventure. It doesn’t aim for style over substance, but evokes joy in movement, challenging you without being too punishing.

Metacritic: 88

Maioria bem positiva.
Parece que a Microsoft acertou a mão. :D
Última edição:


Setembro 22, 2014
Tudo nesse jogo dar a entender que estamos diante de um novo clássico dos games. Na torcida para que se confirme! Serei um dos primeiros a comprar e jogar.

Fábio Lins

Janeiro 3, 2014
Pergunta besta, porém não sei a resposta : Ele vai sair pra PC só quando chegar o Windows 10 ou sai já na Steam agora ?


Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
Pelo que li, é um jogo lindamente difícil.
Vários comentaram que passaram muita raiva pra passar de determinadas seções, mas se divertiram no processo.

Está sendo considerado uma obra de arte não apenas pela qualidade gráfica, mas pelo design/gameplay de fases também.


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Pelo que li, é um jogo lindamente difícil.
Vários comentaram que passaram muita raiva pra passar de determinadas seções, mas se divertiram no processo.
Está sendo considerado uma obra de arte não apenas pela qualidade gráfica, mas pelo design/gameplay de fases também.
Pois é, também li isso da dificuldade, mas parece que não chega a ser um jogo punitivo per se, pra aloprar o jogador.
É mais uma questão de timing mesmo, de jogar algumas vezes pra dominar a parada.
Com certeza vou comprar quando o Uno chegar.


Fevereiro 9, 2011
Eu não ia comprar esse jogo agora, mas depois de tantos reviews positivos eu e a minha carteira já estamos nos encarando...


Desde o Portal Xbox.
PXB Gold
Julho 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro
O pessoal da GameSpot levou 12 horas para terminar o jogo, e deixando vários coletáveis para trás.

Ou seja; além de belíssimo, desafiador, com uma trama comovente (segundo o @DarthMaulBR, que já está jogando), ele ainda tem uma longevidade na medida certa!

Estou louco para jogar, tem pessoas falando que ele é um plataforma 2D tão competente quanto Rayman Legends.

Pena que só pegarei o meu no dia 18 [emoji22].

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