Sea of Solitude chega no início de 2019


Outubro 29, 2005
São Paulo

A Electronic Arts anunciou Sea of Solitude, um jogo independente desenvolvido pelo estúdio Jo-Mei.

O game foi anunciado como parte do programa EA Originals, através do qual a Electronic Arts financia e distribui jogos independentes de pequenos estúdios.

Sea of Solitude tem a solidão como seu principal tema. Jogadores controlam uma garota que está se transformando um monstro. Ela parte em uma jornada para voltar a ser humana, em um mundo em que praticamente todos os outros já são estão completamente transformados em horríveis e violentas criaturas.

O game tem lançamento previsto para o início de 2019 para Xbox One, PS4 e PC.


Dezembro 14, 2016
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina
Gostei da premissa do jogo, falou bastante comigo, pelo que a desenvolvedora falou vai ser inspirado no sentimento de solidão e vai despertar diversos sentimentos de quem sofre com isso.
Parece que vou ser o público alvo dessa vez...


Velho Sumido
Janeiro 30, 2014
Belo Horizonte
Legal, cara. Cada vez mais publishers financiando os indies: Microsoft, Square Enix e agora EA. Parabéns!
O jogo tem uma temática interessante. Ficará no meu radar.


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Saiu a data: 5 de julho.

-- Today, Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA) and visionary German studio Jo-Mei Games announced that the story-driven adventure game Sea of Solitude will be launching worldwide on July 5, 2019 via digital download on PlayStation®4, Xbox One and Origin™ for PC. Sea of Solitude is an emotional experience that takes players on a personal journey to overcome a young woman’s inner loneliness. Players must help Kay see below the surface and beyond, guiding her through a flooded city landscape in a deeply touching tale of darkness and light. As waters rise and fall to reflect her own state of mind, Kay will meet fantastical creatures and monsters, learn their stories and solve challenges to rid the world of tainted memories.

Sea of Solitudecenters on the essence of loneliness and tugs on the heartstrings of its players by mirroring their own reality. It’s by far the most artistic and personal project I’ve ever created, written during a very emotional time in my life,” said Cornelia Geppert, CEO of Jo-Mei Games. “Designing characters based on emotions was a deeply personal achievement for our team and we’re so excited for players to soon experience Kay’s powerful story of self-discovery and healing.”

Designed with a striking visual style, Sea of Solitude is an intimate adventure across a beautiful and evolving world where nothing is quite as it seems. Kay’s journey unfolds around dynamic environments as atmospheric in-game weather help visualize the characters’ emotions. Players unlock new areas to explore by overcoming emotional challenges and progressively revealing light and color into the dark and stormy world. Through unique encounters with a variety of beautiful and terrifying monsters, Kay will discover why her loneliness has turned her into a monster and what it will take to change back to a human.

Sea of Solitude is an innovative EA Originals game developed by the talented team at Jo-Mei Games in Berlin, Germany. EA Originals helps shine a light on some of the most passionate, independent and talented game studios across the globe. These games come from highly creative game makers who love to enchant and inspire players. Sea of Solitude’s empowering narrative makes it an unforgettable gaming experience and another exciting addition to the EA Originals program.


PXB Gold
Junho 17, 2013

R$79,90 (R$71,10 para quem tem EA ACCESS)

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