[REVIEWS] The Last Guardian


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul

Depois de anos de espera, The Last Guardian vai ser realmente lançado.
Vi alguns comentários de pessoas por fóruns elogiando aspectos como a magnitude dos cenários, o envolvimento entre os personagens e a interação com o Trico, e também criticando a queda de frames em diversos momentos e locais onde o Trico não responde como deveria, trava, etc.

Mas enfim, felizmente parece ser um baita jogo. Cara que comentou isso disse que daria entre 8.5/9.
O embargo dos reviews tá quase acabando, às 13h de hoje, seguimos esperando.



Hardcore Gamer - 100
The Last Guardian is Team ICO’s magnum opus.

Attack of the Fanboy - 90
The Last Guardian is a marvelous achievement in a number of ways. Its story is subtle, but beautiful. Its world is fascinating and mysterious. And Trico will go down as one of the best characters ever made for a video game. Players are in for a wonderful treat, but that quality comes at a cost. The game struggles to run well at times, and the controls can be a chore. You will also need to be patient, as Trico truly acts as a living animal, not something you can just control like any other video game character. If you can get past these things though, you will find an experience like none other, and one that is truly worth the effort.

GameSpot - 90
The Last Guardian's peerless animation and character development bring a fascinating relationship between boy and beast to life.

NZGamer - 90
A heartfelt journey that’s much more than the sum of its parts.

Destructoid - 85
Like Team Ico's past work, talking about The Last Guardian too much inherently drifts into spoiler territory, but we have years to unpack this. For now, I'm confident in saying that although it isn't their best work, there really aren't too many directors out there like Fumito Ueda, and I hope for our sake, he continues making games.

USgamer - 80
Playing The Last Guardian reminds me a lot of playing Half-Life games: The actual moment-to-moment of working my way through the game involves an enormous amount of frustration and annoyance... but when I look back at it, all I see are the happy memories of the experience. That's due in large part to the incredible design of Trico, and also to the spectacular emotive ending. Make no mistake, though, you will want to tear your hair out throughout your journey with Trico... but patient players will find the payoff justifies the suffering.

The Sixth Axis - 80
All round, The Last Guardian feels meticulously pieced together and is easily one of the PlayStation 4’s stronger exclusive titles. It’s risky and unconventional, flouting modern design practices in a way that few other AAA game would dare to in 2016. Although far from perfect and a little worn from age, it’s a one of a kind experience and hopefully won’t be the last we see from Fumito Ueda and this enchanting world.

Game Informer - 80
The Last Guardian forges a connection between the player and Trico unlike anything else in gaming. You need to experience it, despite its problems in other areas

Polygon - 75
The Last Guardian bounces between highs and lows without ever fully living up to its legacy

IGN - 70
The divide between the highs and lows of The Last Guardian is staggering. For every wonderful moment of absolute beauty and emotional attachment to its lifelike companion, there’s an equal and opposite baffling moment that ruins the mood with frustrating controls and camera angles. But I found myself willing to put up with all of these hiccups if it meant experiencing any of its multitude of incredibly-beautiful moments.

The Jimquisition - 65
I wish I could say I love the game, that its plagued by only minor setbacks, but I cannot honestly do that. I can’t look back at how much time was spent not enjoying myself, at how much time was spent actively wrestling with the game to wring anything worthwhile from it, and say I played the masterpiece many are going to say it is.

GamingTrend - 60
The Last Guardian’s story is moving and beautifully told, but the poor execution of its dated mechanics hold it back from the greatness of its predecessors.

Slant Magazine - 60
Figuring out The Last Guardian's puzzles—like the one in which a broken wheelbarrow must be used as a makeshift catapult—isn't nearly as difficult as getting Trico to cooperate.

Sem nota
Does the successor to Ico and Shadow of the Colossus live up to its lineage? It does so much more.

Eschewing the spare storytelling of previous Team Ico games, The Last Guardian’s plot unfolds in a series of easily digestible cutscenes. It’s a dark fairy tale that probably isn’t quite what anyone expected, but ultimately serves to make the friendship at the core of the game even more remarkable. The Last Guardian is about two lost souls becoming one, and the strength and joy found in that conjunction.

Ars Technica
Buy it if you're ready to be an exceptionally patient pet owner. Watch some videos online otherwise.
Última edição:


Julho 26, 2015
esperando o pessoal dizer que o jogo é um lixo..
logo mais vão falar isso do LouS 2 tb.
Não esquece que Street Fighter V é ruim e não faz falta
Sonystinha só vive de Single Player casual
Sony vendendo Sonhos
The last of us é o unico jogo que a sony vai ter na geração
Halo>>>>>>>abismo>>>>Gears/Forza>>>>abismo>>>>>zelda>>>>>abismo>>>> qualquer coisa sonystinha
Offstation 4/PS Off Plus
Grafico PS2...
Entre tantos outros...
  • Curtir
Reações: Edu Barros e Blanka


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Eu apostei com amigo se esse jogo tirar menos de 80 Metacritic ele me compra um jogo da minha escolha, se ele tirar mais de 80 eu tenho que comprar Last Guardian pra ele.


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