Tópico Oficial Mad Max - Beyond the Ubisoft Template(reviews)


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Começaram a sair os reviews, publicações menores por enquanto.

This Gen Gaming: 6.5

Mad Max isn’t going to be a game I call a must buy on release date or even something you must play. It’s defiantly worth giving a try because it can be quite fun to play at times. I liked the customization features for both Max and the cars, and I thought the game managed to be familiar but have a unique take on different things like combat for example. Although my thoughts of the game started strong, they dropped more and more as I advanced through the game. I’d say for now to hold off on your purchase until it drops in price.

Readers Gambit: 7.5
Mad Max will feel extremely familiar if you are a fan of the action-adventure genre. The map is expansive and strewn with shipwrecks, camps, and caves to investigate in search of salvage to upgrade Max, the Magnum Opus, and to help recreate areas of the wasteland. Although Mad Max’s approach to traversing these plains is on a completely different level. Mad Max truly shines is in the combat. The free flow combat system is something many players will be familiar with through its inclusion in Rocksteady’s Batman games, but where Mad Max differs is in the execution. Max is an unhinged brawler and his fighting style reflects that. Unlike Batman Max’s moves are unrefined and a blend of whatever feels good and the fastest way to inflict as much damage as possible. This includes clotheslines, Spartan kicks, agonising slams in to the ground that all feel unbelievably satisfying as you see dazed enemies lie before you. There are even extremely brutal shiv finishers Max can utilise when he has a knife, although instead of retrieving it he leaves it in the body, which is rather frustrating in a game in which resources are extremely scarce.

Dipsy Dudes
: 8/10

It’s a conflicting place of despair, a personal playground of explosive action and compulsive, unending progression that I can’t wait to get back to, and one hell of a ride.

God is a Geek
A fun game with a few nice touches that is let down by lacking any real wow-factor. Nonetheless, worth your time if you're looking for a well designed and executed open world game.

Game Informer
Was it worth the effort? That ultimately depends on how much fun you had in performing these basic, repetitious open-world activities.

Mad Max's combat system is too dumbed down to enjoy, and repetitive activities such as searching for scrap and invading small enemy camps gets old fast. Mad Max offers some great experiences, but for a game that tries to impose the realities of survival on you, it does a poor job of following up on this pressure.

The film franchise has always transcended the summer blockbuster genre, providing worlds and characters and scenarios that have stuck in my mind. Mad Max the game is the opposite; it's got chase scenes and big explosions and bloody fights, but nothing to remember it for.

Hobby Consolas - 9

Mad Max is really conventional, a mix of driving and exploration with the combat system that everybody seems to clone these days (the Batman Arkham, as you must know). It even wastes some good opportunities to create a really unique game that truly makes a difference. None of these, by the way, makes Mad Max a bad game because the genre combination, the huge content available and the excellent level design are addictive enough to keep us playing for weeks.

Full review (Spanish)
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Reações: User 1422


Fevereiro 18, 2008
Até o presente momento

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Reações: Burga e DariusMKN


Agosto 26, 2014
Hate to say i told you so....
Avisei sobre Bomba Max, mas ainda parece um jogo bom se pagar mais barato.



Fevereiro 18, 2008
Hate to say i told you so....
Avisei sobre Bomba Max, mas ainda parece um jogo bom se pagar mais barato.


Eu tinha esperança.

O embargo de "verdade" aparentemente só cai a noite.

Ou seja reviews só no último segundo.


Junho 24, 2014
Porto Alegre
Pelo que vi nos vídeos, chuto média entre 7 e 8. O problema é que esse fim de ano não vai colaborar pro Mad Max. De agora, até dezembro tem pelo menos 1 jogo indispensável por mês, pelo menos pra mim: Metal Gear, Uncharted Collection, Halo, Fallout, Tomb Raider, Battlefront, Just Cause. E isso que já eliminei da lista jogos que em outra época seriam compras certas, como Forza 6. Tá complicado de achar tempo e dinheiro pro Mad Max.
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Reações: Ash84

User 1422

Março 19, 2009
Tem que esperar mais reviews, espero algo na faixa de 7.

Eu vou jogar até a minha mídia física do MGS V chegar. Se for no mínimo mediano, depois eu volto nele.


Novembro 8, 2010
Rio Grande do Sul
Não esperava um jogaço, mas achava que viria algo no nível de Shadow of Mordor.
Ficando um jogo de nível 7-8, já está de bom tamanho.

Falando nisso, o Major Nelson vai sortear 10 códigos do jogo + 1 console personalizado. Segue o link e o que ele falou.

Mad Max is set to release starting 01 September and we’ve teamed up with Warner Bros. to celebrate the launch with a custom Mad Max themed Xbox One console that one lucky gamer is going to win. We also have 10 digital game codes to give away.

In the Wasteland it’s every man for himself. Playing as reluctant warrior, Mad Max, you must embark on a treacherous journey to build the ultimate war vehicle, and leave the madness behind. Mad Max is an open-world action game set in the post-apocalyptic Wasteland.

How do you enter for a chance to win?
Simple. All you have to do is leave a comment below (do not post it on Twitter that will not count) to this post answering the following question:
What car would you start with to build the ultimate war vehicle?

What can you win?

  • Ten winners will win a digital code for Mad Max (Xbox One).
  • One Grand Prize winner will win a custom Mad Max Xbox One console + a digital code for Mad Max (Xbox One).
What are the rules?
Leave a comment to this post with your answer. Do not @ reply me on Twitter. That won’t count!
Deadline to enter is 4:00 pm PT / 7:00 pm ET on Friday, 04 September 2015. One entry per person. Contest is open to everyone but prize availability might not be available in all regions – check the availability of Mad Max in your Xbox LIVE region. Winners will be notified via the e-mail account associated with their Disqus account or Twitter (when applicable) on or about 07 September. We use the Disqus commenting system – read this if you have questions about Disqus.

Have fun and good luck!

Note: If you do not have an e-mail address or Twitter name associated with your Disqus login, you must include this information in your comment to be eligible. Any winner who does not respond to my notification within 72 hours will forfeit the prize. For faster notification, follow me on Twitter where I can DM you if you win. Only comments received at www.majornelson.com will be considered.

O prazo final pra enviar uma resposta é sexta-feira, 04 de setembro, até às 20h (horário de Brasília).

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