Sony anuncia compra da Insomniac Games


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Ah sim, sempre teve uma proximidade maior com a Sony, mas eu tenho uma teoria sobre isso que pode até ser meio polêmica hahaha.

Acho que a MS passou a ser uma empresa com "vontade" de competir pela indústria dos games só em meados dessa geração.

360 foi uma febre e tal, mas eu sempre vi a MS como uma empresa que "olha, tá aqui nossos jogos, estão aqui nossos games, comprem se quiserem, não precisamos disiso".
Eu acho que a Microsoft engajou o Xbox de vez só depois que o Phil Spencer assumiu, onde agora é nítido a luta deles pra conquistar o gamer.
Isso fez com que empresas procurassem mais a Sony para parcerias na geração passada e no início dessa.
É bem isso.

A few months later, Spencer took over as head of Xbox. Whatever jubilation he felt was short-lived; a few weeks into the job, he got a call from Satya Nadella, Microsoft's new CEO. "I don't actually know a whole lot about why we're in gaming," Nadella told him. It seemed like a good time to ask that question. Spencer was facing a lot of internal scrutiny from his own team. Many developers who had worked on the Xbox One felt let down by Microsoft's big vision; it was, as some told Spencer, not in line with "the soul" of what Xbox was.

"Satya was transparent that there could be a future where gaming isn't a business that Microsoft should be in," Spencer told me. "But it's better to have it above the table than below the table, right?" Spencer tried to work out what to say to Nadella. He looked at where Xbox had failed, and how the brand could be saved--if at all. When he finally called Nadella back, it was to say this: "If we're going to stay in the gaming space, then let's make sure we're all-in. The last thing I wanted to do was run the gaming organization here as kind of an afterthought of the company and kind of half-in, half-out. Let's go fix who we are."



PXB Gold
Dezembro 12, 2013
A suposta briga entre Remedy e Microsoft pode estar relacionada a uma - talvez - má administração que a MS talvez um dia teve com produtoras parceiras.
Não sei se chega a ser briga mas eu até entendo a cobrança da Microsoft, o jogo foi caro, atrasou, e apesar de eu ter gostado, o jogo fracassou tanto comercialmente quanto na crítica.


Janeiro 12, 2016
Ribeirão Preto
Não sei se chega a ser briga mas eu até entendo a cobrança da Microsoft, o jogo foi caro, atrasou, e apesar de eu ter gostado, o jogo fracassou tanto comercialmente quanto na crítica.
É, talvez "briga" seja muito.

Indisposição talvez seja a palavra.

Rolou algo assim entre Sony e Ready at Dawn no lançamento do The Order, mas aparentemente a Sony buscou fazer as pazes haha


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Perguntas e respostas com Shawn Layden.

How long has this deal been in the works?
Insomniac has been a partner of ours for over 20 years now and I’ve been working with Ted and the team since the days of Spyro the Dragon. Since then, they’ve gone on to do the Ratchet & Clank series, Resistance: Fall of Man and, most recently, Spider-Man, which by all angles looks to have been quite a successful endeavor. So, we’ve known for a long time. The most important thing about acquiring talent or studios is, do they fit into your culture? Do they match with the studio that you are and the one you wish to become? Insomniac is the perfect fit for Worldwide Studios. They bring quality and innovation, the two things that we lean into every time and all the time. I can’t say enough good things about Ted and his team. We’re just super delighted.

Why now? Did the success of Marvel’s Spider-Man weigh into this decision?
Sure. Spider-Man underscores how consequential Insomniac is to gaming in the overall. They are an impact maker. They are a style-setter. There are just a clutch of studios in that independent sphere who are at an accomplishment level of something like Insomniac. They are a very rare bird and we felt that this was the time to formalize the relationship.

What changes for Insomniac and your relationship now that they’re under the fold?
For Insomniac themselves, nothing much changes at all. They’re a fantastic studio, they deliver fantastic content. I don’t think anyone will go in there and tell them how to make a game. They certainly got game of their own. I think what Worldwide Studios provides to them is a closer relationship to the innovation — whether it’s in technology or game design that we’re doing here. We’ve got a number of teams with extraordinary talent in game creation. We’re in a place now where all of our teams are trading technology and techniques and innovation across studios to get better and stronger. I think there’s only additive natures to it. There’s nothing there that will change their culture or their ability to deliver the fabulous games they’ve been doing for 20 years.

What does this acquisition mean for a series like Sunset Overdrive, which was a Microsoft exclusive?
That was a great experience for Insomniac and they learned a lot through that, as well. As far as the IP itself, we really haven’t turned over the files on that one to see what that actually means, to be honest. We like what they’ve been doing in the Spider-Man franchise and things like Ratchet & Clank are certainly vital series in the present and future. That’s what we’re concentrating on.

Are you concentrating on existing IP or the creation of new IP with Insomniac?
All the studios at Worldwide Studios manage their franchise plans and manage their IP in a way they see best. Insomniac will be no different in that way. We’ll look at what they walk into the fold with. If they have ideas around new game concepts, which every team does, we will look forward with great anticipation to what the future brings.

What is Sony’s approach to acquiring studios?
We look at this from a Worldwide Studios perspective which has the encouragement and support of Sony Interactive Entertainment, my leadership, and Sony Corp. has been fully backing on this. Looking at something like Insomniac, an acquisition of a studio of that caliber and size was really a way for us to continue our strength in innovation and quality with a heavy leaning towards the power of narrative, the power of storytelling. These are things that, if you look across our catalogue, we do a lot in this genre. We want to tell stories. We want to create a place where game developers can bring their vision to life and tell stories that impact the emotions and interests of our gamers. Insomniac fits perfectly into the division that we created at Worldwide Studios here, leaning into first and best.



Heimdall dos Pampas
Abril 11, 2007
É, talvez "briga" seja muito.

Indisposição talvez seja a palavra.

Rolou algo assim entre Sony e Ready at Dawn no lançamento do The Order, mas aparentemente a Sony buscou fazer as pazes haha

Eu lembro de ter lido entrevistas nos últimos anos com o pessoal da Remedy, e eles mesmos não estavam satisfeitos com a forma que os projetos se desenvolviam. Houve uma reestruturação de processos para otimizar o desenvolvimento. Outra coisa que eles estavam desgostosos era o fato de gastar tanto tempo fazendo o jogo pro pessoal dar um gás e de um dia pro outro terminá-lo. Lembro que meu irmão estava no hype para Alan Wake, ganhou de presente da namorada dele na época. Começou na sexta e sábado tinha terminado. A namorada achou que o presente seria degustado por mais tempo. Ele também.
Control é o primeiro jogo que eles estão lançando que colhe os frutos desse processo todo de renovação do estúdio. Cross Fire é o próximo.


Janeiro 12, 2016
Ribeirão Preto
Eu lembro de ter lido entrevistas nos últimos anos com o pessoal da Remedy, e eles mesmos não estavam satisfeitos com a forma que os projetos se desenvolviam. Houve uma reestruturação de processos para otimizar o desenvolvimento. Outra coisa que eles estavam desgostosos era o fato de gastar tanto tempo fazendo o jogo pro pessoal dar um gás e de um dia pro outro terminá-lo. Lembro que meu irmão estava no hype para Alan Wake, ganhou de presente da namorada dele na época. Começou na sexta e sábado tinha terminado. A namorada achou que o presente seria degustado por mais tempo. Ele também.
Control é o primeiro jogo que eles estão lançando que colhe os frutos desse processo todo de renovação do estúdio. Cross Fire é o próximo.
O bom é que eles tiveram o tato de perceber que estavam indo pro caminho errado e fizeram o retorno.

Essa é a parte ruim e ingrata dessa indústria...
Você desprega anos em um projeto que pode ser "destruído" pela crítica e pelo público em alguns dias.
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Reações: Saci

Tensor Plissken

Janeiro 25, 2015
Acho que tirando Nintendo e From Software, pra mim, ninguém trabalhou tão bem quanto a Insomniac nessa geração.

Microsoft comprou várias promissoras, mas a melhor aquisição definitivamente foi essa.

Insomniac com recursos pode ser mais uma Naughty Dog pra eles.
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Reações: PerijonesBR


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
From the Artisans’ home world to Veldin, from an alternate-history St. Louis to Sunset City, we’ve created elaborate worlds for more than 25 years that our characters have called home.


Today we announced that Insomniac has a new home as we join the Worldwide Studios family at Sony Interactive Entertainment. It feels more like a homecoming though. We’ve collaborated with Sony for more than 20 years — spanning all four PlayStation consoles, 20 total games and six franchises. We still work closely today with many of the same Sony teammates as we did when we released the original Spyro the Dragon in 1998.

The decision to join forces with Sony extends far beyond familiarity. Our studio vision is to create experiences that have a positive and lasting impact on people’s lives. As we look ahead to our future, we know that joining the WWS family gives us the best opportunities to fully achieve that vision on a much larger scale. Further, we believe that Sony shares a similar vision to positively impact players’ lives, their employees’ lives and the games industry at large.
So today merely marks the beginning of a new chapter in our studio’s growth and evolution. We’re excited to put Insomniac in the best position to deliver fresh experiences for our fans for many years to come. Our structure and approach will remain intact across both Burbank and Durham, NC studios, and we will continue to cultivate our unique culture.

It’s been a crazy ride for sure. Now, we’re ready for the next phase of our journey, and can’t wait to explore new worlds with our Sony family and loyal fans.

Until next time!

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Reações: User 1422

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