Review Tekken 7


15 anos de Xbox e PXB
PXB Gold
Outubro 31, 2014
Campo Grande - MS

Cerre os punhos e se prepare para o combate definitivo da nova geração de consoles.
TEKKEN 7 traz de volta a atitude, a competitividade e a demonstração de habilidade enraizadas em seu DNA arcade para proporcionar a experiência de jogo de luta definitiva.

PC, Xbox One e PS4

Xbox Live R$ 250,00


The Games Machine 90
Tekken 7 is definitely a big guy. A new engine, new characters, new combat techniques and a lot of new game modes and options. It doesn't have the amount of content found in Injustice 2, but the way the familiar combat system makes you feel so powerful is still unmatched. 88 87

Brave, funky and satisfying work, Tekken 7 is the purest expression of what, on the rather lazy front, should be a fighting game.

Hobby Consolas 86
The franchise offer a more than correct update and this game becomes one of the most appealing offers in the genre, although some rivals seem to surpass it technically.

PlayStation LifeStyle 85
There are so many moves for each character, mastering even one complete move set will take nothing less than complete dedication. While it doesn’t feel as though Namco Bandai has done much to innovate in the genre from the surface, those who prefer Tekken’s brand of fighting than those of Capcom’s or NetherRealm’s will be in for a treat.

SpazioGames 85
Tekken 7 is a fighting game with a great gameplay, but with little content in the single player mode. The story, however, is pleasing and full of content, unlike what happened in the previous chapters. Tekken 7 is the most balanced and immediate Tekken ever.

LaPS4 80
Tekken 7 has continuist gameplay options, not as innovative as we would like, although fair enough to keep us entertained for several hours, with many unlockables that add layers to character customization. Bandai Namco offers the well-known gameplay mechanics of the franchise and offer new aspects like Rage moves, although it offers an unamusing story mode, and several new characters with lack of carisma and not so well designed. Franchise veterans will be the ones to fully enjoy it.

Trusted Reviews 80
For those hardcore players there’s plenty to enjoy from the deep, rewarding and varied roster of characters, fully featured and seemingly lag-free online modes, as well as the refinements to the core combat that make Tekken 7 the best since Tekken 3.

GamesRadar+ 80
Despite some narrative missteps, Tekken 7 is still a compelling, exhilarating experience. Find the right sparring partner and it will entertain you indefinitely.

Push Square 80
In terms of gameplay, Tekken 7 is masterful. Its overhauled rage system gives its already punchy combat a whole new dynamic, while helping to level the playing field for more casual players. Its story mode isn't quite the blockbuster that it thinks it is, but the insanely addictive treasure battle makes up for that on the single player front. Meanwhile, its online components can't be faulted – the newly introduced tournaments being a real highlight. Tekken 7 is a fantastic fighting game, and one of the best entries in the series.

Twinfinite 80
It gets so many things right, with its combat that feels like a substantial improvement over its predecessors and a solid roster that includes Akuma, one of my favorite fighting game characters of all time. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy my time with the game, and I certainly plan on returning back to my PS4 for more. However, I can just as honestly say that the single-player component often felt like a chore that got in the way of the series’ best story.

Destructoid 80
I was pleasantly surprised with Tekken 7: Fated Retribution, and will be keeping up with the meta and pro scene for the first time in years. While Harada and his crew could have easily given us a little more to do long term other than chase more treasure, it doesn't feel like grinding in the slightest given how fun it is to play.

Game Informer 80
The final product is a strong contender, offering a mostly smooth online experience, gorgeous visuals, and clever twists on a combat system that flips between methodical and frantic in a heartbeat. But in other ways, Tekken 7 feels like a missed opportunity and (ironically) a rush job.

Digitally Downloaded 80
For all the effort at making Tekken more accessible, Tekken 7 remains, ultimately, a fight club for the most serious of players only.

Eurogamer Italy 80
Tekken 7 is what the Tekken FGC was waiting for. Awesome gameplay, new mechanics, great characters and a good amount of contents. Something is still off, but the overall experience is fun, deep and entertaining.

EGM 75
Tekken 7, the latest entry in the long-running franchise, delivers what fighting genre fans love about multiplayer battles, but there isn’t enough new material to make it truly stand out from the increasingly competitive options in the fighting genre.



Fevereiro 18, 2008
Acabei escolhendo Injustice 2 como meu joguinho de luta agora, vai ficar pra depois.


15 anos de Xbox e PXB
PXB Gold
Outubro 31, 2014
Campo Grande - MS
Acabei escolhendo Injustice 2 como meu joguinho de luta agora, vai ficar pra depois.

Complicado isto, lançar dois jogos com datas próximas de luta.
Nesta acho que o tekken 7 vai dançar.
Bom, não sou nenhum fã de jogos de luta, apesar que comprei o MK XL e Naruto Storm 4, acho que numa promoção compro no Injustice 2, já o Tekken 7 vou passar batido.

Tô em dúvida entre Tekken 7 e Injustice 2. Vou esperar mais um pouco.

Deixa disso rapaz!!! Tira o escorpião do bolso e compra os dois, problema resolvido.
  • Curtir
Reações: Edu Barros


Agosto 7, 2011
Ficarei de olho para pegar.

Acabei de comprar Injustice 2, desde o Dreamcast não me animava assim com jogos de luta.


Agosto 15, 2007
Kingman, AZ
Tekken sempre foi uma franquia muito boa ! Com certeza pegarei o 7, mas quando conseguir por um preço mais "camarada". Sou fã da franquia, mas não pago R$ 250 em um jogo.
  • Curtir
Reações: MarcioVieira78


Janeiro 3, 2014
Santo André
Tekken sempre foi uma franquia muito boa ! Com certeza pegarei o 7, mas quando conseguir por um preço mais "camarada". Sou fã da franquia, mas não pago R$ 250 em um jogo.

Faço das suas palavras as minhas parceiro!!!!
Jogo esta franquia desde o primeiro e adoro o game, mas só quando estiver com pelo menos metade deste preço (125,00) é que pretendo comprá lo.
  • Curtir
Reações: Edu Barros e 2JLR


Janeiro 7, 2007
Gostaria de comprar Tekken e Injustice. Por esses preços os dois estão impraticáveis. Comprarei Injustice na primeira oportunidade e na sequência Tekken (em uma super promoção).

Edu Barros

Fevereiro 16, 2008
Ribeirão Preto
Preciso urgente comprar um arcade stick da 2nd Impact. Tava pretendendo comprar uma mesa nova pra sala, mas tenho que rever minhas prioridades. kkkk

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