[RUMOR] GTA V Poderá ser lançado em Out/12


Maio 26, 2008
São Paulo-SP
Segundo uma materia da Gamespot, a data vazou no CV de um empregado da Rockstar North...

Em tempo... Eu duvido muito que esse rumor seja verdade, mas vai que....

Segue a noticia completa e o link da mesma: http://e3.gamespot.com/story/6380089/gtav-out-in-october-says-artist-resume


E3 2012: A Rockstar North employee's resume leaks an October release date for Grand Theft Auto V.

The next instalment in Rockstar's blockbuster Grand Theft Auto franchise will land in October this year, according to the resume of its lead vehicle artist.

GTA V will ship this October, according to a Rockstar employee.
The document, which dates from last month, was brought to light by fan site GTANetwork and reported by Official Xbox Magazine in the UK. At the time of writing, the fan site which sprang the leak has been taken offline.

This leak follows a similar case in early April when a GTA V animator's resume also suggested the game was due in October 2012.

First unveiled in late 2011, Grand Theft Auto V has kept a low profile in recent months, but a new trailer is rumoured to arrive soon. The game will be set primarily in modern Los Santos, a fictional city modeled on Los Angeles. Rockstar has said that GTA V will have the largest scope of any entry in the series so far.


Outubro 12, 2011
Tinha visto esses dias atras isso, que tava no curriculo do modelador de veiculos.. Acho difícil, mas não descarto a possibilidade. Por enquanto o que eu quero mesmo é mais um trailer :D


Novembro 17, 2011
De um site ingles que ja estao vendendo o jogo:
Availability: Preorder now
Release Date: 23 November 2012

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